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Never having been to America, ....

'qwertz', and where did you learn spanish then? :o

Spanish? Oh, is that what it was? :D

Seriously, at school and little from a Mexican girl friend and little from living in Spain.

I try to keep up with it by watching the Spanish channels over here.

Don't get much chance to use it, the East Germans haven't even mastered English yet.

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most food and especially the silk are not Thai, they are in fact from Laos (copy, copy, copy ... )

If you want to get technical, you may find that silk came from china, however, if you ask the average person in farang land what they know about Thailand, food & silk will usually be the first things mentioned. :o



so, because the Thais suceeded in making the average farang believe that it's their product, while it's not, it's theirs nevertheless ?

if you see Thai culture as a box, at first it might seem full, but if you take out all they stoole from other cultures, it's very empty !

there's a significant difference between learning from other culture and addepting it in your own, or simply copying it without having a clue what the real and true value it's carrying !

Never having been to America, ....

'qwertz', and where did you learn spanish then? :o

Spanish? Oh, is that what it was? :D

Seriously, at school and little from a Mexican girl friend and little from living in Spain.

I try to keep up with it by watching the Spanish channels over here.

Don't get much chance to use it, the East Germans haven't even mastered English yet.

Yeah I guess the american neither....having a bloody latino looking, in America everybody talk in spanish to me..I hate it :D

It's a fact that those best equipped to ward off scammers and parasites have probably grown up in a hard environment and have already developed a brand of streetsmarts.

Never having been to America, I only know it from the many films etc. in television.

But I grew up in post war Manchester, England and from Pepe's descriptions, the Bronx sounds like Newton Heath, my jungle.

I knew nothing about LOS the first time I landed there but was able to tour there without being scammed too much.

Which was just as well on my pitiful budget.

Times change and LOS today has developed a massive tourist sub culture with its complement of bottom feeders.

Like any tourist venue in the world.

The theme of this thread is about how to get some streetsmarts and, just as important, to pass it on to those who don't yet have it.

We're not all born with natural caution so I think the sentiment of this thread, and indeed most of this forum, is dead right for those seeking information and help that's not easily found in Google or travel books.

It's been said that you only learn from your own mistakes but I for one learn most from the mistakes other people make.


Hey qwertz you need to work on your geography. "Da Bronx" is about 30 minutes east across the Hudson river from Newark, "Ay foget abot it" LOL.

My ex brother in law was raised near by your old home turf. Didn't sound like a picnic.

Oh yeh, he's a very street wise guy as well.

Pepe, what do I know from geography?

Most of my lessons from life centred on street fighting, kicking ass and avoiding getting mine kicked in return.

My parents left Ireland at the end of WW2 and I don't even remember the place.

Didn't stop me from being routinely picked on as a "mick" though.

I was the best sprinter and distance runner in the school, which might say something about my fighting technique.

The gang used to call me "hit and run".

In that environment, you soon learn who your friends are and who to count on.

And those childhood friends, the ones who didn't die young, are still my friends.

Guess I was already armoured up long before I ever heard of Thailand.


Please note; the glorious "Land 'O Thais" is no better or worse than any of the above referenced countries which seem to be scattered haphazardly around the globe. While I firmly believe most thais wouldn’t piss on foreigner who was on fire; they would bring chicken on a stick to cook over the smoldering ashes.

Streetsmarts is taking something for what it is, not how you would like it to be.

To quote a line from the US television show The X-Files;

"Trust no one"

That single line will save you more grief than you will ever know.

This is just silly. I have experienced so many kindnesses, great and small, from Thais- and not only those who stood to expect something back from me. Same from many foreigners here.

And all people have their limitations- I think it's silly to say "trust no one." Choose carefully whom to trust, and how much, and realise the limitations of the persons and of your relationships with them.



Please note; the glorious "Land 'O Thais" is no better or worse than any of the above referenced countries which seem to be scattered haphazardly around the globe. While I firmly believe most thais wouldn't piss on foreigner who was on fire; they would bring chicken on a stick to cook over the smoldering ashes.

