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How to Cure Arthritis in my Left Thumb...besides sucking it: Are there any good options? Maybe few.


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My Dear Friends,


As is the case with some of you, I, too, am beginning to feel my age, and now.... my left thumb is affected, not to mention my nether thumb, which is less affected, praise be, so far.


What do you do in order to deal with arthritis pain of your limbs?


aa.  Do you just grin and bear it?

bb.  Do you take NSAIDs, which we all know are not good, or even effective, over the long haul?

cc.  Do you take warm soapy baths with young women, hoping their youth will rub off on you, if you just rub them hard enough?


Personally, what I do in order to ameliorate my arthritis symptoms in my left thumb is to distract myself though writing my daily thoughts on good forums.


What could be more effective than this?


Time goes in only one direction, even though Time does not pass at the same speed for any one of us.


There is no doubt that our arthritically-based pain can only continue to worsen as our systemic inflammation continues to increase.  And, for those in the West, political inflammation can only worsen our personal stress and feelings of wondering when we will be living in a true Clockwork Orange situation.


Yet, this is a small price to pay for just being alive.


My arthritis is just beginning.


The older I become, the more exquisite the pain may become, I can only guess.


Life on planet Earth has never been simple or easy, or even pain free.


Even if one were to lead a perfect life, never even committing one single sin, then one can still expect to receive the blessing of arthritis, if one can only live long enough.


Still, we must carry on.


Best regards,








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38 minutes ago, Polaky said:

You can try Borax, Yes the stuff that kills ants, don't take my word for it, do a search on YouTube,

there are many there that swear by it, not only alleviating pain but also increasing your libido. 


I would never take your word for it.


However, there is some truth to your words, as you also know.

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9 minutes ago, Seppius said:

What sort of Arthritis? They vary greatly,

Yea, you should see a specialist it can be arthritis and it can vary, for example some gouty arthritis can be treated by lifestyle changes. As well it can be something else related to overuse like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis or it could be an overstretch injury.  So please see a doctor have an x-ray and blood test for uric acid and you will know better what's going on. I had some colleagues with similar symptoms and it was linked to keyboard overuse.

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Well, I had arthritis a few years ago.

Joints, hands, feet, shoulder.

Visited the doctor, give me some medication. Took a few pills.

I just thought that I had to find the source of the ailment, rather than try to counteract it with some medicine.

I thought about what I could stop eating, and see what happens. Milk, nah. Only one cappuccino in the morning, the the odd ice cream.

So I started checking the food, the meals I was eating.

So I saw that all food in Thailand contains sugar.

So OK, i was willing to stop eating sugar, and see what happens. I would go to restaurants all over town, asking for a meal with no sugar. No such thing. Even when the cook says that there is no sugar in the food, I would point out the bottle of sauce from the mini-mart, containing at least 20% of refined sugar. All sauces contain sugar here, all.

So I started eating at home exclusively, with NO SUGAR.

At home before I came to Thailand, I had not bought sugar in the last 30 years. No sugar, not even ketchup, none. And it is then that I realized that since I came to Thailand, I was regularly eating sugar, without knowing about it.


All symptoms of arthritis have disappeared.

But when I feel like eating a piece of chocolate, I do get a small reminder in some joint of my body that I must have been correct in my assessment of the source of the problem.

Sugar, the slow acting poison. Google it.

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23 hours ago, zoltannyc said:

Yea, you should see a specialist it can be arthritis and it can vary, for example some gouty arthritis can be treated by lifestyle changes. As well it can be something else related to overuse like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis or it could be an overstretch injury.  So please see a doctor have an x-ray and blood test for uric acid and you will know better what's going on. I had some colleagues with similar symptoms and it was linked to keyboard overuse.

As above.


Since you seem to mention only your thumb and (if I understand your reference to "nether thumb": correctly) your toe I suspect this is not osteoarthritis but rather gout, which has some very specific treatments. See a rhemuaologist.


If it is not in your toe but solely in your thumb, then indeed a repetitive stress injury rather than arthritis is likley and you should see a hand specialist (as well as get an ergonomoc computer keyboard).


In either case not likely to be arthritis as such.

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