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So What Brought You To Thailand?


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but the answers to this thread will always be skewed. even anonomously people will not say they came for the sex. its just not proper.

Just imagine - remove Thai women from the picture and ask: how many westerners would come to Thailand to stay? Women in any capacity.

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but the answers to this thread will always be skewed. even anonomously people will not say they came for the sex. its just not proper.

Just imagine - remove Thai women from the picture and ask: how many westerners would come to Thailand to stay? Women in any capacity.

Aw dont,. ill only have to go to jenny star bar again ! :o
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So What Brought You To Thailand?, Work, love, travel, adventure, sex, drugs, perversion?

ALL of the above ! :D

Well, except for the work, love, sex, drugs and perversion parts. :o

My first trip was what I thought would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I had the time, I had the money, and I wanted to go somewhere warm and exotic (especially considering I was in the middle of a peace-keeping tour in Croatia, during the winter, at the time I had my holidays).

My first choice of destinations was actually Morroco (wanted to see Casablanca, having seen the movie). The ticket price seemed a little high at the time, so I question the agent about how much it would cost to fly to Thailand. At the time, it was only going to be 300 deutsche marks more ! I thought I should take advantage of that, being it might be the only chance I ever got to see anything as mysterious and fabled as Thailand (this in the days before the internet of course).

I guess you could say it was Fate that brought me to Thailand the first time. Had the ticket to Morroco been a little cheaper, or the ticket to Thailand more expensive, I may never have made it there. :D

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Came to study why Thai people have a chrome deficiency in their bodies. Apparently they can absorb chrome through their skin. Rubbing their body against chrome poles may alieviate the problem - but for many people it takes years.

My study is still in progress.



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The question was what brought you here, not what kept you here. Of course sex plays a part at some time in Thailand. I think a distinction can be made between coming as a sex tourist and being brought here by a job or a girlfriend from school or friends or adventure or simple fate. Not that one is necessarily better just that they are different and equally honest. However, the ones who have been to most open and revealing about how they got here appear to be the non-sex-tourists. The sex guys seem to be hiding behind one-liners and wise cracks and not really being open about their lives.

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I first came here in 1994 on a Tai Chi (Chi Kung) trip with my Aussie Tai Chi group. Ended up on the piss in Bangers then woke up in Songkhla and stayed while the others went home. Very "enlightening".. :o

Edited by Austhaied
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The question was what brought you here, not what kept you here. Of course sex plays a part at some time in Thailand. I think a distinction can be made between coming as a sex tourist and being brought here by a job or a girlfriend from school or friends or adventure or simple fate. Not that one is necessarily better just that they are different and equally honest. However, the ones who have been to most open and revealing about how they got here appear to be the non-sex-tourists. The sex guys seem to be hiding behind one-liners and wise cracks and not really being open about their lives.
Alright then ,hands up.i came after a messy divorce involving my best ( ex ) friend and my wife .a friend said i know what you need !, and in a way he was right ,. i came as a tourist strictly in a non involvement frame of mind, ill never marry again blah blah blah,. BUT after 5 years of mutual abuse with the girls id had enough,. and as coincidence a girl i knew as friend became of interest, and to cut a long story short i married her, we have a beautiful 4 year old daughter, my wife is my best freind and i feel blessed and better than i ever have in my life,. i guess i needed some time to go mad, did it ,,no regrets, my wife couldnt care less what i did before, is not jealous ( and has no reason to be ) . Im a father again and love it, sunday is her day and i look forward to the days out as much as her,. .I bought a t shirt once that said " my wife went off with my best friend , and boy do i miss him "., If i ever see him again i shall shake his hand and thank him,.
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but the answers to this thread will always be skewed. even anonomously people will not say they came for the sex. its just not proper.

That's why others try to make themselves feel better by saying everyone else did too. It may be improper but "everyone else is doing it" is always a popular excuse. :o

Correct.. I did not come here for sex. I come for work having no idea how Thailand was. Curiously I did not like asian woman too much at that time.

I stay in here becuase I fall in love with the beauty of thai woman, and becuase I feel much better in here as I can play the "I am all-powerful" gringo game, something that I never dream I would be able to...

I am latino, and I have never been a sex-frustarted man, as in my native country sex is much more strong than in here. Thai woman are very beautiful, but not sexuals. If you have been in Latino america, perhaps you can understand what I mean.

Sorry to say, but as 'cdnvic' said, not all are in the same basket. I did not come here for sex.

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I visit Thailand because in over 20 years I haven't yet found a better place to chill out and just have fun.

