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" The Chappell Rambuttri "


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and a big hello once again punters from the chappel rambuttri and the good reverend terence. :D

ill have to make this quick punters as im on holidays and only 50 minutes is allowed for my 20 bahts worth, as i need to get back to the chappel. :D

ive only been back on rambuttri street for 10 days and already i have another 2 cracker stories to put in my book " The life and times of the chappel rambuttri "

you have already read about the crazy thai that had an unfortunate accident with a beer bottle and this little beauty is about a henious, horrible and shocking farang dude. :bah:

now this cat was not violent or anything like that but it was his appearence that nearly sent the chappel into raptures of laughter and even the thais were trying not to gag into there noodle soup.

it is unusual to see a beast of such magnitude at the chappel as they are usually found at sukumvit and around nana plaza.

i do not jest and im being 154% strait up here when i say this guy weighed 25 stone if he weighed an ounce. now that is not a crime in its self but wearing long socks, sandles, shorts and a singlet certainly is. :bah:

this sweating, heaving hulk of a beast topped it off by dragging behing him a little thai girl that weighed approx one of his beastly legs and her head just reached above his belly button.

ive seen some shockers in my time but this guy was the cracker of all crackers and i nearly spat my beer lao all over the <deleted> table.

now a farang knows he's watching something special when all the thais are rolling around on the pavement pissing themselves laughing and i even seen a soi dog drop a darkie because he cracking up at the specticle.

im sure this beastly thing had crawled out of the klong banglampu as there was no way he got here on a plane, thats for sure. :o

anyway i feel that farang beasts like this should be rounded up by the police and have, " Condemed and never to be returned to thailand" tatooed on there forhead.

its simply unexceptable to let these sort of shocking farang sully the good names of us respectable sort of farang.

actually, im off to the cop shop to report him to immigration and for him to impose himself on a poor thai girl because of his equally fat wallet is not good criac. :D

i would like all the decent women on this forum to join forces with me to have the beast deported.

thank you very much all my punting forum mates. :D

terence of rambuttri.

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terence of rambuttri.

You should have a look at the history of good old Rambuttri, when it wasn't this upscale place it is now. When it just had road full of potholes, and the good old Mango where every other month a junkie was carried out dead.

And the row of African guest houses where all the guys were just waiting for their fake passports and transport to Europe (funny - i have met many blokes there i have known from dead end jobs in Europe).

Those were the days...

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Used to hang about rambuttri a lot when I first came to Thailand early 2002. It was more crazy back then with no cops shutting anything down, no 7-11, boutique hotels and not even pavement ! When in BKK I will make a point of going down there for a couple of beers and just watch the spectacle unfold !! :o

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Terry : Please look out for a middle aged Thai guy selling freshly made fruit-shakes out of a broken down van (should be across from the Indian suit shop near the 7-11. His name is Mel and he speaks 100%fluent English and is a great laugh and a mate of mine. If you see him tell him Alan from Scotland says hello for me will u please. If you see him I'm sure you will get along :o

Cheers !


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now a farang knows he's watching something special when all the thais are rolling around on the pavement pissing themselves laughing and i even seen a soi dog drop a darkie because he cracking up at the specticle.

:o:D :D

I'd like to nominate that pearler of a comment for the following award:


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this guy weighed 25 stone if he weighed an ounce.

For us that aren't fluid in backwards-english, what does this mean exactly?

I think it means "at the very least" 25 stones.

Not a crime per se, unless you're in Thailand in a region where it's considered unacceptable.

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this guy weighed 25 stone if he weighed an ounce.

For us that aren't fluid in backwards-english, what does this mean exactly?

It means that the guy weighed at least 25 stone. There are 14 pounds in a stone, so that makes him 350 pounds. I can't remember what the conversion is from pounds to kilos (2.2 or 2.5?), anyway that makes him 159 or 140 kilos, depending on which it is.

Hey, Terry, that guy sounds a bit tasty! :o

When you see guys like that, don't you feel sorry for the poor girls they're with? Sweaty folds of flesh & the distinct possibility of being crushed to death. :D:D

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terence of rambuttri.

You should have a look at the history of good old Rambuttri, when it wasn't this upscale place it is now. When it just had road full of potholes, and the good old Mango where every other month a junkie was carried out dead.

And the row of African guest houses where all the guys were just waiting for their fake passports and transport to Europe (funny - i have met many blokes there i have known from dead end jobs in Europe).

Those were the days...

The Mango Bar up behind the temple? That was a true druggies paradise.

The whole area is certainly upscale now.

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terence of rambuttri.

