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Apple's Iphone

Guest Reimar

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Thanks Moo9. Some reviews of headphone adapters here

Thanks, interesting link :o

But these then won't have the clickable mic that the Apple ones have...

- One click to answer incoming call

- One click to pause music (when no incoming call)

- Two clicks to skip to the next song

It's quite brilliant, really...

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my favourite 3rd party app is 'sendsongs'.

Let you set any itunes song as your ring tone and also to send itunes songs to your friends via email...

The installer that comes with a bricked iphone basically has all the best apps on it - and updates with the latest apps on a daily basis. There is no need to go to a 3rd party website.

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Hi, there are quite a few apps which are very useful.

Pushr - Uploads Pics from your Phone to Flickr

Services - allows your to switch on - off WLAN, Edge, Bluetooth easily

Lockbox - Stores secret data on your phone

Apollo - IM for the Phone

Customize - can change the order of icons and customize the whole visual look

Really not much missing. I think most prople use the installer. There are hundreds of programs.

What I wonder, are there yet adapters available to connect an alternative headphone? Must be. Although the sound is yet much better than other phones I know, I still like to connect my Koss headphone to it.


I'd add Navizon to that list . . a GPRS sat nav system.

Apollo is fine, but you're better off using the web-browser to access www.meebo.com

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Hi, there are quite a few apps which are very useful.

Pushr - Uploads Pics from your Phone to Flickr

Services - allows your to switch on - off WLAN, Edge, Bluetooth easily

Lockbox - Stores secret data on your phone

Apollo - IM for the Phone

Customize - can change the order of icons and customize the whole visual look

Really not much missing. I think most prople use the installer. There are hundreds of programs.

What I wonder, are there yet adapters available to connect an alternative headphone? Must be. Although the sound is yet much better than other phones I know, I still like to connect my Koss headphone to it.


I'd add Navizon to that list . . a GPRS sat nav system.

Apollo is fine, but you're better off using the web-browser to access www.meebo.com


how about Navizon? Any support for Thailand?


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Just installed it on my phone, but apparently this only supports greater BKK, can't locate myself here in Pattaya. Well anyway a nice application, hope they extend their coverage sooner or later.


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Navizon, I had a dabble with that but couldn't get anything to work I just assumed it was for the US anyone know any different?

Oh and I think my fav App is the Sunburst dock! Amazing and it de-clutters your screen (would post a screen shot as it has a screenshot feature too, but can't seem to open the format on anything other than the Iphone!?)

Also on a side note are you happy with your Iphone? Marks out of 10?

I'm very happy, think it's a fantastic bit of kit 10/10 (except the battery, that sucks!)

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Navizon, I had a dabble with that but couldn't get anything to work I just assumed it was for the US anyone know any different?

Oh and I think my fav App is the Sunburst dock! Amazing and it de-clutters your screen (would post a screen shot as it has a screenshot feature too, but can't seem to open the format on anything other than the Iphone!?)

Also on a side note are you happy with your Iphone? Marks out of 10?

I'm very happy, think it's a fantastic bit of kit 10/10 (except the battery, that sucks!)

Yes I am very happy. I would rate it 8/10 also because of battery life (which is however not too bad if you turn off permanent WIFI and EDGE). I end up just sitting on the balcony and play with the phone. I am very impressed by the quality of the kit. Compared with all that plastic N95 it is really different, although I like the features of the N95.

Have fun with yours..!


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I might have messed up here but last week i bought a UK iPhone for Baht equivalent B18.000.00. It has the latest firmware 1.1.2 and i have unlocked it to any O2 sim for 30 quid (B2100) that software will also unlock the phone to any sim the next time Apple update to 1.1.3 (been told 3 to 4 weeks).

I will have to wait and see what happens then, but as of now i am using an iPhone with a pay as you go UK phone number here in Thailand and love it

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Also are you all using Installer?

How do you use installer? I have both installer and SSH on my unlocked UK iPhone but I have avoided opening them as I thought they were put there as part of the unlock process and I don’t want to Brick my phone?


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Also are you all using Installer?

How do you use installer? I have both installer and SSH on my unlocked UK iPhone but I have avoided opening them as I thought they were put there as part of the unlock process and I don’t want to Brick my phone?


Click on it, it's pretty self-explanatory. And perfectly safe. It does not brick your phone :o

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Navizon, I had a dabble with that but couldn't get anything to work I just assumed it was for the US anyone know any different?

Oh and I think my fav App is the Sunburst dock! Amazing and it de-clutters your screen (would post a screen shot as it has a screenshot feature too, but can't seem to open the format on anything other than the Iphone!?)

