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Garden Mulch

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I have a lot of Large Garden beds that require mulching

the only thing i have been able to find that resembles mulch in anyway is the coconut chips, in bags.

i doubt it would be ok, as im in a very windy and exposed area so it would not remain in place for long

back home we had numerous types of suitable mulch that tended to "knit " together and wind was not a real problem

Does anyone know of a Garden Mulch type product for use on garden beds, or a source of it. Something vaguely similar to pics below.

i require a big quantity, 30 - 40 cubic metres, so transport from anywhere is not an issue

Thank You




mulch 3.jpg

mulch 2.jpg

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I used to go and pickup used sugar cane (after the juice was extracted) to bulk up raised beds, the seller told me it was told they use sugar cane for mulch around rubber trees, needs chipping first. After the juice has been extracted it dries out quite quickly.




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