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Latest Covid Poll: Thais want good vaccine, slam "dishonest" government, praise their own resilience


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7 hours ago, TheAppletons said:

  Well, to start, neither has been approved by the World Health Organization.  


  If that organization - which is a Chinese lapdog - doesn't approve their vaccines then it doesn't say much for the quality.


  Further, I'm not sure why anyone needs to provide "proof" to you of anything.  You presumably have google like everyone else.  


  But here, let me help you:


"“We will solve the issue that current vaccines don’t have very high protection rates,” Gao said in a presentation on Chinese COVID-19 vaccines and immunization strategies at a conference in the southwestern city of Chengdu. “It’s now under consideration whether we should use different vaccines from different technical lines for the immunization process.”




So, you see, even the Chinese think their own vaccines suck.

 Sinopharm and Sinovac are both approved by WHO.  https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/agency/who/

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On 8/31/2021 at 9:39 AM, Eric Loh said:

Good vaccines is oxymoron and a myth. All vaccines are good and protect you from serious illness and death. 

Some are better than others, though.

Sinovac in some studies showed 51% effective against symptomatic infections and 100% against death and serious cases.

Have to wonder about the 100% claim. I did read about 80+% rating in Turkey, but that was pre delta, etc.

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On 8/31/2021 at 9:59 AM, sbf said:

The 90% figure is somewhat heartening. It reflects what I hear talking to Thai friends, family and employees. Most voice concern about the direction of travel of many of the key metrics of governmental competence here.


They talk of an education system which is not fit for purpose and getting worse, something which is confirmed by Thailands fall in world educational standings over the last few decades. They see corruption getting worse, even though it was a key promise of the junta when they seized power that this issue would be addressed. Again this seems to be confirmed by international surveys. They talk about the increasing gap between rich and poor, again something well documented in international reports and not just for Thailand. 


However there is also a knowledge that the 10% whose interests this government largely represents and promotes will pull every trick in the book to stay in power. Disenfranchising opposition parties, rigging the political system in their favor, and on and on. Given that most people value a peaceable life and the great difficulty many have just making ends meet, in combination with the pretty compliant nature of many people here, for me it is hard to judge what will happen going forwards.  



Yes indeed , we recall when the army took control and nearly every evening there was a broadcast made by the new P.M. talking about Thai happiness , the countries aspirations and the love of the former king . Sorry to say but it seems it's all gone txxs up and Thailand is at a low level of national contentment and hopes for the future .  However it's not too late to change things around because the only way is up but can it be achieved by the current junta ? can a leopard change his spots ? Is corruption an endemic way of life in Thailand ?  Is the scale of happiness decided by possessions and greed ? As far as I know there are only 3 options . 1/  Democracy but that always leads to a red/yellow shirt battle 2/ Military rule as of today 3/ Communism , this is edging closer ( for most of Asia ) .

It could and should be so much better for the people of Thailand

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On 8/30/2021 at 2:34 AM, webfact said:

90.64% cited the dishonest failures of the Thai government in coping with the pandemic, playing politics  and being hopeless in solving corruption issues. 


Slightly less felt their views had not been listened to when it came to people in authority and a similar number pointed to inequalities in society.

Part and parcel of living in a feudal/plutocratic society where democracy is an unknown quantity.

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On 8/31/2021 at 8:27 AM, superal said:

So all of a sudden we are all vaccine experts . Sinovac is the preferred vaccine in Asia . Could it be that the cost is an influence ? probably as one dose of sinovac in Thailand is around $ 4-5 as opposed to Pfizer at near on $38 and sinovac can be stored in a normal fridge where as Pfizer has to be within an urn of liquid nitrogen  . Now knowing that money is number one in Thailand , could there be a link ?

If you Google the sinovac vaccine there are medical studies that give it credence and this may be the way to vaccinate many of the poorer nations especially taking into account the costs . I too was a sceptic of sinovac until I took the time to Google it .

where are you getting your data? here's the latest on efficacy and prices (showing the sinovac is a lame deal with price and efficacy compared to the rest):


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On 8/31/2021 at 8:27 AM, superal said:

So all of a sudden we are all vaccine experts . Sinovac is the preferred vaccine in Asia . Could it be that the cost is an influence ? probably as one dose of sinovac in Thailand is around $ 4-5 as opposed to Pfizer at near on $38 and sinovac can be stored in a normal fridge where as Pfizer has to be within an urn of liquid nitrogen  . Now knowing that money is number one in Thailand , could there be a link ?

If you Google the sinovac vaccine there are medical studies that give it credence and this may be the way to vaccinate many of the poorer nations especially taking into account the costs . I too was a sceptic of sinovac until I took the time to Google it .

where are you getting your data? here's the latest on efficacy and prices (showing the sinovac is a lame deal with price and efficacy compared to the rest):


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On 8/31/2021 at 8:27 AM, superal said:

So all of a sudden we are all vaccine experts . Sinovac is the preferred vaccine in Asia . Could it be that the cost is an influence ? probably as one dose of sinovac in Thailand is around $ 4-5 as opposed to Pfizer at near on $38 and sinovac can be stored in a normal fridge where as Pfizer has to be within an urn of liquid nitrogen  . Now knowing that money is number one in Thailand , could there be a link ?

If you Google the sinovac vaccine there are medical studies that give it credence and this may be the way to vaccinate many of the poorer nations especially taking into account the costs . I too was a sceptic of sinovac until I took the time to Google it .

where are you getting your data? here's the latest on efficacy and prices (showing the sinovac is a lame deal with price and efficacy compared to the rest):


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6 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

where are you getting your data? here's the latest on efficacy and prices (showing the sinovac is a lame deal with price and efficacy compared to the rest):


Sinovac does not have a regular price it is sold by the Chinese at the highest price they think they can get which varies country by country , sold in Thailand at $4-5 a dose , China $60  Singapore £19 etc

    https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1384867/sinovac-jabs-varying-prices-raise-alarm is my sourse , go and argue with them 

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16 hours ago, superal said:

If you Google the sinovac vaccine there are medical studies that give it credence and this may be the way to vaccinate many of the poorer nations especially taking into account the costs . I too was a sceptic of sinovac until I took the time to Google it 


Sinovac does not have a regular price it is sold by the Chinese at the highest price they think they can get which varies country by country , sold in Thailand at $4-5 a dose , China $60  Singapore £19 etc

    https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1384867/sinovac-jabs-varying-prices-raise-alarm is my sourse , go and argue with them 

Not here to make friends, I take it.

July report from the WHO gave Sinovac 51% efficacy. The source you gave has Sinovac and corruption in the first sentence. If China is accepting $5 from Thailand when others are paying £19 and $60, you can be sure China will be paid the difference later, could be some new toys for the military coming in the future. The majority  of the world is sceptical of the whole Chinese involvement from the origin of the virus to their vaccine.

I debate, I have no interest in arguing with anybody. Don't feel you have to reply if you take it personally or condescend.

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