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Social Security Philippines

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Maybe Ubon Joe can answer this for me.

Pattaya Immigration keep asking me for a US Embassy letter……I pointed out that stopped two years ago. I have an email from SS Philippines showing my SS income for the last year….the Immigration woman officer says she wants more pages…..pages of what I cannot understand. The other day she refused to talk to me as she was quote, too busy. My wife pointed out that her English wasn’t very good to explain this to me….officer responded, she didn’t care.

Does anybody have any idea what this person wants? My extension runs out 31st October.
If I cannot get this resolved today I am looking at what my options are for leaving the country and starting over completely again…..though I don’t know how that works for a marriage visa etc.

Another strange thing about Immigration here is the list of requirements for the extension, it isn’t in English. Which I think is odd considering most of the farang are English speakers. Korat was a dream compared to Pattaya.


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5 minutes ago, Mansell said:

Does anybody have any idea what this person wants?


Yes, but I have no idea where to buy brown envelopes.....


On the serious side, this is why I use an agent. You still have time to find one. Should be, for marriage, around 21k, less for retirement.....

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