That the women there are okay is a bonus but I'd never fly there just to get laid, I can do that here with a Thai woman.

There are plenty in my locale, not my faves anyway..

Torito is hung up on Latinas and I can understand why.

If Chilenas are anything like Portenas, Mexicanas and Puertoricanas, they have much more personality and spirit.

So, if I take to a Thai woman it's because she has more Latin character than Thai.

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I had just done my first stint in the middle east in 2001 and I figured I would do a couple weeks vacation before I went back to the States. The old salty dogs (former Marines and Sailors ) I met whilst doing contracting work in Kuwait, told me about Thailand & PI like pirates recounting tales of sunken treasure. So I figured I would hit one for a couple weeks. I asked the travel agent which ticket was cheaper and they told me Thailand so I came here. 6 1/2 months later I went back to sell off my things and give my guns to my dad, came back to Thailand and never really left other than for work in the Middle East.

So yes originally it was all about deviant sex tourism, had my fill of all that, now it's about were I feel most happy (and with whom).

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I had just turned 21. I was sitting in a high rise block of council flats in a slum in the east end of Glasgow (Scotland) staring out into the pissing rain. I was in a 3 year relationship that was going down the toilet. Did I mention I had a job in telemarketing that paid 5 pounds an hour?

I was looking on the net at all these amazing countries that were out there and just thought F*** THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M OFF !

Didn't know exactly where to like but it was a toss-up between LOS and India and after some research I chose Thailand. I chose it for the reasons that it had a massive city - BKK (biggest I'd seen was Glasgow) and it was in easy traveling distance to many other countries.


I never believed in 1000 years that I would have visited a prostitute etc etc and on the plane with my mate (an ex-army squaddie) I told him I'm not going to be involved with any of that and if he wanted to then he's on his own. For me it was sunshine, temples, culture but mainly just SUN FUN & ADVENTURE.

In the end I ended up putting his army stories to shame and just went mad :D but I loved every second. If I was awake I was out partying & socializing.

We stayed for 3 months in total and after we returned home I had truly caught the bug (CAN WE ALL HEAR A COLLECTIVE YAWN !!) LOL

Since then I have returned many times and spent over 4 years in LOS. Have spent time to learn the language / culture but you would never catch me in Nana or the likes now I'm at the grande age of 27 :D


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Even though i dont live there, the reason for my first visit was to meet my gf who i meet on the net , got to know each other after a year a chatting i went there for my first visit.That was 5 years ago now . We are still together and i have never been in a bar there yet as i dont drink .And i try to get over there as often as i can .

Edited by deon
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Don't know about you but I have found this a very good read so far. The details show that each of us has a very unique and personal Thai story but that we share a lot in common despite our very diverse backgrounds. We are definitely not "most people" but I get the impression we are much more in touch with who we are and better off for having had the courage to step out of our "normal" lives and try something new. Often, even the "bad" stuff we do turns us into better, more enlightened people. I am starting to feel a little embarrassed that it took me longer than most to outgrow my "bad-boy" ways. Better late than never and if I can do it, I'm confident anyone can, given they live long enough.

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i once met a westerner in a bar on the burma border who told me after 10 minutes after meeting that he was on an (not so secretive) operation for the sas. :o
Uncle Albert was it ? :D

No, you know who, SAS -( Scandinavian Airline Systems) :D

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I came from Spain where my farang wife, son and I had lived for 3 years, I am retired and after the 3 years the family all agreed it could be fun to try something new, we came here and my wife immidately took a strong disliked to the place, she went home after a short while, I was very devastated to se her leave, I had not been fooling around, her decision had nothing to do with that, but she knew I would never return home so a split was unavoidable, I miss my Son like a mad man, but thankfully he comes out here on hollydays, and we talk every week on the phone.

After she left, I to found it hard to like the place, and it took me quite a while to warm up to Thailand, obviusly female companionship was not hard to come by, but not the kind you wanted, that to took quite a while, good friends are also hard to find, a lot of farang men seems strangely unattatched to it seems every thing, and others you really dont want to know, I live in Pattaya and you really have to take a good long look at people before you let them to close.

Now I have taken to life here and is very happy with living in Thailand, but it would be a lie if I said it had been easy.

Kind regards :o

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1965, a young Nibor romping around various jungles for a living, R & R (Rest and Recuperation) time, given a choice of Thailand or Singapore as detinations. I chose Singapore, whilst 3 friends choose Thailand. They returned having had what they described as a "fantastic time", I vowed I would go there one day.

