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Time Magazine Subscription


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I recently (March 2007) subscribed to Time magazine in response to one of their special offers. They promise free gifts.

As I haven't got the free gifts, I emailed them through their website, asking what was going on.

Having emailed them three times now, and never having been honoured with an acknowledgement, I am looking for alternative action. I've written to The Nation, but nothing came of that. Shall I send their name and address to Readers Digest, or is that too harsh?

Any suggestions?

- Roger -

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I was joking.

I would never subscribe, or buy something because they will give me a gift.

I would subscribe because I like what I would subscribe to.

But when the OP goes through all this e-mailing, and contacting a news paper (as this is big news), only for a free gift, well then I guess it is a very nice gift.

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I'm puzzled.

Not only does this have NOTHING to do with Thailand, but what is going through the mind of the OP (posts = 2) to decide . .'Right, I'm going on to thaivisa to ask them about the why I havent yet got the cheap tacky freegift that I should get by subscribing to this cheap tacky newsheet?'

Baffled. Truly baffled.

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Oh c’mon you people….like you have never got excited or your pupils could never opened wide enough, when you’re holding that Breeze detergent in your hands with plastic plates/cups strapped at the side! I still have the barbe pink hula-hoop from a case purchased of the Lux soap many moons ago.

Haha….May be the OP is more of a thai now than you all think! :o

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Time magazine are always offering free giftf: some of them are worthwhile. back in the UK I got an atlas, which I found most useful for some years.

These free gifts were a) a small telescope, and :o a sturdy bag. The telescope will come in handy for teaching the kids (am teacher), and the bag looks useful.

Yesterday, I got a receipt through the mail for my subscription, asking me to confirm my details. I'll do that, and maybe (TIT) the goodies will then be forthcoming.

Thanks for your interest. I'll keep you informed.

- Roger -

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Time magazine are always offering free giftf: some of them are worthwhile. back in the UK I got an atlas, which I found most useful for some years.

These free gifts were a) a small telescope, and :D a sturdy bag. The telescope will come in handy for teaching the kids (am teacher), and the bag looks useful.

Yesterday, I got a receipt through the mail for my subscription, asking me to confirm my details. I'll do that, and maybe (TIT) the goodies will then be forthcoming.

Thanks for your interest. I'll keep you informed.

- Roger -

uuu! i want a telescope! :D

hehehe, well sounds interesting gift anyways, I think that u will get it soon, thats why they ask u to confirm your data...


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