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Have a OLD main panel that I'd like to upograde

Looks like only a ground bar at top

I'd like to install a new neutral bar and run some new wire for proper grounded plugs


Presently they have live main feed connected to left of 100 Amp breaker and neutral connected to the right

In a proper install with new neutral bar can I assume the proper connection would be main neutral lead to neutral bar and single live feed to main breaker


If I run a sub-panel can I take  " live"  from other side of main 100 Amp breaker and neutral from new neutral bar?

With live on one side of 100 amp breaker will the other side be "live" as well ?

main panel.JPG


The correct way to feed that panel is :-

  • Incoming live to the right hand bottom terminal of the main breaker.
  • Incoming neutral to the left hand bottom terminal of the main breaker.
  • The earth rod and circuit earths go to that bus bar at the top of the board.


All the circuit neutrals come from that copper bus-bar to the left of the main breaker

The circuit lives come from the bottom of the individual breakers.


You have no need for any extra bus bars.


From the wire colours you seem to be wired backwards, have you verified that the incoming neutral really does go to the right hand terminal? How?


To feed a sub-board you could run the neutral from the existing neutral bar on the left and a new breaker in one of the unused slots, what sort of power are you anticipating for the sub?


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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Thought so-its wired backwards

Live's on left neutral on right

Verified with multi-meter from each lead to ground


Never really looked at it till recently-job done by local electrician in my absence many years ago


Sub-panel only needs 30 amp -only real draw is on aircon and fridge

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With only a 30A sub it's no issue to feed it off a regular breaker in one of the empty spaces.


I would get the polarity swapped ASAP but get a local sparks (not the same one) in to do it for you, doing it live is a risk. It might actually be easier (and safer) to swap at the meter.


You then need to verify the polarity of your outlets and maybe move all the black wires to the relevant breaker and the greys to the neutral bar.


I'd also consider swapping that main breaker to an RCBO to provide you with some shock protection particularly if you have water heaters and outside outlets.


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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


No worries-have a main shutoff before the panel so I can shut off all power 


Not having any luck sourcing the 100 Amp RCBO in square D

Any idea who carries this?


And THANKS your knowledge is well appreciated

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I've a feeling 63A may be the biggest they do as a main switch, do you actually need 100A?


If so you'll need to protect individual "risky" circuits with their own (single-width) RCBO.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Guess thats the way I'll go then-install individual protected breakers

Protect the showers mainly

outside plugs are all sheltered in any case

Probably a good idea to protect the fish pond as well


Never had grounded circuits initially- done 30 years ago

Only grounded my electronics and  some appliances after the fact

Thats why I thought I'd run grounded circuits and proper 3 prong outlets,at least to critical items


We seem to get a lot of power spikes  up here in the north

Any suggestions on protection?


Schneider/Square-D do plug-in surge arrestors so if you have a spare position after you've added your sub-main that would be the quickest way to get some protection from lightning induced nasties.


I would still use good quality surge arrestors at the outlets supplying your technology, i've added some baby MOVs in all of our LED light fittings too, they're minimal cost, surge protection is one of those things you can't have too much of ???? 



"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Unfortunately the last slot in the panel will be taken by sub-panel,so ordered a few replacement protected nreakers


What surge protector do you recommend for protecting technology outlets?


Getting early start-don't know how long it'll take to do elect repairs today-so powers going off shortly

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Not bad-only took 3 hours to re-wire main panel-install new ground rod and cable and change polarity on sub-panel


Like always -hardest part was trying to get enough wire to do the changeover

Not a spare inch on wires and everything stapled to the wall



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