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Pacquiao vows to send corrupt officials to jail If elected president


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Sen. Manny Pacquiao. (INQUIRER.net file photo)


GENERAL SANTOS CITY, South Cotabato, Philippines — Sen. Manny Pacquiao vowed to jail corrupt government officials if he would be elected president in the May 2022 national elections, reported the Inquirer.


“You will see those corrupt officials in the government – whether appointed or elected – I will send them to jail,” Pacquiao told a roaring crowd of supporters here, echoing the same promise made by his former ally, President Rodrigo Duterte, during the 2016 presidential campaign.


“I’m speaking here not as a traditional politician,” he said during their party’s proclamation rally at the Oval Plaza in this city Tuesday night.


Pacquiao said the country and its people had been suffering due to corruption.


“If you want change, those who are suffering in life…no work…and yearning for justice, join me in my fight. My fight is not for my personal interest but for every Filipino,” Pacquiao said, also echoing the incumbent president’s former promise.


One thing is certain, all Manny Pacquiao’s campaign rallies will receive massive coverage globally.

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