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Thailand is wise not to lift restrictions too quickly


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As per statista.com, except for Finland and Norway, European countries had more deaths per capita to date than Thailand. Applying UK ratios, Thailand would have had 160'000 deaths instead of the 22'000 deaths to date. Vaccination rates in Thailand are approaching or surpassing European levels. The cumbersome second hotel visit is AFAIK the result of previous test & go travellers not complying with the 2nd test in Thailand.


How would you decide between partially shutting down the economy for three years and saving more than 100'000 lives? It is easy to criticize decisions after the fact, while the decisions have to be taken in blind flight.


I am feeling safer in Thailand than in Europe and I complied with two quarantines in the past and will do my upcoming  two day hotel stay without complaining.

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Yes, but why make those rules more strict? 
whats the point of the 5th night locking?

everybody was doing their 5-7 days second test, just no way of reporting it. There suppose to be central system collecting all this data directly from hospitals, not people chasing all possibilities to submit results. Some people opted to send to hotels where they have stayed the 1st night. 
there is an option of avoiding staying locked down in hotel already booked - going for a test to any hospital and turning to hotel around result time, to pick up yours or to show them your resulys from your chosen hospital. 
There is no need to come back to the very same hospital and there is no need to sleep at your chosen hotel. Patients and guests should have a choice what to do and not losing time on unwise rules. There is no way authorities can prevent it, force it or penalise it. 
i will chose the nearest to me hospital where there is no waiting time for swab, with gathering in hundreds. I will sleep at hotel which I deem is the safest

Edited by internationalism
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Omicron arrived and changed the game plan.

Your math with 100.000 saved lives can't be compared after omicron came. 


It does but make any sense to maintain restrictions if it's not killing so many people.


We're removing all restrictions tomorrow in Denmark even if we have the highest numbers of positive cases per million in the world.


Why can we do that 

This is why.


Omicron became dominant and number of patients in ICU decreased fast.

It's actually omicron BA.2 that is now dominant here.


It's still important to say vaccines are a crucial ingredient in the recipe to live with no restrictions.



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