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Smart Queue and so many problems registering for it


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The DLT in Kanachanaburi are insisting that the new computer system to register personal details and boo an appointment is now working after well over a week.
This is not true and to do with passwords but think it must be the software and being informed that it has now been fixed.
The fact is it has not and on the Facebook site can not even tell how long the queue is and hearing from various members postings on here ranging for several days up to 60 days plus.
What to do and because of Covit one can not go to their offices and the only plus point is that my existing 5 year car drivers license does not mature until 22nd May.
They do say if serious problems to come in to their HQ office but don't want to waste time and not at all confident in this system
Hearing others having loads of problems but some somehow are getting their licenses renewed.
Anyone else having so many problems on this
Many thanks

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