Also on a side note are you happy with your Iphone? Marks out of 10?

I'm very happy, think it's a fantastic bit of kit 10/10 (except the battery, that sucks!)

I am very happy with it. Certainly the best phone I have had. I find battery life good unless you use it for surfing the web, then it drops rather rapidly.

There are a few kinks that need to be worked out with the interface, but overall they have done a great job. There are numerous things that are better than on any other device, including laptops. Like the ability to quickly zoom and pan photos with my finger - I wish I could do that on my laptop, it's just so much better, more intuitive, faster, and more fun.

9/10 :o

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Ndwgolf open installer and go to sources. Top left click on edit then add. Enter http:/ride4.org/shai.xml. Go back to install (bottom left) and look up SOURCES. Select that and there should be something called All sources. Install that and you will have just about anything you could wish to install on your Iphone. Themes, games, apps the lot. (Install summerboard first if you don't already have it)

Screen shots :o





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Hi Moo9,

Yeah thats summerboard with Dock (sunburst) and I use rSBT (customise) to hide everything and access it through dock.

Themes are Phiberglass, Time Machine, Angelina Jolie 1 and Phiberglass with dock open.

Here's my latest its called ToyVan_GlassOrb (notice my Dtac logo :o )


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Talk about dissapointing....... man am I upset. I got a new one from the states... It has the new radio that cant be hacked and unlocked YET. I was able to jailbreak it, which means I can use it as an ipod and all the other features, I just cannot use the phone functions at all.... AHHHHHH. I have to wait for the hacker gods to hack this new version, man..... And yes I searched google for hours, no one in the world can unlock the new phones released recently, yet. I can get internet with wifi at least.


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Why on earth would you get one from the states when you can buy them easily and unlocked here?

As for being happy with mine, very much so. 9/10.

I don't think of it is a phone - it's my ipod, pda and super-cool gizmo which happens to double as a phone too.

I'm interested in this notion of battery life. The battery life is fantastic in my opinion. The point is that people love to play with it's features so much that they forget it uses power to on online etc. They compare the battery life to their old phones, which you simply can't do. If you use the ipod, edge or wifi all day, then you have to expect the power will reduce quickly.

Some days i just use it as a phone or for sms etc and i can easily go 2-3 days with no recharge. That's pretty reasonable.

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Why on earth would you get one from the states when you can buy them easily and unlocked here?

As for being happy with mine, very much so. 9/10.

I don't think of it is a phone - it's my ipod, pda and super-cool gizmo which happens to double as a phone too.

I'm interested in this notion of battery life. The battery life is fantastic in my opinion. The point is that people love to play with it's features so much that they forget it uses power to on online etc. They compare the battery life to their old phones, which you simply can't do. If you use the ipod, edge or wifi all day, then you have to expect the power will reduce quickly.

Some days i just use it as a phone or for sms etc and i can easily go 2-3 days with no recharge. That's pretty reasonable.

Because it cost me only 14,000 baht heh


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Talk about dissapointing....... man am I upset. I got a new one from the states... It has the new radio that cant be hacked and unlocked YET. I was able to jailbreak it, which means I can use it as an ipod and all the other features, I just cannot use the phone functions at all.... AHHHHHH. I have to wait for the hacker gods to hack this new version, man..... And yes I searched google for hours, no one in the world can unlock the new phones released recently, yet. I can get internet with wifi at least.


have you tried to do it yourself? or did you take it to mbk?

My bet is that at MBK with BT600 you can get it unlocked. Good luck!!

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No man.... the actual Hackers that MBK gets their information from have not been able to hack the phone yet. It's hopefully just a matter of time... but I get scared when I think about the ps3... been out a while now and STILL no hacker has been able to crack it.... sometimes these guys actually do a really good job protecting their products heh. Hopefully the new type of radio in my iphone will be crackable soon.

I'm going to MBK now to see if I can pay them to exchange mine (I have 2 one still sealed) for one of thiers (a small fee or forget it), most people assume the new ones will be cracked soon but I am impatient.


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Ok exchanged my iphone for one that is on the old radio but cost me 5000 baht, so in the end I only saved a few thousand baht... ah well. For those that dont understand, on the back of the box is the serial number of the iphone, if the 4th and 5th numbers are 44 or below that means they are 44th week and below models which can all currently be unlocked. Mine however was a 45 week model and that and 46, 47 etc. cannot be unlocked YET.


