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25 - 40 Khz Tweeter


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Good morning.

Do not know if this is the right Forum or not, but as it has to do with speakers ...


Looking to purchase a few tweeters capable of producing the freqs above.

Sound quality not that important.


Also looking for an amplifier that can produce said freqs - and at that freq I do not believe I would need one very powerful. Altho' I would like it to be able to run 6 or so tweeters.


Internet search comes up pretty empty - only ones listed are for ultrasonic cleaners.


Any info appreciated. Thanks

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What you are looking for is a “super tweeter”…they can be cheap.




For an amp to help you run them you’ll need either an integrated amp or a separate preamp.  Can’t help you there as all I’m familiar with that is rated to those frequencies are quite expensive.




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17 hours ago, Airalee said:

What you are looking for is a “super tweeter”…they can be cheap.




For an amp to help you run them you’ll need either an integrated amp or a separate preamp.  Can’t help you there as all I’m familiar with that is rated to those frequencies are quite expensive.

Thanks for the link.

I wonder - judging by the SPL V Freq chart, if the sound falls off rapidly above 20 Khz ?

Was just going to use a signal generator for the output to the tweeter if I can find one that outputs this high.

Google search of the inventor of the tweeters in the link came back empty

Will keep trying

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5 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Thanks for the link.

I wonder - judging by the SPL V Freq chart, if the sound falls off rapidly above 20 Khz ?

Was just going to use a signal generator for the output to the tweeter if I can find one that outputs this high.

Google search of the inventor of the tweeters in the link came back empty

Will keep trying

You can enquire with the distributor; https://hifidiylive.aliexpress.com/store/3224006


though I'm not sure I would trust any frequency graph supplied. Chinese made products.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/18/2021 at 2:49 PM, canthai55 said:

Found these guys in Cali - sent them an email.


I live in Hope !!! 555

As expected - did not even get a reply, so ...


Am looking for a signal generator now. Freq range 25 Khz to 40 Khz

Or someone who can build one for me

Any ideas ? As tweeters are cheap I will just bite the bullet and experiment


Thanks All

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