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Good Thai, Bad Thai


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first of all i would like to say a big hello to my old punting mates on the forum. :D and to all you newbies i would just like to say hello.

i aint been around much as i got better things to do at the moment and i can see you are all hanging out for an entertaining story as the forums a bit dull these days.

anyway this little cracker story is for all the newbies out there that think thais are totally heartless and commit ramdon violence on each other just for a few giggles. well it aint true and theres always a reason for there occational outbursts of violence.

im sitting at my favorite little outside bar on rambuttri street minding my own business having a few coldies when this pissed up bad arse thai starts harassing a few farang for smokes and drinks. he had been walking around the street pretending he had a rifle under a jacket and making threating gestures to the farang and the thais. id seen this cat on khao san road a few nights before and he was playing the bad thai gig there before a few thais scared him off. so i must say i was surprised to see him on the rambuttri last night being even more threating this time.

i could sense that any tick of the clock this guy was going to meet an untimely fate as he was really pushing his luck .

next thing i know he has picked a beer bottle up of the table and just stood there drinking it. ( taken from a farang). i had been watching the owner of the bar and was just waiting for him to pounce into action and sure enough the <deleted> hit the fan and it was all over in 30 seconds.

the owner just went straight up to him and smashed a large beer bottle into his head. :D i must say punters that it takes a bit to scare me but the sound of that bottle on that dudes head made my heart skip a few beats and i had to have another small beer lao to calm down a bit. :o

before the owner had knecked the bad thai with the bottle the bad thai had threatened him so it was certain blood would be spilt and it was not going to be the bar owners as this guy dont drink or smoke, is well built and a very nice fellow when not confronted with a recalcitrant thai or farang.

anyway the bad thai run away holding his head and the thai girls cleaned up the broken glass and other bodily parts. :D

now i am a peace loving dude, but theres just some times when a bit of violence is needed to be dished out to push home the point that being a bad dude dont pay. :bah:

moral of the story is, dont play games with thais and on that note, thank you very much punters .

i will be wearing a bullet prove vest tonight just incase the bad thai is out of his coma and returns with a shot gun. :bah:

cheers :D

terence of rambuttri.

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There might be another moral.

Had the Thai bar owner not taken action, or perhaps not been aware of what was going on, the Farang would have two choices. Put up with the sh1t the Thai guy was giving him or risk the consequences of doing something abut it himself.

Thai bar owner Tw@ts a Thai over the head with a bottle is a non story, nobody gives a toss, not the police, not the gang of motorcyle taxi guys sitting on the corner.

Farang Tw@ts Thai guy over the head, and it does not matter how deserving of the broken skull the Thai guy was, the Farang has just stepped into new levels of <deleted>.

Oh and Terry, welcome back, though to be honest I didn't realize you where missing.

Edited by GuestHouse
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There might be another moral.

Had the Thai bar owner not taken action, or perhaps not been aware of what was going on, the Farang would have two choices. Put up with the sh1t the Thai guy was giving him or risk the consequences of doing something abut it himself.

Thai bar owner Tw@ts a Thai over the head with a bottle is a non story, nobody gives a toss, not the police, not the gang of motorcyle taxi guys sitting on the corner.

Farang Tw@ts Thai guy over the head, and it does not matter how deserving of the broken skull the Thai guy was, the Farang has just stepped into new levels of <deleted>.

Oh and Terry, welcome back, though to be honest I didn't realize you where missing.

So true,

The drivers we hire always seem to have a touch of maniac in them just for that reason. Driver/body gaurd. They are never huge, by I know they are stronger than I am, and they are loyal, and willing to protect if needed.

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Well, Reverend Terrence, you just bring the drama to wherever you are, don't you? :o How are the Katoey 10 doing? And the disciple DJT? Where has he disappeared to? Here's hoping the altar towers of wine & the communion pizza weren't ruined by blood or flying glass... :D See you soon in HH

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It could be possible that the idiot who took the beer has mental disease. In that case, a hit from a beer bottle may do no good. Let's hope the experience changed him in some positive way rather than just drew blood.