Streetsmarts is taking something for what it is, not how you would like it to be.

To quote a line from the US television show The X-Files;

"Trust no one"

That single line will save you more grief than you will ever know.

This is just silly. I have experienced so many kindnesses, great and small, from Thais- and not only those who stood to expect something back from me. Same from many foreigners here.

And all people have their limitations- I think it's silly to say "trust no one." Choose carefully whom to trust, and how much, and realise the limitations of the persons and of your relationships with them.


Trust-no-one is a simplistic way to avoid taken responsibility of oneself. In Thailand there are good and bad people......like eveywhere in the world.

Why to screw up the good ones becuase of the bad ones?. Same applies to farang....the worse jerks I have ever seen in my life are in here, but I will not cross all farangs becuase of it.


I think it's instinctive in some people, others have to learn it, sadly all too often the hard way.

Nowhere you go will have only nice people, but there are always those who prey on nice people.

Just read the thread about the Thai funeral for an idea of how low some people can stoop.

It's a fact that those best equipped to ward off scammers and parasites have probably grown up in a hard environment and have already developed a brand of streetsmarts.

Never having been to America, I only know it from the many films etc. in television.

But I grew up in post war Manchester, England and from Pepe's descriptions, the Bronx sounds like Newton Heath, my jungle.

I knew nothing about LOS the first time I landed there but was able to tour there without being scammed too much.

Which was just as well on my pitiful budget.

Times change and LOS today has developed a massive tourist sub culture with its complement of bottom feeders.

Like any tourist venue in the world.

The theme of this thread is about how to get some streetsmarts and, just as important, to pass it on to those who don't yet have it.

We're not all born with natural caution so I think the sentiment of this thread, and indeed most of this forum, is dead right for those seeking information and help that's not easily found in Google or travel books.

It's been said that you only learn from your own mistakes but I for one learn most from the mistakes other people make.


Hey qwertz you need to work on your geography. "Da Bronx" is about 30 minutes east across the Hudson river from Newark, "Ay foget abot it" LOL.

My ex brother in law was raised near by your old home turf. Didn't sound like a picnic.

Oh yeh, he's a very street wise guy as well.

Pepe, what do I know from geography?

Most of my lessons from life centred on street fighting, kicking ass and avoiding getting mine kicked in return.

My parents left Ireland at the end of WW2 and I don't even remember the place.

Didn't stop me from being routinely picked on as a "mick" though.

I was the best sprinter and distance runner in the school, which might say something about my fighting technique.

The gang used to call me "hit and run".

In that environment, you soon learn who your friends are and who to count on.

And those childhood friends, the ones who didn't die young, are still my friends.

Guess I was already armoured up long before I ever heard of Thailand.


I hear ya bro'... :o


To add to and clarify my previous post.

I believe "Streetsmarts" can be learned to a large extent, without the necessity of getting your own fingers burnt. Providing you "Look, Listen and LEARN".

A belief in your own infallibility would be just as dangerous as having a high gullibility factor.

As to "not trusting anyone" well there are a couple of people in this world i would trust with "my life and my wife" but would put it more like "don't trust anyone until proven otherwise".

Just to add, that after reading the "Kidnapped Welshman thread" there are some people who should not be let out on their own!

Get a good Thai friend and most problems can be avoided. Not easy if you're new here.

If you get a Thai "friend" you will probably be overpriced for everything.

Better follow expat forum advices.

If you get a Thai "friend" you will probably be overpriced for everything.

Better follow expat forum advices.

haha...................You ain't been around Thailands Farang population much I see, I have met some of the worlds greatest liars and scoundrels in Thailand, none of whom was Thai.

What taxi rip off's at the airport? I have used normal taxi's with no problem but normaly if coming back from a long journey there are signs everywhere advertising the price of a limo and that's what I pay. Where are these rip offs'?

