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Apple's Iphone

Guest Reimar

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I have been getting an sms message sent by DTAC that crashes my entire sms program.

After it has arrived you simply cant open the sms app or send any sms.

You can google this problem on the internet and see that other users have had the same problem. The only way to sort it out appears to be to delete the sms database (sms.db) using finder (a third party app). Anyone else have this problem and found a better way of solving it.

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I have been getting an sms message sent by DTAC that crashes my entire sms program.

After it has arrived you simply cant open the sms app or send any sms.

You can google this problem on the internet and see that other users have had the same problem. The only way to sort it out appears to be to delete the sms database (sms.db) using finder (a third party app). Anyone else have this problem and found a better way of solving it.

Jeeze, switch to ais and tell dtac why, morons sending harmful sms messages.


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Thanks for the answers Damian....

I gather you use AIS ? is that with GPRS to roam the internet ? what is the contract like ? (i.e. Cost / hours online / speed etc)

Can anyone tell me - I have Itunes on my computer twinned with my IPod... is it simple to load the same music on an IPhone ?

I am realising how out of date with technology I am...

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Moo9 rSBT is built into customise now, but I can never get that one to work for me so I use the standalone app A_Traveller mentioned above.

Loads of places in MBK selling Iphones at the moment it's best to shop around and see what packages everyone is offering. I stumped for BT Phone 4th floor, far left. Warning though the prices went up a little when Apple announced the only 2 phones per customer rule and no cash sales and now with the new models not been hackable yet it could push the prices up more, supply and demand.... The sooner you get one the better. Off now to get the misses one so she'll leave mine alone :-)

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Ya seriously, my girlfriend wont leave me alone... she's REALLY jealous of my new phone.

Just spent a couple of hours browsing and installing apps with the installer, wow lots of really cool stuff there. I must have downloaded ALL the themes to try them out haha, AND OMG! I downloaded a lightsaber program... I couldnt stop laughing as I was attacking my girlfriend with my light saber. Its a program that uses the accelerometer (the device that can tell if the phone is moving and turning) to simulate light saber swing sounds every time you swing, what a riot! What I am wondering is...... if 2 iphones have the program and swing at eachother... DO THEY MAKE LIGHT SABER CLASHING NOISES?! That would be seriously cool if it does.

There is also an "etch a sketch" program where you can doodle like the toy for children, except with this one you can doodle on pics in your photos folders as well. This is cool because it uses the accelerometer so that when you shake the phone you clear the doodle just like the real etch a sketch haha.

Thanks for the answers Damian....

I gather you use AIS ? is that with GPRS to roam the internet ? what is the contract like ? (i.e. Cost / hours online / speed etc)

Can anyone tell me - I have Itunes on my computer twinned with my IPod... is it simple to load the same music on an IPhone ?

I am realising how out of date with technology I am...

Ya I use ais, but I just got the phone so havent gone in to Ais to change my plan yet heh, I'll let you know if there are any surprises when I do. Right now my EDGE (what you were thinking was gprs) isnt configured so havent gone online outside of wifi, but the wifi is super sweet, very easy to use.

Ya it is very similar to ipods with itunes (it is an ipod) but also has options to sync your ms outlook contacts and calendars and stuff like that. If you already have a bunch of playlists on itunes you can sync those with the iphone or make new playlists or sync your whole library.


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Right now I am with AIS with a Blackberry package costing B850 month with push mail and unlimited GPRS/EDGE. When I get my 1.1.2 iPhone unlocked to use any SIM I plan on dropping the AIS Blackberry package and just using there B200/month 50 hrs GPRS/EDGE package.

My question is; I have a gmail account and it is set up with IMAP, how does the IMAP work with pushing mail to the iPhone, do you have to connect to either wifi or EDGE to get the email at regular intervals or do you need to have EDGE connected all the time?

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My question is; I have a gmail account and it is set up with IMAP, how does the IMAP work with pushing mail to the iPhone, do you have to connect to either wifi or EDGE to get the email at regular intervals or do you need to have EDGE connected all the time?

I think it would have to be connecting at regular intervals...at least that's how Symbian/WinMobile seem to do it.

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The Iphone has an auto check system defined by the user for new emails so you set it to what you want. There are four settings: Manual (only checks when you open emails), every 15 min, 30 min or every hour. Both edge and wifi automatically turn themselves off when the phone goes into sleep mode, but automatically turn themselves on to check for emails at alloted time...assuming you have them activated and set to do so in the beginning. I always have wifi on but never use edge (nearly always in a wifi zone). Edge is charged by data sent and received so it doesn't cost anything to have it turned on. Both take their toll on the battery though! Of course, if you have both of them turned off, you won't receive anything until they're turned on.

