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Have you been affected by flooding?


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Tardy implementation of anti-flooding projects has meant that roads and houses continue to get submerged during high tide and heavy downpours. 


As we know, Vietnam is prone to destructive storms and flooding due to its long coastline. Natural disasters - predominantly floods and landslides triggered by storms - killed 379 people and injured 1,060 others in the country last year.


There are many reasons cause floods in Vietnam including natural factors and human's factors. Rainfall, the influence of tides, storms and tropical depressions are natural factors. ... “The influence of monsoon” (chinhphu.vn) is also a reason that Vietnam must be affected by storms and tropical depressions.


Poor old drainage systems are another main cause of localized flooding.




This year on 25 October, Tropical Storm Saudel brought waves of 3m high along the Vietnam coast between Quang Tri and Thua Thien-Hue provinces causing significant flooding. The worst affected provinces include Ha Ting, Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Thua Thien-Hue.


One of the major natural hazards the country faces is riverine and coastal flooding, due to its topography and socioeconomic concentration: Vietnam's coastline is 3200 km long and 70% of its population lives in coastal areas and low-lying deltas


We know through various reports that the country is prone to flooding, and with global warming issues it will only get worse.


Expat Highrise Homes


Many expats rent or have bought apartments in tower blocks, so they are unlikely to face any flooding in the homes. Although getting about can face a challenge.


However, flood damage is of great concern for those expats that live in houses, especially in low lying areas.


Despite high exposure to this risk and repeated calls from international organizations, the penetration rate of flood insurance remains surprisingly low in Vietnam. 


No type of flood damage, no matter the source of the water, is covered by standard homeowners’ policies.


You may however be able to purchase a separate flood insurance policy through the National Flood Insurance Program.


Your home's location should be a primary factor in determining whether flood insurance is a worthwhile investment.


However, even if you do not live in a flood zone or your lender does not require it, you should consider purchasing flood insurance, especially if you are in a moderate to low-risk flood area.


Are you currently suffering from flooding at home?


Have you any tips on how to protect your property, and have you investigated getting flood insurance?


Any tips or advice from other Expats in the country would be welcome.


Discover Cigna’s range of health insurance solutions created for expats and local nationals living in Vietnam - click to view


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