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"sun Spectacular" On June 1, Differing Versions


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Front page article on the current issue of Pattaya Mail:

With a headline:
Sun spectacular for Pattaya
, the article includes:

"This scientific explanation for the solar corona phenomenon is that it begins in the lowest layer of the atmosphere..." and continues with details of how a combination of heat and rainfall can produce the effect with speculation that for the June 1st occurrence possibly "a windstorm elsewhere helped to create this odd but very welcome effect."

Eighth page article in the current issue of Pattaya People:

With a headline:
Pattaya Eclipsed
, and a sub heading of "Total Eclipse of the Sun," the article claims:

"It was a very spectacular total eclipse of the Sun which occurred at around 1:00pm." and "...the fantastic show culminated as the Moon emerged and intersected the path of the Sun producing a total eclipse for a number of minutes during its orbit around the Earth."

Also included is some bizarre photo of the solar phenomenon with a tiny dark circle superimposed on the sun, as if that is supposed to be the moon???

Crikey. Where is the credibility in a newspaper publishing that??? Is it supposed to be an attempt at humor?

(The NASA Solar Eclipse Page indicates that there are only two solar eclipes in store for planet Earth this year: March 19, 2007 and September 11, 2007.)

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