Edited by miniwai
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I would take this guys blog with a pinch of salt, or at least consider it's only one guys opinion. I can only comment on my experiences with MBK and that is they have been top notch. Never had any problems with any of the stores I use for mobiles, computers or DVDs they all have been happy to exchange, upgrade or explain things for me.

As for the Iphone I'm not sure and I could be wrong..... but I can't see how a store could fix they Iphone so that only they could add apps. I would have thought any computer savvy person, with the tools available on the internet could just about do anything they like to their Iphone.

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That is ridiculous, the guy simply doesnt know how to add programs ansd upgrade, no mbk store can set it up so only they can add apps. That is just plain silly. And then what? That falang seller rips him off to by selling him yet another phone when he knows dang well you can add apps and upgrade yourself. wow


Edited by DamianMavis
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My girlfriend has told me that the iPhone she has got me has serial #47, I gather this can’t be cracked and that there is lacking confidence that it can be cracked in the near future.

As per one of Damian’s posts, I suggested to her that she went into MBK and try and do a swap for an older model (She also had another one for sale and made a tiny profit which made it not worth the effort of carrying it back !). I had suggested to her that she might be able to make the swap and have to pay B4000. B1000 lower than Damian mentioned in his post…. I based this on the fact that she might get Thai price… Instead she was offered ‘Girl knows nothing about technology’ price and was told they would swap it for B7000. So no swap.

She still has my iPhone (Serial #47 !)… I’ll head back to MBK next week when I have time and try again.

I don’t think she walked around looking for the best swap price….Either that or confidence in the potential crack of numbers 46 upwards has faded.

Which shop did you swap your phone at Damian ?

Has anyone else swapped their iPhone for an already cracked version? And if so, where and how much?

Thanks for your recommendations…

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S'pore shops remove illegal iPhones after Apple threat

Thu Dec 6, 2007 8:19pm EST

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore retailers have pulled illegally tampered iPhones off their shelves after Apple Inc threatened to sue, The Straits Times cited shop owners as saying.

Apple sent warning e-mails about a month ago to retailers selling "unlocked" iPhones, which are hacked so they can be used with service providers other than those that Apple has partnered, the newspaper reported on Friday.

Since the iPhone's introduction in June, hackers have been trying to untie the device from Apple's exclusive mobile network partners such as AT&T in the United States, with the first success cases reported in July.

Apple could not be immediately reached for comment.

The Singapore shops said Apple, which also makes Mac computers, iPod media players and runs the iTunes online music store, said it would sue for S$1,000 ($693) for every illegal iPhone sold.

According to The Straits Times, Apple estimated that about 250,000 iPhones had been unlocked worldwide.

The trendy device, which combines a phone, music player and Web browser, is currently sold only in the United States and Europe, but Apple plans to launch the product in Asia next year.



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The problem I had with buying a phone from MBK is I don't know how they unlocked it and without knowing that I can't re-virginize the phone to upgrade it. Without knowing how they altered the baseband you could end up bricking your phone by trying to upgrade it. The stores don't actually do the unlock/jailbreak, an offsite programmer does it. If you never plan on upgrading the phone and are happy with the version that MBK will sell you then you will have no problems or like miniwai said if you are technically inclined I'm sure you could hunt around the net for a solution. I'm pretty computer savvy and I wasn't able to find one but YMMV.

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My girlfriend has told me that the iPhone she has got me has serial #47, I gather this can't be cracked and that there is lacking confidence that it can be cracked in the near future.

As per one of Damian's posts, I suggested to her that she went into MBK and try and do a swap for an older model (She also had another one for sale and made a tiny profit which made it not worth the effort of carrying it back !). I had suggested to her that she might be able to make the swap and have to pay B4000. B1000 lower than Damian mentioned in his post…. I based this on the fact that she might get Thai price… Instead she was offered 'Girl knows nothing about technology' price and was told they would swap it for B7000. So no swap.

She still has my iPhone (Serial #47 !)… I'll head back to MBK next week when I have time and try again.

I don't think she walked around looking for the best swap price….Either that or confidence in the potential crack of numbers 46 upwards has faded.

Which shop did you swap your phone at Damian ?

Has anyone else swapped their iPhone for an already cracked version? And if so, where and how much?