You should have a look at the history of good old Rambuttri, when it wasn't this upscale place it is now. When it just had road full of potholes, and the good old Mango where every other month a junkie was carried out dead.

And the row of African guest houses where all the guys were just waiting for their fake passports and transport to Europe (funny - i have met many blokes there i have known from dead end jobs in Europe).

Those were the days...

The Mango Bar up behind the temple? That was a true druggies paradise.

The whole area is certainly upscale now.

Bar and Guesthouse.

In my penniless days several times i had the misfortune of having to stay in that hole because in the slightly cleaner shitholes were no vacant rooms.


Edited by ColPyat
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distinct possibility of being crushed to death. :D:D

NR, this possibility only is feasible if lack of imagination :D

C'mon Rain, where's your sense of adventure? :D

Now, now, guys - who said I meant while in the act?

Even I have more imagination & sense of adventure than to think that there's only one way to go in that sense. I was thinking more of post conjugal slumber, he rolls over and SPLAT!! :bah:

Although, she could suffocate whilst enacting a certain act if the stomach rolls inadvertently settled on her head :o

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...don't you feel sorry for the poor girls they're with? ...the distinct possibility of being crushed to death. :o:D

No fear. The only way they can work it is with her sitting on top. Or let’s hear from those 150-kg hunks about their modus operandi. Any such specimen online?

Oops, perhaps we shouldn’t discuss the Kama Sutra here. (I’m innocent. I was trapped into it :D )



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Now, now, guys - who said I meant while in the act?

Even I have more imagination & sense of adventure than to think that there's only one way to go in that sense. I was thinking more of post conjugal slumber, he rolls over and SPLAT!! :D

Although, she could suffocate whilst enacting a certain act if the stomach rolls inadvertently settled on her head :o

You are not wrong November, even an slippery floor can do the job :D

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and a big hello once again punters from the chappel rambuttri and the good reverend terence. :D

ill have to make this quick punters as im on holidays and only 50 minutes is allowed for my 20 bahts worth, as i need to get back to the chappel. :D

ive only been back on rambuttri street for 10 days and already i have another 2 cracker stories to put in my book " The life and times of the chappel rambuttri "

you have already read about the crazy thai that had an unfortunate accident with a beer bottle and this little beauty is about a henious, horrible and shocking farang dude. :bah:

now this cat was not violent or anything like that but it was his appearence that nearly sent the chappel into raptures of laughter and even the thais were trying not to gag into there noodle soup.

it is unusual to see a beast of such magnitude at the chappel as they are usually found at sukumvit and around nana plaza.

i do not jest and im being 154% strait up here when i say this guy weighed 25 stone if he weighed an ounce. now that is not a crime in its self but wearing long socks, sandles, shorts and a singlet certainly is. :bah:

this sweating, heaving hulk of a beast topped it off by dragging behing him a little thai girl that weighed approx one of his beastly legs and her head just reached above his belly button.

ive seen some shockers in my time but this guy was the cracker of all crackers and i nearly spat my beer lao all over the <deleted> table.

now a farang knows he's watching something special when all the thais are rolling around on the pavement pissing themselves laughing and i even seen a soi dog drop a darkie because he cracking up at the specticle.

im sure this beastly thing had crawled out of the klong banglampu as there was no way he got here on a plane, thats for sure. :o

anyway i feel that farang beasts like this should be rounded up by the police and have, " Condemed and never to be returned to thailand" tatooed on there forhead.

its simply unexceptable to let these sort of shocking farang sully the good names of us respectable sort of farang.

actually, im off to the cop shop to report him to immigration and for him to impose himself on a poor thai girl because of his equally fat wallet is not good criac. :D

i would like all the decent women on this forum to join forces with me to have the beast deported.

thank you very much all my punting forum mates. :D

terence of rambuttri.

Like this posters last post on violence ect in BKK, it surely belongs in the BKK Forum??????????

