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Cambodia to see rainy season most of November

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According to the MOWRAM, the country will continue to see the effects of the monsoon and rainy season most of the month of November.


The Spokesman and Secretary of State of the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM), Chun Yutha, told local news on November 1, that the country will be experiencing scattered rainfall this week, and more rainfall will be experienced next week. Yutha continued that this year’s rainy season will last longer than the previous year’s rainy season.


Yutha said, “Today, the rainfall is still scattered in the north-central lowlands, but not in large quantities. The rainy season is getting weaker, but it is not over. Early next week there may be a new pressure area that would emerge over the South China Sea and central Vietnam, but it may have no effect on the country.”


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50962956/cambodia-to-see-rainy-season-most-of-november/



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