For the love of god, how do I keep my incomming SMS messages from being displayed on the front screen for EVERYBODY to read.... if there is no way to change that.... well sheet..... how is someone supposed to have any privacy if he puts his phone down for a sec and bold letters pop up for his grandma to see "ooh baby I miss your big fat c***, come f*** me now!" Someone please tell me there is a setting to stop that.


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LOL Damian what have you got to hide? Grandmas were young once....

Anyways to solve your problem go to settings>general>passcode>and turn show SMS preview off!

You have to set a passcode to use this feature but if you set it to 1 hour it's not that much of a problem.

I got stumped on this one for a while, not that I've got anything to hide either mind you :o

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I’ve just found out that my girlfriend has bought me an iPhone for Christmas (she bought it Hawaii) I am assuming its one of the later ones (post 44 serial number) with the currently software that can’t be hacked (I’m away at the moment and cant check myself).

I know nothing about cracking them or any software. DamainMavis’ comments have made me think about this. When someone finds a shop in MBK, Pan Thip or Fortune that can crack the later version can they post it here?

Any idea how much the guys charge to crack the phone ?

What does bricked mean ? (crashed / locked ?)

Also, how good is the touch screen for sending sms etc?

I looked at the dopod HTC but as I’m so used to buttons I decided against it, my girl friend has an LG chocolate and I hated the feel of the (touch sensitive) buttons. What is the predictive text capacity like?

I’ve heard that the cracked phones still have problems and need re-cracking at MBK etc… this could be too much hassle for a phone. For those who have one in Thailand, any hassles ?

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Thanks alot Miniwai!

Richard, get your girlfriend to look at the back of the box and email/phone to tell you the SERIAL number, mine was 7U745..... so if she tells you yours is something like 7O643... then you can unlock right away. 45 week and up were just a few weeks ago, so it is still entirely possible the one she bought you is week 44 or before.

I think they charge around 600 baht to unlock but you can do it for free if you are handy with computers, but they do it just fine.

Bricked means broken and wont turn on. It might brick during the unlocking process if you do something really stupid while trying, even then... the iphone is easy to restore in most cases so its not a permanent brick.

Typing with your finger takes getting used to, you have to type from straight on, its difficult to type from an angle. But Ive had it one day and its coming along well.

Still figuring out the predictive text options myself.

Ive never heard of cracked unlocked phones needing re-unlocking unless you decided to update your firmware which you should not do. Unless you meant when you DO want to update to the newest firmware that can be cracked, then to get the new firmware you would need to unlock it again. They can do that at MBK but I do it myself.

I think once you play with it.... you will fall in love. It really is an amazing phone, I still cant believe its a phone when Im surfing multiple webpages with ease and clarity, zooming in and out and moving the page around with the flik of my fingers. Showing photos to casting directors and flicking through them at high speed, stopping on the one I want and quickly zooming in with a double tap of my finger.... pretty kool stuff. Video is great, the map program is insane.... search for a type of store or restaurant in a city and you get a map of the city with markers for the stores, click on a name of a store and get an address and phone number immediately that you can dial from that screen on the spot... amazing.


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The predictive text it not as good as on a standard phone, no T9 that i know of. It will suggest a word (in blue under the word your typing) you just hit space to use it. But it's only one word, not a list. It's ok but could be (and I'm sure it will be) improved.

If you have bigger fingers you may struggle with the touch screen both for texting and using the dock feature. I personally think it's the most intuitive piece of equipment I have ever used everything becomes instinctive and so easy after day. I second everything Damian has just said.

Ok I'm gonna stop sounding like an Apple fan boy now! :D

P.S. Have a look here :o

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Ok my sms is now hidden and not exposed for all the world to see, thankgod.

Does anyone convert and put video on their iphone? This was one of the main reasons I got it, so I could quickly show my demo video to producers and casting directors in a clear easy to access fashion. So far so good BUT... my first attempts at putting video on resulted in lower quality than I wanted, its still ok but not as clear as my psp so want to make it nicer, what are you people using to convert video?

I just had a lot of fun putting album art on my playlists in itunes. At first I didnt know how to put album art so that when the songs synced with the iphone I had that cool album flip interface, I figured it out though and its fantastic and very simple. I love just flipping through my album/playlist album art collection to choose my music instead of scrolling through text. NICE. If you need tips on how to easily do this ask me here, otherwise I assume you all figured this out already.


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Glad you've sorted your SMS problem out. As far as videos go I was using PSP video express which I used for my PSP and that worked fine. I am using Videora now though. I think it is great. It's free give it a blast.

Album art is cool much better now on the touch, one quick swipe and hey presto...

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