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Clinic treats some diseases with cannabis


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14 hours ago, Chainsaw said:

Studies have shown? What studies? Please give a link to these so-called studies or your post is meaningless. Seems you may have overdosed on gullibility pills in your youth!

There is a link in my post, use it before flapping your lips perhaps, 

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3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

There is a link in my post, use it before flapping your lips perhaps, 

I stand corrected. I just took the time to study your precious link and as far as I can tell the only result they come up with is that excessive use of cannabis can cause temporary short term memory loss. I doubt you've actually read it yourself. There are so many of these 'studies' out there, most of them commissioned by the big pharmaceutical companies. They've been trying for years to find something wrong with cannabis as it's medicinal properties are a major threat to their profits.

You seem to get quite irate with anyone who disagrees with you. May I suggest that you fire up a nice big doobie. It will work wonders on your unnecessary aggression.

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The problem with posting up academic studies is that they are all theories trying to be proved, not facts. Its easy to refute your posts.  From the Chicago Tribune reporting on another clinical study.  


Patients with THC in their system are less likely to die from traumatic brain injury, not to mention less likely to die during hospitalization.

It is also now believed that cannabinoids can stimulate protein enzymes in the areas of the brain associated with memory, planning, judgement, personality, balance and attention.

Edited by marin
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26 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

You should stop second guessing me and relate to the topic...... how on earth do you know what I have, or have not done?

It's obvious by your reaction that you know nothing about the benefits of cannabis and choose to post obscure 'studies' that you found on Google. Then you proceed to cherry pick the bits that you think back up your misguided opinions. No-one is advocating forcing teens to consume the excessive amounts it mentions in the 'study'. You should stop getting irate with people who disagree with you.

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58 minutes ago, Chainsaw said:

It's obvious by your reaction that you know nothing about the benefits of cannabis and choose to post obscure 'studies' that you found on Google. Then you proceed to cherry pick the bits that you think back up your misguided opinions. No-one is advocating forcing teens to consume the excessive amounts it mentions in the 'study'. You should stop getting irate with people who disagree with you.

Now now, relax a little.... those mind enhancing substances are causing you to lose a grip. I believe paranoia is a symptom.... the link is at the bottom of the page to help you.. 

Benefits of cannabis... what are they? What does it actually cure... if anything?

Obscure study... well not so if easily found.

I did not cherry pick it, I supplied  a link to the whole thing, which you were unable to find.

Teens do not need to be 'forced' to do dumb things... they just do them, so I  don't know where this is coming from. I am not in the least irate, I just feel weak-minded folks, with a propensity to take anything they think might have some 'drug type' behaviour, need help. 

I see cannabis as having potential as a pain reliever and perhaps to alleviate some other symptoms.....  and even be less harmful than alternative prescribed medications... 

Druggies.... can't get sense out of them ......



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Oh dear, you're making yourself look more foolish with every post you make. I was going to do it for you but I think I'll let you do the Googling. I'll just point you in the right direction. You want to talk about 'studies'? Try these out...


CBD oil stops seizures

Health benefits of cannabis

Rick Simpson 'Run from the cure' (that one will surprise you)

Cannabis and dementia ( you should definitely check that one out judging by your posts)

Cannabis and ptsd

Cannabis and parkinsons disease


There are many more for you to check out, it will give you something to occupy your time constructively, instead of trolling on forums. Have fun, I'm done answering your foolish posts. Byee!

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