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Survey – 60% of Thai people believe country not ready to reopen to foreign arrivals


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On 10/17/2021 at 11:49 AM, henry213 said:

Why is it always "Thai people" Why not Thai's? i'm british and we say Brits, never add the people at the end as we already know what we are ????,   Always hate hearing Thai people, Thai people, Thai people.......Worst is when they say "We Thai people"............. irritating, Makes them sound stupid...............


Oh sorry the news....Well stay shut then i don't care.....................???? I'm looking forward to 6 month in Tbilisi Georgia from Nov, with 0 anything to get in there with NO!! restrictions and you get one year visa plus way cheaper than silly over priced Thailand. 

What irritates me even more is the Farang that always says. "This is my Thai Wife". "My Thai Wife says"....."My Thai wife this and that" and on and on............when they were married in England or US did they say This is my Brit wife, or American wife.  Not that I have ever heard.............???? ???? ????  only in Thailand.

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On 10/17/2021 at 4:54 PM, Neeranam said:

Do you mean barmaids, waitresses, or prostitutes? 

All of the above??  add Bar owners, the Banks that lend the money to them, the liquor distributor, food distributor etc etc etc.  as noted, the people polled probably don't work in the tourist industry ............so don't give a rats hind quarter.

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1 minute ago, TunnelRat69 said:

All of the above??  add Bar owners, the Banks that lend the money to them, the liquor distributor, food distributor etc etc etc.  as noted, the people polled probably don't work in the tourist industry ............so don't give a rats hind quarter.

Polls pols a broad section of the population, otherwise they are not a poll. 

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14 hours ago, smedly said:

all very sensible until you add in ................................. fully vaccinated person as opposed to fully vaccinated foreign tourist, the distinction being......................................work it out for yourself


so you missed my point entirely 

Really? Nowhere in the text I wrote, or the text I quoted (for which I am not responsible) is there the phrase "fully vaccinated person" So what on earth are you talking about? If you are referring to A1, then you have misread it. It clearly means that when 70% of the local population is vaccinated, then allowing foreigners in is safe. It makes no mention of whether those tourists would be vaccinated, but that is stated public policy.


Your point was that the question was stupid and therefore the answer would be equally stupid and meaningless. Are you going to address the fact that the questions are in fact well thought out? Or is whataboutism your only approach to discourse? 

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On 10/18/2021 at 8:49 AM, Bobydog said:

Hear hear, the powers that be only ask the same 1400/1799 people out of ???? Millions!!!! and claim 60% of this or that say.......????????????

Yet another person who has no clue about statistical analysis and is happy to tell everyone how clueless they are. 


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On 10/17/2021 at 9:10 PM, mjakob007 said:

The talk has always been - 20% of the GDP comes from tourism.

Surely, they are now realising another 30% was dependent on the ripple effect of the first 20%.


The ship is almost sinking, by the time wisdom dawned

Well stated.  to me it is similar to the way that casinos that replaced poker room space with slot machines. Sure slot machines in general can bring in more revenue, but poker players always have some money to play, they bring in related business, friends, etc. and those then go play table games or slot machines.  You make a place all slot machines and you lose other facets.  In Thailand, if you make it so hard for tourists or expats, you lose the income that girlfriends need, or families, married or not get, regular thai businesses that while maybe not focused on Tourism, sure do get tourist business.

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17 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

What irritates me even more is the Farang that always says. "This is my Thai Wife". "My Thai Wife says"....."My Thai wife this and that" and on and on............when they were married in England or US did they say This is my Brit wife, or American wife.  Not that I have ever heard.............???? ???? ????  only in Thailand.

The "Thai wife" will always be foreign to them, hence the unconscious reference.

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On 10/19/2021 at 3:42 PM, Bobydog said:

Opinions differ!

Mathematics doesn't care for dissenting opinions. The great thing about science and maths is that they are repeatable, and can be explained to those who accept the limitations of their own opinions. There are no alternative facts. When opinions counter known facts, those opinions can be dismissed out-of-hand and he who opines ignored.



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3 hours ago, DualSportBiker said:

Mathematics doesn't care for dissenting opinions. The great thing about science and maths is that they are repeatable, and can be explained to those who accept the limitations of their own opinions. There are no alternative facts. When opinions counter known facts, those opinions can be dismissed out-of-hand and he who opines ignored.



That would be a valid argument if you were a sitting member of the Military Junta.

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On 10/17/2021 at 6:49 PM, smedly said:

That whole statement doesn't make any sense - ask a stupid question and you will get ...........................

Curious if they pre-selected their audience wanting this result. Then again, instill fear in the general public for almost 2 years, saying that any incoming tourists are going to lead to a worse pandemic then the current situation, and what would anyone expect to get? 


The changes of break-though cases from fully vaccinated, and then pre-flight and upon landing PCR tests, is about like hitting the lottery in the amount of actual cases. The real effort needs to continue with the current vaccination campaign to get as many people vaccinated as possible. The myth that travel bans actually work, once a pandemic is already endemic in the host country, is just that... "a myth". No science behind it. Very old saying that it's too late to close the barn door, after all the horses have ran away.


Probably the one thing worse than a pandemic, is a pandemic along with a crushed and desperate population... nothing good comes of that. There have been some people and some companies "world-wide" that have profited to extremes, while others have totally collapsed. A lot of the current fear-mongering I thing comes from those that want their situation to continue as long as possible.

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