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30 Day Entries

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There won't be any facts or stories until after the 10th of next month

Then we'll see

I'll be one of the first to test the "new" system - having long experience in dealing with Immigration procedures with entry to Thailand

It's going to be REALLY exciting next month

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I went to Aranyapathet Saturday with my Thai wife who is a Civil Servant (therefore understanding very well the ways of official "Thai-Speak")

She asked the Thai Immigration what is going to happen next month regarding visas for foreigners:

The answer was as following: We farangs are allowed three consecutive 30-days entries, whereafter we must go to make a "real" visa. (Tourist, Non, etc.)

Now comes the REAL QUESTION (which we didn't ask, sometimes it's not "polite" to ask too many questions of the officials, especially not a the border points)

After having three consecutive 30-days entries, and after having made a visa (i, e Tourist, Non) - will we then be able to make 3 MORE consecutive 30-day entries (and then a visa again)????

From the answers we got from the (female 3-star) Immigration officer, we think that that the above scenario will be possible ... there was no talk about requirement of returning back to our home countries, after a 6 month total stay.

... again, all is still guess work, rules can be changed from day to day in "Official Thailand".

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AHHH <deleted>!!!! I thought this had all gone away.

So any ideas on how this would effect me? Returned to Australia last month after 2 consequetive 30 day stamps and am now heading back tomorrow. Will I get 3 more or one more?

also if I cross border 3 times in a month does this mean I've blown it? or do I get 90 days?

further - if I get one at don Muang when arriving on thursday and do a quick trip to cambodia and get another one before the 10th will this count as two or will I be able to get 3 from the 10th july? ie - are they going to count pre 10th july as part of the three?.

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The admin here is nothing short of amazing - help was asked for by admin with css/php and I responded(something I was going to do for free). Not even the courtesy to respond to my pm.

Now youve got the hide to call me thick?

you lot are incredible!!

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Will I get 3 more or one more?
I think you will get 3 more!!! You have been out of the country for a while ... that matters
also if I cross border 3 times in a month does this mean I've blown it?

Yeah, you have blown it ...

You must make a new visa in one of the neighboring countries if you don't return to your home country

(this is a pre-July-10th-2004-reply) All is still guess work with the new rules going into force

you lot are incredible!!

Sorry about that .. for us who have lived here for a long time, we are sometimes being called loser, freaks, perverts, some people flame us, back-stab us, etc... so occationally we do freak out over (some, all) this crap we have to read (and answer to) everyday ... actual some of us ARE trying to be helpful for "nu-bee's ... we are not all pimps and piss-heads you know, some of us are actually fairly decent people

... believe it or not !!!

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i have a feeling nothing much gonna change, too much is at risk, never fix something that is not broken, or else you end up loosing it all,

a month of tourist is a month count, missing a month equal million of baht less.

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snapshot - "we are not all pimps and piss-heads you know, some of us are actually fairly decent people"

I realize that and no doubt I'll be in the same boat sometime in the future.

Thanks for your helpful reply

Re my comment "you lot are incredible!! ".sorry - it should have read "admin is incredible!!"

Chingy - that was my attitude also which is why I assumed all of this had probably gone away.

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