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It could be possible that the idiot who took the beer has mental disease. In that case, a hit from a beer bottle may do no good. Let's hope the experience changed him in some positive way rather than just drew blood.

na mate,

just a real pissed up dude looking for trouble and he got exactly what he deserved.

got to tell you that the bar owner was real crack a jack shot and god loves him. :D

thank you very much. :D

hello guesthouse me old scrote and its good to see your opinions are still way off the mark. :o


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My friend, there are good and bad people in all countries. Best thing you can do hear is give them a WIDE WIDE, Berth, because if you get into a hassle with a local you lose, yeah you might win the battle(ie break the dude jaw) but I will lay 10 to 1 odds that you will windup paying a big old hospital bill, plus damages.(broken chairs,doors windows etc) :o:D

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ive seen alot of thais step in & calm fights, situations, down over here,(& not the bar owners worried about loss of customers),which has always impressed me.in the uk they seem to let people get on with it. :o

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Thai bash Thai, got bottled,, posts include "wish id been there" "got what he deserved" ect, what sad people you are, if you got something against thais and there country, get it off your chest or go home.

Any mods following this site, could we have your views about closing this thread please, Thankyou.

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now i am a peace loving dude, but theres just some times when a bit of violence is needed to be dished out to push home the point that being a bad dude dont pay.
Not if you live in a civilized society their isn't. That's why there are laws and punishments for breaking them (in a civilized society).

Vigilantism in itself is against the law and rightly so.

commit ramdon violence on each other just for a few giggles. well it aint true and theres always a reason for there occational outbursts of violence
I've seen a few Thais commit random violence for no apparent reason so that isn't true.

You should perhaps talk to some Thais involved with or innocent Thais affected by student gang violence before you spout such nonsense.

Good points...

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I occasionally run into these sorts of people where I live, although they are usually not threatening, so I don't know exactly what I'd do. With the others, who are basically trying to mooch or are overly friendly, I usually invite them to sit down, buy them a beer, give them a smoke and then continue my conversation (in English) with whomever I am with. They generally sit for a few minutes, bobbing around, and get up and walk away, never to disturb me again.

I view them a little like soi dogs--treat them OK and you won't have a problem.

Again I stress that the ones I encounter are generally not threatening people and appear pretty harmless.

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now i am a peace loving dude, but theres just some times when a bit of violence is needed to be dished out to push home the point that being a bad dude dont pay.
Not if you live in a civilized society their isn't. That's why there are laws and punishments for breaking them (in a civilized society).

Vigilantism in itself is against the law and rightly so.

commit ramdon violence on each other just for a few giggles. well it aint true and theres always a reason for there occational outbursts of violence
I've seen a few Thais commit random violence for no apparent reason so that isn't true.

You should perhaps talk to some Thais involved with or innocent Thais affected by student gang violence before you spout such nonsense.

oh come on tud,

lighten up a bit will you as hitting your head on that computor has damaged you. :o

you cant argue with the fact that there are some people in this world that only understand violence and the concept of pay back.

the world is falling apart as the do gooders in this world let the scum of the earth walk apon it.

you say let the law take care of it, but the law is pathetic and many bad boys get the slap on the wrist and walk out committing the same crime over and over again.

i say, fight fire with fire, eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

some people only respect this sort of reasoning and i say again, go the thai way and let them sort it out.

got no time for goody goody girly swats but i love good honest people.


thank you very much.

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alright...ive been debating answering this one.....and perhaps against my better judgement...am still gonna go ahead and do it :o

just cos the guy did what he did.....i still dont think the violence against him helped anything. If the farang...owner of beer..had done it then maybe i can still sympathise...but bar owner to do it is simply wrong...he could have simply chased the bad thai away, offered his customer a new beer.....and everyone woulda been happy.

have seen the result of some of these senseless violence....a young uni student....out having noodles after his night at a HuaHin disco....walks into and slighty touches shoulder with a local teenager who were with a gang of friends........they beat up the uni boy almost to death....the gang of almost 10 of them hitting him with chairs and bottles!

so no, no matter what anyone says about how much the guy deserved it, i wouldnt want to see that happen to anyone.......

and remember that its the attitude of people around them that also adds as peer pressure...if each time someone tries to hit someone with a bottle and they supported by others, the violence will not only continue...but the extent of it will escalate...next time he might think its ok to go a step further......maybe bring out a gun cos the bad guy also has one? or threatened to use one? where does it end.........

