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Classic/jazz Concert Last Night At Alangkarn Theater


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In case you missed it, I'll give my review... my date/spouse and I really enjoyed it.

The program was excellent, good variety, a little of everything... not dull at all... nothing overly long. They had the entire Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, really first rate... but I hated listening to the whole thing through bad and loud speakers, but I guess we had no choice since that theater isn't designed for classical music. The Thai conductor's wife, an American, was a good singer, and spoke to the audience in well-spoken Thai language. They had the most adorable Thai guitarist, playing the famous Aranjuez... he was so cute, I just wanted to wrap him up, and take him home with me. They had a Thai pianist who played Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, who was pretty good, a few minor mistakes, well covered up.

They did a Korean song to appease the Koreans in the audience, a Thai song, a song by the Thai King, which I wasn't expecting much at all, but it was a delightful tune... I was most impressed.

The theater is quite spectacular, and the setting there is nice... on a lake, spacious, good air conditioning in the theater too. There was a whole little festival going on, pre=concert, with a live band, singers, booths, games, elephants, beverage stands, food stands, souviners, etc. All quite reasonable.

I would estimate it was about 80% full, and it's quite a large theater to fill. The crowd was generally well dressed, by Pattaya standards... I did see one farang go in, with a t-shirt that had a cartoon of a guy on a toilet... I doubt you would see that at La Scala, or the Oprea Garnier in Paris.... but it's Pattaya, so we aren't shocked.

Tickets were 1,000 or 1,500 baht... for 1,000 you got a perfectly good seat.

There was a "chatty Cathy" in front, who couldn't shut her 3 year old up, but she left at intermission... maybe she moved... Honestly, hire a baby sitter, rather than torture people who came to hear the orchestra, not her ill-manered child... Actually, I don't have a problem with the child being a child... the problem, naturally, is a parent who probably shouldn't be a parent in the first place.

All in all, it was a lovely way to spend an evening, and quite different from a usual night of alcohol and hookers.

Based on the nice experience there, I would like to see the regular ALANGKARN show... nice theater... very wide and large stage.

Hopefully there will be more events in Pattaya like this... one gets tired of the Guiness Snake kissing contest, the Alcazar/transvestite shows, etc.

I wished they had some seats for like 600 baht, as I think they could have filled the place completely. 1,000 baht is a bargain to see a world class orchestra, but in Pattaya, it has to translate into how many beers it could buy.

Oh yeah, they had a buffet there too, inside air conditioned, and it looked pretty good, not sure of the price, but i'm sure it was reasonable.

All of the staff there seemed very polite and friendly... not one of them tried to physically attack me, which is always a plus.

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I'm sorry but judging by your rather poorly written description, I think I'd rather watch paint dry!

Oh dear, you need to work on your writing skills... I can't tell if you meant that after reading my review, you came away with the impression that the event was not to your taste, OR if you meant that you think my writing skills are poor, and not up to your high (but unclear) standards.

I thought I gave the event a rather positive review, so I'm going to guess you don't like the way I write... but in my defense, I believe I was, at a minium, clear about what I thought. Naturally, I don't expect anyone to have to agree with me, but at least be clear about what you mean... especially when you make accusations against others about poor writing.

As I wrote in another post, I believe I am a sincere person, and that's why people like me... well, I'm "sincere", by Pattaya standards, that is.

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Yes...I thought that if someone who writes that badly thought it was good...it must be bad.

On dear... one (almost) sentence of yours, with at least 3 obvious grammatical errors. I think a ThiaVisa.com record...

1. watch your use of "that"

2. you used "badly" incorrectly

3. you left out a required comma

Oh dear! Isn't there some expression like "ye who cast thy first stone..."

Well, we'll just have to wait for your review of something, so the rest of us can evaluate both the review, and your writing skills, if any.

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Weho, do you know if this event was priced the same for Thais and Farangs? Other posts on Thai Visa have said there's a huge difference between Thai and Farang prices for their show (threefold off the top of my head), so I'm mildly curious to see if they did the same for this special event.

Oh, and if you throw in some free grammar corrections, I'd be grateful. :o


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Weho, do you know if this event was priced the same for Thais and Farangs? Other posts on Thai Visa have said there's a huge difference between Thai and Farang prices for their show (threefold off the top of my head), so I'm mildly curious to see if they did the same for this special event.

