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Did Joshua Slocum, 100 years ago, "disappear" in Thailand? Did he finally fall in love, after encountering a Thai woman, never to return?


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Most of us have read the true account, Sailing Alone Around the World, by Joshua Slocum.


If not, you can read it for free on Guttenberg:   https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/6317


The most interesting fact is that Slocum, a very skilled seaman, went to sea once more, and never returned.


Everybody, hence, has wondered about where he went, and why he chose never to return.




The above link is to the article of January 12, 1975, by Walter Teller.


If you can access this article, then you will not be disappointed.


But, what this NYT article does not mention is the theory that Slocum may have sailed to the coast of Thailand, fallen in love with someone, and then may have decided to never leave.


This theory is entirely plausible.


It has happened to others, for example, such as those like you.


Slocum may have fallen in love with a Thai woman, probably half his age.

This is the best explanation for his disappearance from The Western world.


If you have not yet read Slocum's book regarding circumnavigation, singlehanded, then you are missing out on an amazing account.


What better use of your time can you think of?






Note:  If you have not yet read this account, then I wonder why.  On Amazon, you can buy this book for big bucks.  Or, on Gutenberg, you can read this account for free.  Sailing Alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum









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