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Timing of fit to fly vaccination.


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Hi,  im due to fly out to Bangkok on 31 st Dec at 13 40 hours, its most convenient for me to get vaccinated on the 28th Dec at 16 30, this is only 2 hours and 50 mins in to the 72 hours, so any idea what might happen if my flight or connection was delayed for 3 or 4 hours ?  


I realise it would probably be better to get jabbed in the morning of the 29th but i guess i also want to know as soon as possible that im covid free.

King Regards to you all.

Edited by CFCjeff
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45 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

Are you talking about getting vaccinated (which usually has to be done 14 days in advance) or taking a COVID test (which doesn't generally involve being jabbed)?


45 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

Are you talking about getting vaccinated (which usually has to be done 14 days in advance) or taking a COVID test (which doesn't generally involve being jabbed)?

Sorry i just meant fit to fly test, no jab involved

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The 29th would be better, just in case, as you said. It would also reduce the (already small) chance of you testing positive on arrival, which is even more problematic. You don't need a fit to fly certificate anymore, just the results of the PCR test. Do you have access to DIY rapid/antigen tests there? I did one the day before and one on the day of my PCR test, to try to avoid any nasty surprises from the PCR.

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