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now i am a peace loving dude, but theres just some times when a bit of violence is needed to be dished out to push home the point that being a bad dude dont pay.
Not if you live in a civilized society their isn't. That's why there are laws and punishments for breaking them (in a civilized society).

Vigilantism in itself is against the law and rightly so.

commit ramdon violence on each other just for a few giggles. well it aint true and theres always a reason for there occational outbursts of violence
I've seen a few Thais commit random violence for no apparent reason so that isn't true.

You should perhaps talk to some Thais involved with or innocent Thais affected by student gang violence before you spout such nonsense.

gang violence isn't random. its gang violence.

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alright...ive been debating answering this one.....and perhaps against my better judgement...am still gonna go ahead and do it :o

just cos the guy did what he did.....i still dont think the violence against him helped anything. If the farang...owner of beer..had done it then maybe i can still sympathise...but bar owner to do it is simply wrong...he could have simply chased the bad thai away, offered his customer a new beer.....and everyone woulda been happy.

have seen the result of some of these senseless violence....a young uni student....out having noodles after his night at a HuaHin disco....walks into and slighty touches shoulder with a local teenager who were with a gang of friends........they beat up the uni boy almost to death....the gang of almost 10 of them hitting him with chairs and bottles!

so no, no matter what anyone says about how much the guy deserved it, i wouldnt want to see that happen to anyone.......

and remember that its the attitude of people around them that also adds as peer pressure...if each time someone tries to hit someone with a bottle and they supported by others, the violence will not only continue...but the extent of it will escalate...next time he might think its ok to go a step further......maybe bring out a gun cos the bad guy also has one? or threatened to use one? where does it end.........

get your point mig,

but dont you think going around in public pretending to point a rifle at farang and thais require a bit of drastic action?

yes it does and unfortunatly the bad dude got a bottling for his trouble.

the good news is koh san road and rambuttri street is once again free of this fool that got what was coming. :D

end of problem :D

thank you very much.

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A shocking alternative is they could have called the police who would have got rid of him. It makes them aware of the problem and the trouble Thai dude would not be returning again because they would know who he is.

And if the guy was mentally ill then that takes it to a different level although wew have heard that doctor Terry did a full examination first and conclusively proved that this was not the case. :o

A simple solution to the problem with no violence needed.

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the good news is koh san road and rambuttri street is once again free of this fool that got what was coming. :D

end of problem :o

Well, what's to say this guy won't gather up some other like minded thugs and come back and beat the living daylights out of the bar owner and all the other customers there? If the police were informed, he'd have been dealt with peacefully; this way he may well be seeking revenge and probably won't be alone when he enacts it.

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A shocking alternative is they could have called the police who would have got rid of him. It makes them aware of the problem and the trouble Thai dude would not be returning again because they would know who he is.

And if the guy was mentally ill then that takes it to a different level although wew have heard that doctor Terry did a full examination first and conclusively proved that this was not the case. :o

A simple solution to the problem with no violence needed.

you been around here long enough maddy and the thais sort there own business out. call the cops.

thats a beauty mate. :D

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the good news is koh san road and rambuttri street is once again free of this fool that got what was coming. :D

end of problem :D

Well, what's to say this guy won't gather up some other like minded thugs and come back and beat the living daylights out of the bar owner and all the other customers there? If the police were informed, he'd have been dealt with peacefully; this way he may well be seeking revenge and probably won't be alone when he enacts it.

dont worry mate, as its all sorted out and this dude wont be coming back to this area again and the bar owner is not the guy you play games with.

justice has been served. :o

thank you very much and how about toughning up a bit you do gooders. :D

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A shocking alternative is they could have called the police who would have got rid of him. It makes them aware of the problem and the trouble Thai dude would not be returning again because they would know who he is.

And if the guy was mentally ill then that takes it to a different level although wew have heard that doctor Terry did a full examination first and conclusively proved that this was not the case. :o

A simple solution to the problem with no violence needed.

You're right Maddy there is no need for violence as that bloody well hurt my noggin that big bottle did (it wasnt empty) and that wasnt a rifle I had under my sarong ...! :D

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