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Concerning: “Rascals in Paradise” (How Many have you known, personally, while here in Asia, not mentioning names?)


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My Dear Friends,


As you know, James Michener once, long ago, collaborated on a book he titled, Rascals in Paradise. I first read this book which I found in a used book store, about 30 years ago, while living on some contested island.


I have not forgotten this decent book.


And, ever since, this book has colored my opinion of the foreigners I meet, wherever I go, no matter where I go in Asia.


Fairly recently, I read a news account, probably apocryphal, of some older guy who influenced a much younger girl, just a kid, basically, which landed her in a word of hurt, absolutely, doubtlessly due to her naivete.


And then, I began to think about the dregs of the dregs, though still only a small percentage of the whole, who wash up in Asia or SE Asia, only to cause havoc, just as Michener would have loved.


Of course, in fact, Michener was always a righteous dude, and an upstanding citizen. Yet, Michener, like all talented writers, probably loved good stories of things gone wrong, similar to Somerset Maugham’s love of the same.


In this young girl’s case, I think, it might have been like John D. MacDonald’s novel, later turned into a film, two films in fact, starring Robert Mitcham and also Mr. Taxi Driver…..


I mean, I think this girl that I read about might have met up with a Cady, which just might have destroyed her life.



There are many rascals in paradise here and there, throughout Asia.  Girls hook up on Tinder with guys coming from around the world. Local girls here meet, on Tinder, with handsome men of sometimes ill repute, and these hookups lead to heartbreaking crashes affecting themselves and their families.


In this fairly recent case I read, it just might have been the case that an older man manipulated a very young girl....probably similar to the way Cady did it in Cape Fear, for example.



In my case, I have never lived in a neighborhood in Asia which was not just as good as the neighborhoods in which I lived in my home country. I have no complaints, and only have good things to say.


However, for young girls, and less cautious girls than the norm, things can get very rocky, in a minority of cases.


Outside of Cape Fear, there is nothing to fear if one sends one’s daughter into a structured environment with adequate supervision.


However, when things go wrong, then…sometimes….one might encounter a Max Cady, rather than a Gregory Peck.


And then, you get this....



There are many questionable guys from overseas wishing to get into paradise, here in Asia.


All come from very diverse backgrounds and cultures


For young people, probably it is best to stay at a university environment, and just study for a year or two, before striking out on one's own.


Otherwise, one might run into a character, or two, such as Cady, with "My time is Not yet" written on his skin, sort of a Queequeg with no heart.





Note:  If one plans to exist in an area of a foreign country, one in which there is a high influx of travellers from all corners of the world, then it is best to remain circumspect and cautious. This just makes sense.  Because, as Michener wrote, there are Rascals in Paradise.


Note2: Personally, tats are not for me. I would never tat my hands, for example, though some do.  If I did get a tat, I would write the names of all my GFs, about 23, on different parts of my body, just for fun.

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Why did I write this post?


As I said, I found myself feeling disturbed by a recent news account on a local news site, a case of a young woman losing her head after coming to a setting very foreign to her, and probably with not much support or guidance.


And then, these feelings seemed to have dredged up additional instances of injustices which I have read about in the past.


In addition, the Tinder-based culture, and the fact that criminals are able to travel around Asia, unimpeded, once they obtain a passport, is something worrying for parents of young people, pretty much obviously.  Things remain happy and exciting in this new land, until things go wrong.


Tinder is the grease which allows young people to easily hookup with others from a multiplicity of other cultures.


Also, apps such as Tinder allow young and curious women to meet up with men hailing from backgrounds that no mother might relish.


Sometimes, one might find out too late, meeting up with the improper stranger on a Tinder-type app can lead to unanticipated and unwanted consequences.


And, even if a dating app might not be involved, then, sometimes, once a young and impressionable woman meets up with the wrong dark and handsome stranger, then ..... the young woman finds herself taking a detour, for life, behind bars.


There are hucksters, aplenty in SE Asia, maybe, and these manipulators are usually not born here, but born in the West.  They move to the East, SE Asia, and Asia, simply because they find the East the new West.


Many years ago, these hucksters, due to lack of education, had no knowledge of Asia.  Yet, now they do, since smartphones and the internet are almost free.


Years ago, one would seldom find farang here tattooed up like an oriental carpet.


Many decades ago, just about the only guy who was tattooed up like these carpetbaggers are, now, was Rod Steiger in the film, The Illustrated Man.


Who does not enjoy having one's skin look like an oriental carpet, hand-tied, anyway?








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Do you recall the book, Gone with the Wind?


In this book, Ashley featured rather prominently.


And, in the news account I read recently, the same was the case, in this case.


Teach your children well before you allow them to leave for Asia.



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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

Im wondering most about how many foreigners coming to Thailand with mental health problems. And are they awere of it themselves?

In addition to screening for COVID, as you say, perhaps all incoming foreigners should be administered the Mental Health Inventory, 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Dynamics_Inventory#:~:text=The Health Dynamics Inventory (HDI,change over time and treatment.&text=It has multiple applications for,care medicine and integrated care.

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2 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

In addition to screening for COVID, as you say, perhaps all incoming foreigners should be administered the Mental Health Inventory, 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Dynamics_Inventory#:~:text=The Health Dynamics Inventory (HDI,change over time and treatment.&text=It has multiple applications for,care medicine and integrated care.

«Mental health and substance use disorders affect 13% of the world’s population»


Mental health problems is quite big part of the population, and many find it easier to live places like Thailand, as long they are awere, and also know how to deal with their issues. Also important to know, most are not sick all the time, or struggle in the normal day to day life.


For most it is mostly about monotoring themselves and knowing what trigger their problems, have a plan when things escalating. Seeking help, and also maybe take medication with help from a doctor when needed.


So no, no need to be screening by the border, since most people who have mental health issues, do fine in day to day life. 



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11 hours ago, Hummin said:

Im wondering most about how many foreigners coming to Thailand with mental health problems. And are they awere of it themselves?

Cognitive distortions are quite commonly understood among these circles. 

Surely, it's a cultural affliction. 


One needn't go too far to observe such tendencies - almost to common within this venue. 

Don't expect the afflicted to recognize their deeper fanciful manner. 


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