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It's So Fashionable To Bash Thaksin, Aint It?


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Oh, I am such a trend setter.

I hated thaksin before it became fashionable to do so, back in the mid to late 90's in his Phalang Dharma days. Before the rest of you band wagon jumpers.

I could see it then, that he was only out for one thing, to become PM. This in and of itself is not a bad thing (we all have ambition), but the way he was going about it, even back then, showed that he was in it for himself, and not the country.

As for the question as to whether I prefer the junta or Dear Leader, I tell you what, I reckon freedom of speech and expression now is greater than it was in the last years of Thaksins leader ship. To be able to say something and not get sued is a great benefit for many people.

I note, that critisism of the current government was never muzzled, nor do you see any sycophantic hangers on around them. They are there, trying to do a job and get out of there as quickly as possible as far as I'm concerned.

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It's funny reading these replies about Thaksin considering that we're currently living under a MILITARY JUNTA

happy to know that at least some have commen sense ... Thaksin is not the loser here ... Thailand as a whole has lost big time and will continue to do so for long time to come !

bring Thaksin back !

the only reason why they ousted him was because the previous corrupt gang was loosing their profits, now they are back f8cking up the country !

remember the King's speech ?

he mentioned the cutting of wood as the biggest problem in the country. Who's cutting that wood ? the people in power now, not Thaksin !

I respect the King !

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It's funny reading these replies about Thaksin considering that we're currently living under a MILITARY JUNTA

happy to know that at least some have commen sense ... Thaksin is not the loser here ... Thailand as a whole has lost big time and will continue to do so for long time to come !

bring Thaksin back !

the only reason why they ousted him was because the previous corrupt gang was loosing their profits, now they are back f8cking up the country !

remember the King's speech ?

he mentioned the cutting of wood as the biggest problem in the country. Who's cutting that wood ? the people in power now, not Thaksin !

I respect the King !



I think you're on to something...

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Plenty of people in Thailand still talk about him. Just mentioning someone like Thaksin and George Bush triggers disgust in many. They are two of a kind. If you like Thaksin you've gotta love Bush.

I hate them both, but I dislike a military junta more than the 2 of them together, anywhere in the world.

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Hitler was first elected to lead Germany. Sometimes things aren't so clear cut. A coup against him would have been most welcome. A coup would have been welcome against Marcos. Was Thaksin as bad as those guys? No way. So who is to say how bad a democratically elected leader has to be before a coup is a good thing? But surely, there is a point where it is justified on a higher moral ground than adherence to democratic principles. I am not saying that the people behind the recent coup were acting on lofty moral principles, however, it is debatable whether Thaksin was bad enough to justify the way he was booted out, but its a done deal now.

Edited by Jingthing
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If you like Thaksin you've gotta love Bush.

I'm not crazy about either of them, but at least they were elected to their office. :o

Hitler was first elected to lead Germany. Sometimes things aren't so clear cut. A coup against him would have been most welcome. A coup would have been welcome against Marcos. Was Thaksin as bad as those guys? No way. So who is to say how bad a democratically elected leader has to be before a coup is a good thing? But surely, there is a point where it is justified on a higher moral ground than adherence to democratic principles. I am not saying that the people behind the recent coup were acting on lofty moral principles, however, it is debatable whether Thaksin was bad enough to justify the way he was booted out, but its a done deal now.

Finally somebody makes sense. You took the words out of my mouth. But of course, bashing is always more of an option here on TV.

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In light of the recent happenings, I think the question should be "why on earth would anyone support Thaksin?"

Some possible answers:

1. Ignorance or "follow the herd" syndrome

2. Owe him a debt of some sort - vote buying as one small example,

3. Blinded love and emotional investment, a parting to face truth would cause too much pain :o

for farangs,

4. Do not wish to be ostracized from spouses family and village; acceding, justifying etc as it is just easier that way. understandable :D


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The thing most people don't get is that their wishes are just that ... wishes, dreams, unrealistic moral codes etc ...

Thaksin was corrupt, no doubt about it, but he did more good then the current (even more corrupt) gang !

it's not a choice between a corrupt Thaksin or a not-corrupt-PM

it's a choice between a good PM (despite the fact the he was extremely corrupt) or an even more corrupt gang that's totally screwing up the country ... those are you're choices !

I go for Thaksin !

