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Enforcement Of 90-day Reporting

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How they gonna know what was in the envelope marked EMS?

Take your word for it?

EMS is Express Mail Service and provides receipt. The receipt shows letter address (90 day reporting). What else would be in it. :o

EMS is not required. Registered mail is much cheaper and provides the same receipt proof.

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I don't understand all this carping and whining about the 90 day address registration - it is painless and FREE - just turn up politely dressed, show your passport and fill out the form - the officer gives you a receipt for the address registration (which must be kept in your passport) and off you go.

Also it should be remembered that this rule applies to everyone but is more targetted at the neighbouring nationals that at farangs - the borders here are so porous, it is one of the few effective routes they have to monitor who is where, who has gone (?) and who has stayed.

Yes we'd all prefer to register once a year at annual renewal, but live with it - it began to be enforced in Chiangmai 3 years ago and is now just part of routine life here - besides, it gets me out the house once a quarter if nothing else.

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I have just read some of these posts with complete dismay! After reading one of them (I won't say which because I don't like naming individuals), I just said to myself "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

To those who think they don't have to go to immigration or their lawyer or boss will take care of it: "What are you afraid of?". I go to Phuket immigration every 90 days and now they are actually getting to know me. They can give good advice and are very useful to have as "friends" or at least as acquaintances. If you upset them they can make your stay here very difficult or even end it!

Grow up and just do it!

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I don't understand all this carping and whining about the 90 day address registration - it is painless and FREE - just turn up politely dressed, show your passport and fill out the form - the officer gives you a receipt for the address registration (which must be kept in your passport) and off you go.

Employees in Thailand do not have that many free days, so many employees take time off to do personall business in the boss' time. This law requires four mornings to be taken off for those who don't want to send it by mail.

I do what is required from me but that doesn't mean that I do agree with this stupid law. There's a seperate house registration where other people are registered, why use two administrations? (Because foreigners can't own land bla bla) It's time that the Thais upgrade their system, this really sucks. My drivers license is registered on my old address, no one knows there where I live now and so on. There's absolytely no consistency in their administration.


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How they gonna know what was in the envelope marked EMS?

Take your word for it?

EMS is Express Mail Service and provides receipt. The receipt shows letter address (90 day reporting). What else would be in it. :o

EMS is not required. Registered mail is much cheaper and provides the same receipt proof.

I have to reort by mail or in person every 90 days,even tho i have my own house book,and it was suggested by the officer that done the work and issued my visa extensions and new visa that I use EMS,so thats what i do. don't really know why,but thats what they want.

If you really want o change things and can't get anyo0nes attention,,go down in front of Thaksin's house and blow your self up,that will at least let them know yopu are not happy.

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Yes Dutchy2, I second this.

Many rules are a bit outdated and the trips to the immigration do take time, time wasted, never mind, if I have to go myself or send somebody of my staff.

Absolutely no objection to mention this as nonsense here in the forum.

But then, as you say, I follow the rules and do go they way of less resistance.

Means I do not agree to all these little laws, by laws and rules but will not fight against them, of course.

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it was suggested by the officer that done the work and issued my visa extensions and new visa that I use EMS,so thats what i do. don't really know why,but thats what they want.
Unless time is short you should not have to use EMS but perhaps he know you keep a bundle of cash under the mattress. :o

Official handout from Suan Plu as of April this year:

Attention : Simplified procedure for 90 day registration by mail.

You may now renew your 90 days registration mail.



90 Days Registration,

Room 401, Immigration Bureau

Soi Suan Plu,

South Sathorn Road,

Bangkok 10120


1 Photocopy of the photo page of your passport.

1 Photocopy of the page containing your MOST RECENT ENTRY VISA.

The original of your most recent 90 day registration receipt.

The original of your new 90 days registration receipt.

  Don't forget to sign it!

A stamped, self-addressed envelope to receive your new receipt.

Please allow at least 1 week for delivery of registered mail.

Your new form will be stamped as of the expiration date of your old form.


     If you have passed the 90 days limit, you must come to room 401 immigration

bureau in parson.

     To receive a blank registration form, send a stamped, self-addressed

envelope to the address above.  Request form TM.47.

     Immigration Officer (room 401)

     Tel:  02-2862774, 02-2873101-10 Ext. 2240.2242

Note: This handout does not mention a photocopy of TM6 as a requirement but does mention it in the "unable to process your report section" so believe it is also required.

Edited by lopburi3
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When you get the slip back they stamp a date on it, I send my stuff a week before.

Send it EMS then if it gets lost you can prove the date you sent it.

so easy I can't understand why so many have problem to report. Like you say just send them the slip and all the copies. If send by EMS or registerd post, they can not give you a fine because you are late.

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How they gonna know what was in the envelope marked EMS?

Take your word for it?

EMS is Express Mail Service and provides receipt. The receipt shows letter address (90 day reporting). What else would be in it. :o

EMS is not required. Registered mail is much cheaper and provides the same receipt proof.

Last time i went to suan plu for 90 days report they told me I can report by post I was happy, don't have go to Bangkok for report. I asked what happend if the letter is lost. Dont worry Your adress is on the slip when you send by registered

post and we can see what date the post was send. If immigration not recieve your letter they contact you, you go to Bangkok show them the slip and they will let you do the report in Bangkok, give you a new slip in your passport and next time you can report by post again. Idon't think so many "farang" will lost they letter. Since 1978 I lost only one registerd post and post office find it after 3 weeks.

