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Tourism minister pressing ahead with "Step by Step" reopening of Thailand


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2 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Out of their hands, very true.


Clamp down big time.... go on the green/amber list,  but no tourists will be interested .


Open up big time....go on the red list, no tourists period.


Rock and hard place.

What countries apart from the UK have Thailand on their red list ?

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They did a step by step evaluation for Phuket Sandbox.

Over 100 new positive Covid cases in 1 week then turn off the spigot of tourists coming in

Over xx new positive Covid cases in a Moo then lock the Moo down

. . .


Then they just threw those steps out the window and didn't care much.


As far as Phuket Hospitals up to 80% capacity, a large part of this is that 80% of new Covid cases in Phuket are asymptomatic yet put in hospitals.  Let them register, then home quarantine and you free up more beds in hospitals.

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22 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

All of which would be a burden on local health services if dropped at this time. 

Some rules yes , others are just a another reason , nothing to do with covid . COE needed with full plan of what and where you stay ... what has that got to do with covid , since you did spend 2 weeks in quarantine ( this i can understand ), including several tests . After this period , why should they care or need to know ? I was looking again today to see if it is possible for me to come in October and every time i bounce back on 1 or another rule . I am fully vaccinated with Pfizer , even willing to spend 2 weeks inside room . For "sandbox" i need to install a app , but since data with my native phonecard would be crazy expensive i would need a Thai phonecard , which i cannot buy in 1st second ( used to do on arrival hall , which is behind immigration) . In standard ASQ i do not need the app since im in the room for 2 weeks , but they need to know a complete travel plan for after the 2 weeks , fully booked or on invitation with all needed papers .

I want to come , i can agree on some rules , like the 2 week thing ,and the tests , including the insurance , but all the rest is just control and nothing to do with covid .

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COVID-19 is now an endemic disease meaning that there is no such thing as permanent immunity from it.  Yesterday on Youtube, There was a video featuring a healthy young doctor with no risk factors who contracted COVID, received two doses of Moderna and then got COVID again.  Recovering from the disease AND getting double vaccinated doesn't prevent you from getting COVID again, especially if it is a newer variant.  People who have recovered and/or have been doubly vaccinated can contract the disease again because antibody levels decrease over time.  Thailand has no choice but to doubly vaccinate everyone with an effective vaccine even if they have previously recovered from COVID.  Only then may it become an acceptable tourist destination again.  I think that all tourism will be down in the future.  The BIG question is what variants or new pandemics will appear in the future.  We may be wearing masks for the rest of our lives.

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I do not mind if Thailand is open to tourists from October onward, but I do hope that by December. 

or January, at least 50 percent of the adult population in Thailand will have had their second jab, and even some with a third booster.

  I have a few old friends that do not want to spend a frozen Winter in Canada.  So go with the step by step open method,  and

hopefully by January more people will only be mildly sick with COVID and the rest can get on with life.

   I would like to go to a tropical country to avoid the cold of Winter, but I am young enough that I will be waiting for at least

November 2022 before I get on a long flight to go anywhere.



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On 9/7/2021 at 8:14 AM, drenddy said:

It would only cost at least 14 days unpaid extra holiday + ASQ/hospital....Peanuts...Better than being stucked in rainy Europe.

Speaking of "rainy", whereabouts in Thailand are you.? 

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On 9/7/2021 at 4:22 AM, shdmn said:

Don't worry, the same people beaking off about "buh it's too early to open" will be the same ones beaking off about that.  They will never missing and opportunity to hypocritically whine about Thailand.

Beaking off - new one that, to me anyway. Sounds sort of Ruritanian. 

I look forward to some examples of this hypocritical whining, as and when they appear. 

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5 minutes ago, rott said:

Beaking off - new one that, to me anyway. Sounds sort of Ruritanian. 

I look forward to some examples of this hypocritical whining, as and when they appear. 

That's a pretty heavy lift.  It's just so hard to find whining in this thread and on this board.  Boy howdy you sure have me in a corner on that one.

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5 minutes ago, shdmn said:

That's a pretty heavy lift.  It's just so hard to find whining in this thread and on this board.  Boy howdy you sure have me in a corner on that one.

Well get busy then, prove yourself. 

And you did specify hypocritical whining, not the standard sort. 

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6 minutes ago, rott said:

Well get busy then, prove yourself. 

And you did specify hypocritical whining, not the standard sort. 

Sure, I will get right on compiling a list of things that are right in front of your face.  Just as soon as I complete the numerous requests for internet links that people can find themselves by spending 10 seconds doing a google search.  Would you like anything else sir?

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1 hour ago, drenddy said:

Stoke on Trent

Lot rainier here than there at the minute. 

And you can go for a pint without sneaking in hoping you haven't been spotted. 

But I get your drift. ????

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1 hour ago, shdmn said:

Sure, I will get right on compiling a list of things that are right in front of your face.  Just as soon as I complete the numerous requests for internet links that people can find themselves by spending 10 seconds doing a google search.  Would you like anything else sir?

You are the one who spoke of hypocritical whiners and when you are called on it the best you can produce is bluff and bluster. Possibly a look in the mirror could produce the first name for the list. 

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Step by step, I cancelled my 5 weeks trip around XMAS this year.


Until there is zero chance of being forced in a tropical jail for 2 weeks with 2 small children, we ain’t putting foot in Thailand.


I don’t mind all the useless paperwork, but until the my get rid of the testing requirements, I seriously doubt that any rational being (farang with money) would risk it.

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On 9/8/2021 at 8:25 AM, DogNo1 said:

COVID-19 is now an endemic disease meaning that there is no such thing as permanent immunity from it.  Yesterday on Youtube, There was a video featuring a healthy young doctor with no risk factors who contracted COVID, received two doses of Moderna and then got COVID again.  Recovering from the disease AND getting double vaccinated doesn't prevent you from getting COVID again, especially if it is a newer variant.  People who have recovered and/or have been doubly vaccinated can contract the disease again because antibody levels decrease over time.  Thailand has no choice but to doubly vaccinate everyone with an effective vaccine even if they have previously recovered from COVID.  Only then may it become an acceptable tourist destination again.  I think that all tourism will be down in the future.  The BIG question is what variants or new pandemics will appear in the future.  We may be wearing masks for the rest of our lives.

COVID is here to stay for few years. Get vaccinated, move on - eg Spanish flu. 

There a lot of people who are sitting on plies of cash (that they couldn’t spend due to pandemic) eager to travel. But they dont want to be poked in the nose and possible being forced in quarantines during their vacations. The first few countries to reopen will emerge winners. Sadly, It doesn’t seem that the Thai government understands this.

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