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Double entry tourist visa?

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Hi, I'd like to visit Thailand for 110 days approx.

Pre Covid I would have applied for a double entry tourist visa. Are they still issuing these, bearing in mind I'd have problems leaving the country and reentering to activate the second entry or am I limited to 90 days now (60 days plus a 30 day extension) or are they issuing single entry visas valid for more than 60/90 days?


I'm British and aged 63


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You would not have been able to apply for a double entry tourist visa for some years. The double entry (and triple entry) tourist visas were eliminated, and a new multiple entry tourist visa created that is only available from your home country, and has significant requirements before you can get it.

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You can get a single entry tourist visa that gives you 60 days plus 30-day extension. At the current time, there are "Covid" extensions that give an extra 60 days on top. These will be eliminated at some stage, but you might be lucky and still find they are available when you need one. The likely alternative (if the Covid extension has been withdrawn) will be a border run for a visa exempt entry (30 days) that you can optionally extend for a further 30 days. Possibly, flying out and back for the visa exempt entry may be required. As you are aware, there are somewhat onerous conditions to leaving and re-entering at the current time, but most likely they will be eased somewhat in time.

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OP, apart from what's already mentioned .....you could enter visa exempt obtain a 30 day extension (if needed) and subsequently obtain non O retirement.

That's messy and has financial requirements. 

It's an option. Nice thing no need to exit Thailand or assume covid extensions continue. 

Edited by DrJack54
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I would also suggest the Special Tourist Visa as the best compromise if you can meet the criteria and pass through all the hoops.  Just leave yourself plenty of time for the process and any additional documents that may be requested by the Thai Embassy following the submission of your application.


It took me almost a month to get mine in November 2021.


It may be difficult to locate on the visa application website.  It is not under Tourist Visas.  It is a sub menu listed under ''visas for less than 90 days'' (or similar)  - so it is not where you may expect it to be.


Good luck.

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