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So, as an Asia Expat do you know how many National holidays will you get in 2022?

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Songkran Festival Thailand 


As a new expat, I remember being surprised when Songkran a Thai national holiday meant everyone had left Bangkok.


Of course, it was too late to book a holiday myself, so I ended up getting very wet.


However nowadays I am a bit more savvy, and try to avoid the madness and book a holiday away.


It may be easy to remember your own national holidays back home, like Thanksgiving in the States or the August Bank Holiday in the UK.


However, setting up home in Asia can be quite a challenge, and finding out about local holidays and traditions is a must.


Asian Holidays in 2022


For example, Vietnam has just announced that local workers are expected to enjoy twenty-two days off as national holidays next year, while foreign staff can have twenty-four days off in 2022.


According to Google, Thailand has announced twenty days of national holidays scheduled for 2022, the Philippines have sixteen, and Singapore just twelve days off.


However normally it is Cambodia that enjoys the greatest number of non - working days in Asia with twenty-eight public holidays in 2021.


But apparently in 2022 Cambodia will see a reduction to twenty-one public holidays, which are spread across fifteen national, cultural, and religious festivals, according to data collected by the World Atlas.


The country uses traditional Khmer calendar for the Buddhist holidays and synchronizes it with solar calendar for other business holidays.


Expats can celebrate their own National days


Most international companies based in Asia, however, do allow expats to also celebrate their own national holidays, which can add to the number of paid holidays in a year.


However, I am not sure if your Asian boss will accept you taking paid leave to celebrate the festival of scrambled eggs in Bosnia, the shoving faces in cake festival in Mexico, or even the monkey buffet festival in Thailand.




Best check your own countries holidays for next year and plan ahead, before hotel rates start to rise.


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Retired ... everyday is a holiday.  Waking up is the gift of life ... ENJOY it while it last.  


All good things come to an end, though I'll postpone that as long as possible.




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