Oh, and if you throw in some free grammar corrections, I'd be grateful. :o


I know a few things:

1. prices in farang newspapers/ads were 1,000 and 1,500 baht.

2. someone told me the "VIP" area seats were 4,000 baht, but not advertised; maybe corporations snatched them up...

3. I saw a small ad in Friday's PATTAYA MAIL, that if you came by their office, they were giving away free tickets, but I doubt many saw the ad or took advantage of it, since the concert was Sunday.

4. I paid 1,000 baht for my ticket, which at the last minute, was "upgraded" to a slightly better seat.

5. I did see quite a few groups of blind people, maybe handicapped people, who presumably, got free or reduced-priced tickets.

6. the concert/event was well worth the 1,000 baht I paid.

7. I only give out free grammar corrections if someone complains about MY grammar, but uses improper grammer in THEIR complaint about MY grammar.

8. spelling errors aren't a big deal to me, as they could be "typos', but really poor grammar is a bit annoying, and gives an indication about the intellect, or lack of it, of some writers. Generally, I avoid those kinds of discussions, unless, of course, I'm accused of poor grammar, whether rightfully or not, by someone who used poor grammar in their complaint.

9. the Thai guitarist was HOT HOT HOT.

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In case you missed it, I'll give my review... my date/spouse and I really enjoyed it.

The program was excellent, good variety, a little of everything... not dull at all... nothing overly long. They had the entire Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, really first rate... but I hated listening to the whole thing through bad and loud speakers, but I guess we had no choice since that theater isn't designed for classical music. The Thai conductor's wife, an American, was a good singer, and spoke to the audience in well-spoken Thai language. They had the most adorable Thai guitarist, playing the famous Aranjuez... he was so cute, I just wanted to wrap him up, and take him home with me. They had a Thai pianist who played Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, who was pretty good, a few minor mistakes, well covered up.

They did a Korean song to appease the Koreans in the audience, a Thai song, a song by the Thai King, which I wasn't expecting much at all, but it was a delightful tune... I was most impressed.

The theater is quite spectacular, and the setting there is nice... on a lake, spacious, good air conditioning in the theater too. There was a whole little festival going on, pre=concert, with a live band, singers, booths, games, elephants, beverage stands, food stands, souviners, etc. All quite reasonable.

I would estimate it was about 80% full, and it's quite a large theater to fill. The crowd was generally well dressed, by Pattaya standards... I did see one farang go in, with a t-shirt that had a cartoon of a guy on a toilet... I doubt you would see that at La Scala, or the Oprea Garnier in Paris.... but it's Pattaya, so we aren't shocked.

Tickets were 1,000 or 1,500 baht... for 1,000 you got a perfectly good seat.

There was a "chatty Cathy" in front, who couldn't shut her 3 year old up, but she left at intermission... maybe she moved... Honestly, hire a baby sitter, rather than torture people who came to hear the orchestra, not her ill-manered child... Actually, I don't have a problem with the child being a child... the problem, naturally, is a parent who probably shouldn't be a parent in the first place.

All in all, it was a lovely way to spend an evening, and quite different from a usual night of alcohol and hookers.

Based on the nice experience there, I would like to see the regular ALANGKARN show... nice theater... very wide and large stage.

Hopefully there will be more events in Pattaya like this... one gets tired of the Guiness Snake kissing contest, the Alcazar/transvestite shows, etc.

I wished they had some seats for like 600 baht, as I think they could have filled the place completely. 1,000 baht is a bargain to see a world class orchestra, but in Pattaya, it has to translate into how many beers it could buy.

Oh yeah, they had a buffet there too, inside air conditioned, and it looked pretty good, not sure of the price, but i'm sure it was reasonable.

All of the staff there seemed very polite and friendly... not one of them tried to physically attack me, which is always a plus.

In case you Missed IT! ill give my review of last night only cos if everybody wants to know what wheehooo does ( i tink i spelt that ok) youll all want to know what i did,

ok went to pub and was drunk, only cost 2000 bhat, had a seat at the front, there was a man there with an ingrioing toenail i think he paid less than me, but it might have been the fact that he had come in a t shirt, i was going to have a word with him but then i thought well it is pattaya and looks like his birthday so this time ill let him off, all the staff were very nice, if fact the guitariest type of guy was Hot Hot Hot, i told him he could share my fan, but he said he "had a boring concert to go to, said he goes every year full of nerds"!!!

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