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Travel insaurance , welcome back ?


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I am currently going thru the minefield of mis information about my next trip to LOS ? I was hoping to fly from Sydney late December , I hear I have to stay 1 nite in a selected hotel in bkk, (arrival port) during which you get tested, if all clear , can fly anywhere ? My house is in rural Chiang Mai where vaccination rate is still down, as such I will fly straight there, have to renew motorbike licence etc, what is best priced travel insaurance with COVID cover ? Any suggestions please ? After tidy a few issues, I can holiday in bkk, Pattaya, but  I’m sure locals don’t want me coming & going to village, fair enough, their defence is to keep visitors out , any help, advice appreciated, licence renewal,? Expired whilst COVID travel bans. 
cheers songhklasid.

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get international travel licence from australia.

depending on which visa you use, it's valid until date you are stamped in.

You will have plenty of time to do thai DL.

Any issues with your travel to thailand you can sort out in a week before travel. No point stressing yourself out right now. Everything will be exactly clear just before you travel

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13 hours ago, songhklasid said:

I hear I have to stay 1 nite in a selected hotel in bkk, (arrival port) during which you get tested, if all clear , can fly anywhere ?

Need a booking to get the Thailand Pass (https://tp.consular.go.th/).


Hotels with 1 night packages can be found at various places such as:





After negative test you are free to travel anywhere, with one caveat - check for any local restrictions, who knows what the deal will be in a month.


13 hours ago, songhklasid said:

what is best priced travel insaurance with COVID cover ? Any suggestions please ?

Best would be flying Emirates for free insurance (but not practical unless you don't mind flying via Dubai for the pricely sum of $2490). 


Depends how you intend entering and how long you intend staying. If you're going to just rock up visa exempt you can get AXA (https://www.axa.co.th/en/axa-sawasdee-thailand-travel-insurance) fairly cheap e.g. 30 days:




13 hours ago, songhklasid said:

licence renewal,? Expired whilst COVID travel bans.

How long ago did it run out? Normal circumstances you have 12 months before starting again, during Covid the rules have been relaxed "extend the expiry date of driving licenses and allow them to be used until December 31, 2021."  https://thainews.prd.go.th/en/news/detail/TCATG210823111012029 



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