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It's So Fashionable To Bash Thaksin, Aint It?


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For so long after Taksin had gone, so many people on Thaivisa.com just LOVED to continue bashing him.

There are probably many reasons (some very valid) but I can't help but think that for some people, they continue bashing him for any of the following reasons:

1) One genuinely loves the Thai people and is truly hurt that the ripped off the country big time and still hasn't paid up.


2) One hates corruption anywhere in the world, and is glad that he was ousted.


3) It's a fashionable fad to bash him. (Well, the fad may be over... but some losers catch on late.)


4) It feels great to gloat at a loser. (Especially if one was also a loser in his home country)


5) *Feel free to add any more...

Edited by junkofdavid2
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there just seems to be something iffy about the man. :D

i'm not talking power minded,manipulative psycho,but.......................... :o

Its called being a meglamaniac or something along those lines....

I hear thats what everyody used to call Saddam.


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I like the comment made elsewhere on Thaivisa...

‘Those of you, who are so quick to judge Thaksin, fail to see that at least his corruption did not destroy the economy or steal away the flimsy underpinnings of democratic structure.'

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It's funny reading these replies about Thaksin considering that we're currently living under a MILITARY JUNTA

I have to agree with you. And let's continue to remember, folks, that in this country THE LAW and its Confucian interpretation and implementation is currently determined by those whose fingers control the triggers. MIGHT and ... to be more accurate in terms of the perceived reality here.. RIGHTFUL POWER, is self-ordained by the Old Establishment. I.e., if THEY say so, then SO BE IT.

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Bashing Thaksin never goes out of style!

I have to admit I never liked Thaksin or TRT from the start, always saw him as a dictatorial "cult of personality" type of dangerous leader in the mold of Marcos and Mussolini, who wasn't really "democratically" elected in a literal sense (the elections were corrupt). So I am tickled pink to see all that business over with.

Do I like a military dictatorship? Of course not and I hope it ends as soon as possible. Was Thaksin better than a military dictatorship? I really don't know. And I really hope those aren't the only two (very bad) choices the Thai people have ...

BTW, I totally oppose the current US government's hard line black and white, "democratically" elected is always better, no matter what the reality is on the ground. For example, the Iraqi people were better off in a secular unified Iraq under Hussein who wasn't democratically elected than they are now where they have a so called democratically elected government, but total chaos and total civil war, and anyone who can scrape a few dollars together wants to get out.

Edited by Jingthing
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"It's So Fashionable To Bash Thaksin, Aint It?"

so is this thread to do the, on this forum, not less fashionable sport of bash the Thais???

I always say even late lessons learnt are better than never learn at all.

After listening to the verdict about thai rak thai yesterday for a feww hours, it made even clearer, the bashing is more than correct.



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"It's So Fashionable To Bash Thaksin, Aint It?"

so is this thread to do the, on this forum, not less fashionable sport of bash the Thais???

I always say even late lessons learnt are better than never learn at all.

After listening to the verdict about thai rak thai yesterday for a feww hours, it made even clearer, the bashing is more than correct.




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It's funny reading these replies about Thaksin considering that we're currently living under a MILITARY JUNTA

WHAT exactly has changed, pray tell? could you vote under Thaksin? was beer -or in my case portwine and sherry - lower under Thaksin? did you not have to report every 90 days under Thaksin? was your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend sexier under Thaksin? was the climate less hot and humid under Thaksin? do you now pay more income tax as a MILITARY JUNTA is in power? were your civil rights in Thailand (HAHAHAHAHAHA!) better protected or more of them granted under Thaksin?

the list is endless...

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It's funny reading these replies about Thaksin considering that we're currently living under a MILITARY JUNTA

I have to agree with you. And let's continue to remember, folks, that in this country THE LAW and its Confucian interpretation and implementation is currently determined by those whose fingers control the triggers. MIGHT and ... to be more accurate in terms of the perceived reality here.. RIGHTFUL POWER, is self-ordained by the Old Establishment. I.e., if THEY say so, then SO BE IT.

I guess those reports yesterday of TRT being acquitted were a bit premature :o

I couldn't really follow your post ... while I applaud yesterday's decisions, I still eagerly await new elections!

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I'm afraid there's just something about Thaksin and his square head that makes you dislike him.

My favourite PM in the time I've been in Thailand was Chatchai Choonhavan - he may have presided over the infamous "Buffet Cabinet" but he was a great character and an extremely likeable fellow.

(I thought Thaksin got off to an excellent start but the problem was that once he'd won a lot of people over he got down to his real 'business'.)

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I couldn't really follow your post ... while I applaud yesterday's decisions, I still eagerly await new elections!

As we all are. Hopefully some stability & confidence retored.

But do you really think anything will actually change or will it be the same old 500B per vote in rural Thailand?


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soundman ... my crystal ball is broken ....

I personally have never seen vote-buying on the scale that Thaksin did LEGALLY .... hopefully that will end and sound fiscal policy in dealing with poverty will progress

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(I thought Thaksin got off to an excellent start but the problem was that once he'd won a lot of people over he got down to his real 'business'.)

Wasn't that what the preceeding 15 years of Taksin's & his chronies live's were all about?

Pick a horse, a strong & asstute horse, make it strong, nuture & support it, back it for the final play on popularist policy & then reap the dividend.... AKA the Finland doctrine....


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sorry gentlemen , your jumping the gun .....................

there's a referendum prior to any election .

You are correct. Another fiasco in the making. I for one, will be very surprised to see elections on the 18/12 or 22/12. Poor Surayod. Caught b/w a rock & ......


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sorry gentlemen , your jumping the gun .....................

there's a referendum prior to any election .

You are correct. Another fiasco in the making. I for one, will be very surprised to see elections on the 18/12 or 22/12. Poor Surayod. Caught b/w a rock & ......


the current draft needs to be sent back to where it came from ...............

unless any here wish to explain why ALL Thai's are not considered capable of electing their own PM and Senate ...............................

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What's wrong with bashing, thus having an opinion, a politician?

When I read some of your posts it seems that critical thinking is a sin!

Thaksin was a catatrophe for this country, not ever in the history of Thailand have people had more debt than now! Personal debt that is!

I'm glad he's out of the picture and hope that Thailand as a country will move.

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the current draft needs to be sent back to where it came from ...............

unless any here wish to explain why ALL Thai's are not considered capable of electing their own PM and Senate ...............................

That's the impression I get with the current CNS requirement for the provision of an un-elected govt. in the new constitution. Or has that been discarded????

Liscense to coup.......


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sorry gentlemen , your jumping the gun .....................

there's a referendum prior to any election .

You are correct. Another fiasco in the making. I for one, will be very surprised to see elections on the 18/12 or 22/12. Poor Surayod. Caught b/w a rock & ......


the current draft needs to be sent back to where it came from ...............

unless any here wish to explain why ALL Thai's are not considered capable of electing their own PM and Senate ...............................

The problem is that some of the thais have an ideea of what's really going on and the rest of them (the majority I'd say) don't.

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Thaksin was a catatrophe for this country, not ever in the history of Thailand have people had more debt than now! Personal debt that is!

I'm glad he's out of the picture and hope that Thailand as a country will move.

I'm afraid that will take some time.

Getting into debt is a whole lot easier than getting out of it.

I do agree though, its almost a crime on a humanitarian level to instill the belief in people, that have little understanding of financial mechanisms, that they can be better off by borrowing money, just to spend on consumer luxories such as mobile phone accounts.


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