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I thought filling in a TM card every 90 days with my address on was informing immigration of my address. Judging from the previous posts this is not so or is it?

If you are leaving Thailand every 90 days or less you do not have to do this 90 day reporting. It is for those on extension of stay. Each time you fill out a TM.6 it is regarded as an address report.

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Now I understand why Thai Immigration gives us a hard time!

Why don't all you whingers simply play the game?

Its their ball, its their country, this is not Europe (or whatever), live and let live, and remember we do things a little different back home,(especially the driving), nothings perfect!!!

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In respones to Sriracha John, I think you are expressing a kind of a naive and idealistic view that will not last very long in the Kingdom. Taksinism is a big improvement over the musical government the Thais had since WW2, which was better than outright Fascism, which they had previously, and that was better than the system of absolute monarchy aqnd slavery they had before that.

Thais have always lived in slavery and for that matter we Americans working like slaves to pay our mortgages are not much better off. If you start questioning the status quo, how do you explain charging people to occupy space (rent and property tax) and fining them for working (income tax).

I'm not sure a country like Thailand is the best environment in which to question govt policies and seek social justice, although those are highly commendable inclinations. Perhaps you should visit India or mainland China and then you will appreciate how kind and reasonable the Thais really are (it is all relative).

Thailand is a Kingdom and whoever is in power in Thailand can and will be as arbitrary as only the insanely rich and powerful can be. What I've found that works in Thailand is a sincere smile, humility, obedience, generosity, and more smiling. Actually, living there is good training to be a Buddhist. You might as well become a Buddhist and learn to bow, so you can get enlightened while you get your visa renewed

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The Immigration Bureau and the Royal Thai Police are now enforcing the requirement of expatriates to report their place of residence in writing to an immigration Office every 90 days in accordance with Section

So if your an expatriate working in Thailand, every 3 months you have to re-report your home address in Thailand. That's a lot of bloody hassle and paperwork.

Why do they ask respectable expats for this crap ? Why does'nt anyone tell them how ridiculous it is ?

Is there any valid reason for the Thai government to be this bullish ?

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How do they expect everyone to hear about this new change, not every expat in Thailand will be aware of this new rule and will probably fall foul of it.

That is for as long as they want to enforce it, which will probably not be long going on past experiences.

They must sit for hours taxing their tiny minds on how to extort an extra baht from the poor expat.

Why dont they get in touch with all the Thais that have left Thailand, ask them how they get treated in their new country.

Almost all of them will say better than you are treating the poor farang over there, we can do almost anything, and definitely much more than the expat can do in Thailand, and it costs us nowt either, and we can live without the fear you impose on visitors to Thailand.

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Don't worry guys,try to lived in Malaysia and will find it you are more welcome compare to Thailand, Which come out with so many hassle, we don't have farang and local because we are multi cultures country. You are so lucky to have 90 to stay,I have a bf in Thailand and every month I have to travel back to get passport stamp. You are consider lucky already to report your address every 90days.

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Did my 90 day report today, July 1st, in person, just to gauge the attitiude at Immigration. Observed a delinquent 90 day reporting process - 2,000 baht fine only - ridiculous amount of paperwork and stamps involved. Immigration staff in Room 401 denied that fine is scheduled to be increased. Staff was friendly and pleasant.

We processed a transition this week from a Class B status with work permit, to a Class O status with money in the bank. Interestingly, the processing person at Immigration made a specific comment that the individual's passport showed no sign of having ever made 90 day reports. But - they did not "bust" him. Still, no one at Suan Phlu outsde of Room 401 had ever before so much as hinted any concen for 90 day reports - so something is going on.

The 90 day report is a simple enough requirement - I don't grasp all the grumbling.



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This rule is poorly enforced.. and another money maker for the the Fine "I" staff.

Do other countries require this?.. There are so many variation of this rule.. YEAH...So called RULE..

But the day will come, when the clever chaps at "I" and F"" affaires will get there DUE...


Enlightened.. "shyreeah"

Keeping TRACK.. SHYREEAH..right..

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As a point of interest is the fine the same whether you are one week overdue or five years overdue in reporting or is there a sliding scale? I wish I was one of those who wasn't a lazy sod but I haven't reported in three years and have never had a problem come visa renewal even though I know that's no excuse. :o

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Many of us have come here to escape rules, so the grumbling and whining is normal... :o

But, as has been mentioned, Thailand has maybe the most liberal visa policy, and fewest government hassles of any country in this region, in my experience. I lived in Indonesia and Malaysia, too, and Thailand is easy by comparison.

It does take time for some to chill out here, maybe. In almost 20 years, I've never had a bad experience at immigration, and I've found the system to be quite flexible if you're smart and polite. :D

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How do they expect everyone to hear about this new change, not every expat in Thailand will be aware of this new rule and will probably fall foul of it.

um, well it is written on your TM card everytime you enter the country, or do you like signing things that you haven't read.

And actually, its an old rule, been around for more than 25 years.

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Here is a new slant for all you experts, I hope you can answer?

I am on a non O 1 year extention, with a multiple re entry. I work in Laos so I travel in and out every month, stay approx 2 weeks in Thailand on break.

So my question is am I required to report every 90 days? it will obviously be difficult to be on the date. maybe I am out or maybe in Thailand, look forward to any replies :o

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So my question is am I required to report every 90 days? it will obviously be difficult to be on the date. maybe I am out or maybe in Thailand, look forward to any replies wink.gif

No. Only if you stay more than 90 days in Thailand are you required to make this report. Each time you enter Thailand the clock starts again.

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