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and a big hello once again punters from the chappel rambuttri and the good reverend terence. :D

ill have to make this quick punters as im on holidays and only 50 minutes is allowed for my 20 bahts worth, as i need to get back to the chappel. :D

ive only been back on rambuttri street for 10 days and already i have another 2 cracker stories to put in my book " The life and times of the chappel rambuttri "

you have already read about the crazy thai that had an unfortunate accident with a beer bottle and this little beauty is about a henious, horrible and shocking farang dude. :bah:

now this cat was not violent or anything like that but it was his appearence that nearly sent the chappel into raptures of laughter and even the thais were trying not to gag into there noodle soup.

it is unusual to see a beast of such magnitude at the chappel as they are usually found at sukumvit and around nana plaza.

i do not jest and im being 154% strait up here when i say this guy weighed 25 stone if he weighed an ounce. now that is not a crime in its self but wearing long socks, sandles, shorts and a singlet certainly is. :o

this sweating, heaving hulk of a beast topped it off by dragging behing him a little thai girl that weighed approx one of his beastly legs and her head just reached above his belly button.

ive seen some shockers in my time but this guy was the cracker of all crackers and i nearly spat my beer lao all over the <deleted> table.

now a farang knows he's watching something special when all the thais are rolling around on the pavement pissing themselves laughing and i even seen a soi dog drop a darkie because he cracking up at the specticle.

im sure this beastly thing had crawled out of the klong banglampu as there was no way he got here on a plane, thats for sure. :o

anyway i feel that farang beasts like this should be rounded up by the police and have, " Condemed and never to be returned to thailand" tatooed on there forhead.

its simply unexceptable to let these sort of shocking farang sully the good names of us respectable sort of farang.

actually, im off to the cop shop to report him to immigration and for him to impose himself on a poor thai girl because of his equally fat wallet is not good criac. :bah:

i would like all the decent women on this forum to join forces with me to have the beast deported.

thank you very much all my punting forum mates. :D

terence of rambuttri.

Sounds like a Bulldogs Supporter :D Nignoy
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...don't you feel sorry for the poor girls they're with? ...the distinct possibility of being crushed to death. :o:D

No fear. The only way they can work it is with her sitting on top. Or let’s hear from those 150-kg hunks about their modus operandi. Any such specimen online?

Oops, perhaps we shouldn’t discuss the Kama Sutra here. (I’m innocent. I was trapped into it :D )



Can you imagine the conversation?

"Hey, hansum man, can I opf the lye?"

"Yeah, sure thing honey, but why you wan do dat?"

"Cos the bulb is burning my ass!"

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Terry kindly forgot to mention that the said incident that occurred in the said chapel did so occur well after the witching hour and well after the better part of 2 dozen beer laos, leos and changs had been consumed. :D

The said perpetrator of the whole affair 'the fatman' was in fact an ELEPHANT and his small mahout (who did have long hair though) making business in the wee hours from drunk farang feeding the pachyderm bananas. :D

Obviously the amount of alcohol Terence consumed had a bearing on his perception of the incident and he would probably also deny any knowledge of going back to his place afterwards with the katoy 10, the elephant, the mahout, a big jar of KY and a medium sized box of viagra ! :o:D

Edited by davidjtayler
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Terry kindly forgot to mention that the said incident that occurred in the said chapel did so occur well after the witching hour and well after the better part of 2 dozen beer laos, leos and changs had been consumed. :D

The said perpetrator of the whole affair 'the fatman' was in fact an ELEPHANT and his small mahout (who did have long hair though) making business in the wee hours from drunk farang feeding the pachyderm bananas. :D

Obviously the amount of alcohol Terence consumed had a bearing on his perception of the incident and he would probably also deny any knowledge of going back to his place afterwards with the katoy 10, the elephant, the mahout, a big jar of KY and a medium sized box of viagra ! :o:D

:D ..Terry, you found your aussie match in here.....C'on gives us an answer to that!

Edited by torito
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Terry kindly forgot to mention that the said incident that occurred in the said chapel did so occur well after the witching hour and well after the better part of 2 dozen beer laos, leos and changs had been consumed. :D

The said perpetrator of the whole affair 'the fatman' was in fact an ELEPHANT and his small mahout (who did have long hair though) making business in the wee hours from drunk farang feeding the pachyderm bananas. :D

Obviously the amount of alcohol Terence consumed had a bearing on his perception of the incident and he would probably also deny any knowledge of going back to his place afterwards with the katoy 10, the elephant, the mahout, a big jar of KY and a medium sized box of viagra ! :o:D

:D ..Terry, you found your aussie match in here.....C'on gives us an answer to that!

hey torito, dave my top pommy mate, partner in crime, lover of all things katoey and a regular contributer to the chappell rambuttri and besides that i only got 22 minutes left before my 50 minute daily maximum time has expired. :bah:

and a big hello to you david j tayler. :bah:

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henious, hidious and shocking 25 stone farang hit by cement truck on sukumvit road soi 4.

driver dead, :D truck destroyed and innocent bystanders injured by flying cement.

farang flees the scene and last sighted bolting into nana plaza. :D:o:D

midget thai girl sighted clinging onto fatmans wallet whilst flying through air. :D

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