The rip off is the advertised price (2,500 for Pattaya if I well remind). Just out of airport you can get a taxi for as low as 1,000 , but even better the bus for about 120.

If you get a Thai "friend" you will probably be overpriced for everything.

Better follow expat forum advices.

haha...................You ain't been around Thailands Farang population much I see, I have met some of the worlds greatest liars and scoundrels in Thailand, none of whom was Thai.

Do you tend to frequent people like yourself ?

What taxi rip off's at the airport? I have used normal taxi's with no problem but normaly if coming back from a long journey there are signs everywhere advertising the price of a limo and that's what I pay. Where are these rip offs'?

The rip off is the advertised price (2,500 for Pattaya if I well remind). Just out of airport you can get a taxi for as low as 1,000 , but even better the bus for about 120.

Last time I caught a "Thai Airways Limousine service" from the old airport to Pattaya it cost 1500B for a benz or a curent model Camry...


If you are paying for it.....well.....really be prepared to pay for it.....

it is when you are not paying that must be prepared to pay a lot later....

Please! Taxi and Tuck tuck scams, gem scams and the " temple is closed today" scams...pale in comparison to the first time, second time, 3rd time ...ad infinitum a Thai beauty melts your heart, screws with your head and empties your bank account. Now that is a tough scam to beat....

just stick to short times and kick her out of room as soon as the deed is done.

Are Thai people unaware of the fact that some of us come here for vacation after some horrible event in our lives????

Thai people are too concerned about their own horrible lives to care about yours

Do Thai people not respect the generous person??

Absolutely not. They think of him/her as a fool to take advantage of.

The very nature of the selfishness that happened to me, gives me a low opinion of MOST, not all, Thai people.

you know they are ALL that way, why feel afraid and say just "most" ? This leaves open a door that should stay well shut.

I am the only woman here, I am also the only farang, and I paid for everyone the night before, because the "host" lost his wallet. Of course I should see this as a status symbol, that is what Thais will tell you. Excuse me but what status did they give me, other than ###### of the year????

It gave you the tington status and now everyone will feel authorised to abuse your wallet till the last satang.Move to a different place to get a fresh start and this time do not mix yourself with the locals.

Are Thai people unaware of the fact that some of us come here for vacation after some horrible event in our lives????

Thai people are too concerned about their own horrible lives to care about yours

:o Very funny but how true it is. I think that goes the same for Thai politics--most Thai's are too busy trying to survive to give a sh*t !


Because of the few people on this thread who decided to be rude, and make basically abusive comments about me and what I wrote, I have been thinking for the last few days to just quit this forum. I realize that maybe those people think it is fun to antagonize others, that they feel better about themselves to claim that they were never fooled, cheated, lied to, stolen from because they did the proper research, they don't wear "kick me" signs, they don't "play the victim", don't try to buy friends, and all the other ridiculous things that they have decided I did and therefore deserve whatever I got.

But those same people never answered my questions: such as, what Thai culture books talk about the commission system here? And the fact that Thai culture books can make things more confusing here because they tell you things like: Thai people expect the richest person to pay. Thai people expect the older person to pay. If you invite a Thai person for dinner, don't be surprised when they show up with 5 extra people. They also tell you that you cannot confront a Thai person with any complaints because they will freak out basically.

How many people on this forum give the advise to "get a Thai friend to help you" without any warnings?

I have also learned in life that people who lie, expect others to lie. People who cheat on their spouses, always think their spouse is cheating on them. People who scam others, sometimes expect they are being scammed. I don't do these things, therefore it was not in my mind all the time that people would do these things to me. I don't think like a criminal therefore find it hard to read the minds of criminals.

I don't think being a nice, honest person is a fault that I should work on correcting. Maybe some of you need to work on your empathy skills.

I just got back from a roadtrip.

This Country is full of shamless people.

They would ruin your day for a 1 baht profit.

