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Taiwan warns against importing marijuana-laced products from Thailand


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Taiwan Customs has seized many parcels from Thailand found to have been laced with marijuana recently, from cosmetics, snacks, to ointments. This follows the legalization of the use of hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) in Thailand’s foods and cosmetics in February 2021.

Something Thailand never thought of... you can produce it, process it but it doesn't mean you can freely export it.

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Products laced with Ayutthaya No-High? Leaves don't get anyone high.  They're decoration and a marketing gimmick at best.

Funny to see other Asian countries which are even more insane and paranoid about cannabis then Thailand.  Thailand now seems like a Liberal Paradise when in comes to cannabis.

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7 minutes ago, Gilligan In Drag said:

Completely hyperbolic/hysterical/idiotic. Taiwan and the media source that wrote up this propaganda/misinformation piece up are  just willfully ignoring the reality that marijuana is a drug and hemp products do not contain a psychoactive drug.


I don't follow it all that much, but it seems I've read there is much in non-psychoactive CBD oils that is incredibly benefical for numerous ailments and is relatively non-toxic compared with pharma industry treatments. So I would guess thats what this is actually about, protecting someones drug profiteering in the pharma industry.


Hemp was used for centuries to make paper, rope etc, this is not by any stretch new or revelatory information yet here we are with such things being called products "laced" with marijuana.

But but but - hemp rope contributed to the sinking of the Titanic don't ya know!!!  It's all documented right here:


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