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It's funny reading these replies about Thaksin considering that we're currently living under a MILITARY JUNTA

happy to know that at least some have commen sense ... Thaksin is not the loser here ... Thailand as a whole has lost big time and will continue to do so for long time to come !

bring Thaksin back !

the only reason why they ousted him was because the previous corrupt gang was loosing their profits, now they are back f8cking up the country !

remember the King's speech ?

he mentioned the cutting of wood as the biggest problem in the country. Who's cutting that wood ? the people in power now, not Thaksin !

I respect the King !



I think you're on something...

The quote above has been edited for clarity :o

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Oh, I am such a trend setter.

I hated thaksin before it became fashionable to do so, back in the mid to late 90's in his Phalang Dharma days. Before the rest of you band wagon jumpers.

I could see it then, that he was only out for one thing, to become PM. This in and of itself is not a bad thing (we all have ambition), but the way he was going about it, even back then, showed that he was in it for himself, and not the country.

As for the question as to whether I prefer the junta or Dear Leader, I tell you what, I reckon freedom of speech and expression now is greater than it was in the last years of Thaksins leader ship. To be able to say something and not get sued is a great benefit for many people.

I note, that critisism of the current government was never muzzled, nor do you see any sycophantic hangers on around them. They are there, trying to do a job and get out of there as quickly as possible as far as I'm concerned.

I did not like him since the mid nineties either, since a policeman explained me how through a monopoly on importing wireless radios he managed to sell radios here for the multiple they cost in the states.

I always hoped that he would never become Prime Minister, even though a family friend of the Shinawatras told me in '96 that he was going for it. I did not believe it at that time.

The problem is that i have underestimated the sheer incompetence of all other political parties, especially of the Democrats, who may have adhered to the IMF rules, but at the same time have completely ignored the utter misery large sectors of the country have slipped into.

Thaksin came into power thanks to the failures of all the other political parties in Thailand. Unfortunately though, thanks to the obvious refusal of taking an example of modernizing politics and working on policies Thaksin was given an almost free reign. This ignorance of the Democrats was best symbolized by Banjat's insane election campaign in 2005, where his only policy was begging the voters to vote for the Democrats so that Thailand can have a functioning opposition. What he failed to explain tough is what exactly the Democrats wanted to achieve.

This attitude also did not change much with Abhisit as a new leader, who also has always promised to deliver a policy, yet has failed to do so. My biggest disappointment was the Democrat's refusal to contest in the snap elections, which then ended in the incredible mess we have now.

The military in for short term, just to do a job? Well, they have done a good job for themselves - re-introducing the ISOC, and a the same time removing it from future parliamentary scrutiny, or having deputy governors being active military officers, and having tried to smuggle in some rather dubious acts reminiscent of Premocracy into the new constitution draft.

Yeah right, they can leave politics now, and allow elections, because any future parliament has not that much power left anymore, real power moved back to military and bureaucracy, as it was in the good old days of transition between nasty and less nasty dictatorships. Now this is called "Thai style" democracy, including a economic policy that can even not be criticized in public anymore without the thread of falling under one of the most feared laws in Thailand.

That, i guess, is "Thai style" freedom of speech.

No sycophantic hangers on? That would be the first group of Puyais in Thailand without sycophants. Impossible. Unthinkable. Unimaginable. :o

Edited by ColPyat
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I was pondering the news of the last couple of days regarding the Japanese politician who killed himself after being embroiled in a corruption scandal. Sadly this honorable political manoeuvre seems to limited only to the Japanese. :o

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Thaksin was corrupt, no doubt about it, but he did more good then the current (even more corrupt) gang !

nice one :D

I go for Thaksin !

:D stop it, please :D

Critical effects of a hangover :o

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I was pondering the news of the last couple of days regarding the Japanese politician who killed himself after being embroiled in a corruption scandal. Sadly this honorable political manoeuvre seems to limited only to the Japanese. :D

Thai's seem willing to learn & try new things, more so than in the west.

Why don't you start classes?? :o:D

"and now for the first volunteer..... Koon Somchai ....Step up to the plastic liner...." :D


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I got to meet him here at a party at the Thai Embassy in Los Angeles.

They served really cheap wine and the food wasn't good at all either?

Taksin is a politition so he is just a matter of fact ### #### by default.

I don't under stand all the discussions.

He ##### like the rest of them... :o

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