Forgot all about it, fast forward to 1987. A friend of my nephew asked me if I would take him to Amsterdam to "sow some wild oats" (read "sample the nightlife"), I replied I would rather go somewhere warmer.

Instant recall! Booked flights to Bangkok for 10 days, whilst indulging in the "sex tourist thing" an aquaintance introduced us to Pattaya night life. several more Sex tourist holidays followed, 1989 had the opportunity for early retirement and took it.

Moved to Thailand, soon tired of the "in your face" tourist venues, moved 'upcountry" settled down, met my wife and the rest is 12 year old history. Certainly no regrets as yet, my life is now "here" for as long as I'm allowed.

As to the guys that discovered Thailand for me they all married English girls and as far as I know, never returned! The friend I brought over on the first holiday married a Thai and is also still living here!

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it took me quite a while to warm up to Thailand, obviusly female companionship was not hard to come by, but not the kind you wanted, that to took quite a while, good friends are also hard to find, a lot of farang men seems strangely unattatched to it seems every thing, and others you really dont want to know, I live in Pattaya and you really have to take a good long look at people before you let them to close.

Now I have taken to life here and is very happy with living in Thailand, but it would be a lie if I said it had been easy.

Kind regards :o

That reminds me of an old-timer back when I first got here. I thought he was daft at the time but he told me Bangkok was made for married men not single guys. The idea being that it is easy to find "sex" or a short-timer but very difficult to find a girlfriend that you didn't have to rent. It has gotten easier over the years as society has opened up considerably. Finding good ex-pat friends in the bars can be difficult, too. I found having a hobby or sport or group membership of some sort helped as a way to find people with similar interests. Guys that have been here forever like me can be rather aloof as the world we live in is so very different to the new guy who is doing all that new guy stuff. Good luck with your continuing Thai adventure.

Edited by villagefarang
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So What Brought You To Thailand? Work, love, travel, adventure, sex, drugs, perversion?

in my case it's nothing but perversion. i confess that i'm a pervert². being married to the same woman for nearly 28 (twenty-eight) years. i apologize! i beg of you... be lenient when you render your judgment.


p.s. and please do not hold it against me that i don't frequent bars. i've made quite some efforts, but every time before i could sit down and order a beer some ugly crow, with dangerously looking front teeth, asked me "wot name you? wer' you cum flom? i go wit you?" and then the coward in me overwhelmed the initial bravery.

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So What Brought You To Thailand? Work, love, travel, adventure, sex, drugs, perversion?

in my case it's nothing but perversion. i confess that i'm a pervert². being married to the same woman for nearly 28 (twenty-eight) years. i apologize! i beg of you... be lenient when you render your judgment.


p.s. and please do not hold it against me that i don't frequent bars. i've made quite some efforts, but every time before i could sit down and order a beer some ugly crow, with dangerously looking front teeth, asked me "wot name you? wer' you cum flom? i go wit you?" and then the coward in me overwhelmed the initial bravery.

Having given your case due consideration, I find you "not guilty" on the charge of perversion. However It is obvious you are guilty of being "squared" and thereby sentence you to a further 28 years of marriage.

In the much more serious matter of frequenting bars, if this occurred before marriage.

I find you guilty of "Cowardice in the face of dangerous teeth" and sentence you to 3 months "community servicing" in Patpong clutching a handfull of one thousand baht notes.

If however these actions occurred after marriage then the case is dimissed and you are commended for the award of the "Long service and good conduct medal".

the defendant may step down.

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My roommate at University went to Rangsit University in order to fulfill his international business program's study abroad requirement. He stayed for a year, came back and raved about it and then he went back for another summer.

That spring break his girlfriend from Thammasat came and stayed with us for 3 months during thai "summer vacation" and cooked for us and it was pretty fun.

I took a minor in International Business so I came a few years later to go to school at Rangsit. School was ridiculous , 1 three class per subject each week and we could travel basically whenever.

I got a paying internship teaching english to Chang Beer office workers and did that for a couple of months and was enjoying myself but needed to find an internship in Sport management so I came back to America.

I really miss the food, I lost a lot of weight there and gained it all back really fast. I also miss the school uniforms, my hairdresser, and all the other amazing women.

Im on financial aid so I had to choose a cheaper country and Thailand sounded more interesting than Costa Rica.

Good Choice, got to see much more of the thai culture than any tourist. That included massive political protests, an election, experienced the education and professional worlds, and learned to really enjoy Premier and Champions League soccer, ill be back soon im sure.

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