Thanks for your recommendations…

I shopped around and was getting offers of 7000, 6000 and then I got one down to 5000. Where? Yeesh.... I could bring you there but cant describe it except to say it was in the congested area on the side, not the main mall part, on the floor with phones, think its floor 4. Wily liitle old man wearing a yellow shirt and glasses and spoke adequate english, he had a younger man (30ish) working with him too, not far from the main mall hallway.

Motoyen, google and read all the threads about unlocking the iphone, you will find your answers there I'm sure. I did and jailbroke my friends phone who didnt want to pay to swap. (he can use the iphone, just cant make calls) I didnt read anywere that it mattered how it was unlocked, you find the directions for upgrading and reunlocking all on the web. The phone can be restored through itunes if there is a problem, also as reported on the web. I am going to upgrade to 1.1.1 soon so will post here if theres a problem.


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Unlocking is the easy part now with one click unlocks available. Upgraded a hacked Iphone takes a little more skill at present, but a hacked Iphone can be "virginised" without knowing how it was hacked in the first place and then upgraded to whatever firmware you want and then re-hacked using your own methods (except 1.1.2 as yet). This is in fact the only way to upgrade to a newer firmware on a hacked phone, except through Itunes at your own risk....

But it would still be nice to know how it was hacked originally. You know how that hack performed and then have the choice of using it again or changing to another after updating.

Damian I would recommend the Downgrade 1.0.2 baseband wiki on modmyifone

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My girlfriend has told me that the iPhone she has got me has serial #47

#47? That must be one of the first iPhones ever made! :o

AFAIK any iPhone can be cracked now, with tools that are freely available. 1.1.2 has not been hacked because any iPhone can be downgraded to 1.1.1, hacked there, then upgraded to 1.1.2 and re-unlocked.

Somebody should be able to do this for you at MBK for not too much money.

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Right now I am with AIS with a Blackberry package costing B850 month with push mail and unlimited GPRS/EDGE. When I get my 1.1.2 iPhone unlocked to use any SIM I plan on dropping the AIS Blackberry package and just using there B200/month 50 hrs GPRS/EDGE package.

My question is; I have a gmail account and it is set up with IMAP, how does the IMAP work with pushing mail to the iPhone, do you have to connect to either wifi or EDGE to get the email at regular intervals or do you need to have EDGE connected all the time?

When roaming on AIS (AT&T SIM), I found that it used a lot more EDGE time that I would have expected. 50h kind of defeats the purpose of having the phone in my mind, but you might be able to get by with disabling auto-check on e-mail.

Part of the problem is that the software doesn't let you know when it is connecting through Edge, and you don't have a way to know what time duration it has connected for. When it hangs on a connection, you can burn minutes quickly. You also don't have any EDGE duration timer to know what you have used.

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My girlfriend has told me that the iPhone she has got me has serial #47

#47? That must be one of the first iPhones ever made! :o

AFAIK any iPhone can be cracked now, with tools that are freely available. 1.1.2 has not been hacked because any iPhone can be downgraded to 1.1.1, hacked there, then upgraded to 1.1.2 and re-unlocked.

Somebody should be able to do this for you at MBK for not too much money.

You dont know what you are talking about and I'll ask you not to promote misinformation thanks. Go google and educate yourself, its not the firmware that is uncrackable, it is the new radio that happens to currently come with the 1.1.2 out of box models and have the serial numbers 45 and up (45th week models and up). You dont even know what the serial number is all about either....


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Light at the end of the tunnel at last! Hold on to those 1.1.2 OTB's, an unlock is coming with the release of firmware 1.1.3 when they can get their hands on the new Secpac. A bootloader exploit has been found.

On another note - anyone in MBK selling pre-programmed Turbosims yet?

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My girlfriend has told me that the iPhone she has got me has serial #47

#47? That must be one of the first iPhones ever made! :o

AFAIK any iPhone can be cracked now, with tools that are freely available. 1.1.2 has not been hacked because any iPhone can be downgraded to 1.1.1, hacked there, then upgraded to 1.1.2 and re-unlocked.

Somebody should be able to do this for you at MBK for not too much money.

You dont know what you are talking about and I'll ask you not to promote misinformation thanks. Go google and educate yourself, its not the firmware that is uncrackable, it is the new radio that happens to currently come with the 1.1.2 out of box models and have the serial numbers 45 and up (45th week models and up). You dont even know what the serial number is all about either....


Well I was wrong. But at least I take comfort in the fact that it's only temporary as new hacks are always just around the corner :D

Particularly now that there's a whole industry making money off of unlocking iPhones.

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