Yep, Farangs are everywhere now Skipper, can't get away from them. :o

Because of the few people on this thread who decided to be rude, and make basically abusive comments about me and what I wrote, I have been thinking for the last few days to just quit this forum.

You are an anonymous poster, on an anonymous forum, the replies are from other anonymous posters who may or may not even know where Thailand is.

Why worry about it ?

The replies you see in the thread you started are not replied to you personally, cos the person who replies wouldn't know you if you bumped into them in the street.

Because of the few people on this thread who decided to be rude, and make basically abusive comments about me and what I wrote, I have been thinking for the last few days to just quit this forum. I realize that maybe those people think it is fun to antagonize others, that they feel better about themselves to claim that they were never fooled, cheated, lied to, stolen from because they did the proper research, they don't wear "kick me" signs, they don't "play the victim", don't try to buy friends, and all the other ridiculous things that they have decided I did and therefore deserve whatever I got.

But those same people never answered my questions: such as, what Thai culture books talk about the commission system here? And the fact that Thai culture books can make things more confusing here because they tell you things like: Thai people expect the richest person to pay. Thai people expect the older person to pay. If you invite a Thai person for dinner, don't be surprised when they show up with 5 extra people. They also tell you that you cannot confront a Thai person with any complaints because they will freak out basically.

How many people on this forum give the advise to "get a Thai friend to help you" without any warnings?

I have also learned in life that people who lie, expect others to lie. People who cheat on their spouses, always think their spouse is cheating on them. People who scam others, sometimes expect they are being scammed. I don't do these things, therefore it was not in my mind all the time that people would do these things to me. I don't think like a criminal therefore find it hard to read the minds of criminals.

I don't think being a nice, honest person is a fault that I should work on correcting. Maybe some of you need to work on your empathy skills.

It is not a fault, but a weakness (and often also a sort of vanity)

I just got back from a roadtrip.

This Country is full of shamless people.

They would ruin your day for a 1 baht profit.

Yep, Farangs are everywhere now Skipper, can't get away from them. :o

your avatars go from bad to worse. Is the last one your actual photo ?

This Country is full of shamless people.

They would ruin your day for a 1 baht profit.

Thailand is like many countries where people will treat you in acordance with how you behave, and in some respect how others of your kind behave incountry. I bought some fruit the other day in a weekly market (Issan) and misheard the vendor say the price (in Thai), I over paid 5 Baht and he instantly gave the excess coin back to me. There are scammers out there - but by no means full.


Being nice and honest etc. is not a personality defect as some on this board would maintain.

However, it will leave you open to exploitation in many situations and and needs to be masked.

I was aware of the "invitation to dinner" ploy long before I picked up the tab.

I have made it plain in such situations that I know the farang is expected to do this and that if there's a second invitation, someone else will be playing host if I'm to respond because I'm bringing no money.

Needless to say, I've never had a second invitation, which is how I learn who my friends are.

Such people are then fully aware that this is as far as my generosity goes without a show in return.

And that's how I know that we're talking of a minority of Thais and farangs here who have spoiled the reputation of a whole country.

Unfortunately, it's no consolation to people who've been been royally betrayed and I know how they feel.


Being nice and honest is a great thing but it doesnt mean that you have to fall for scams or be tricked out of your money. You can be nice and honest but be streetsmart, instaed of being nice, honest, gullible and foolish. And the fact is, no matter what people think, most Thai people are NOT scammers out to get you, but if you look in the wrong places or act in certain ways you will certainly find some, just as you would anywhere else in the world.

Guide to a fairly normal and happy existence in Thailand.

Nicely covered - clear and concise.

Can't think of much, if anything, that you have missed.

Random acts of kindness to Farang by Thai's do occur. The trick is knowing how to pick when it is happening.

My constant struggle is to sort the scamers from the legitimately friendly and I hate the bad PR that can be created when I get it wrong..... Usually its in regard to someone being legitimately friendly that I mistake for trying a scam.

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