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Police will implement the demerit point system nationwide to start deducting points on all those who violate the traffic laws, especially now with the forthcoming Khmer New Year celebration and holidays. To effectively implement the system, 300 Smart PoS handheld devices with a driving score deduction app have been given to the traffic police in the capital and all the provinces.


General Him Yan, deputy National Police chief in charge of traffic, held a meeting on Monday to disseminate among other things the guidelines on the use of the app, the transitional payment system for road violators, and deduction of points.


The demerit point starts with zero demerit points and a person can accumulate demerit points on their driving record, depending on traffic violations or offences committed such as speeding, and driving under the influence of alcohol.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501053443/police-to-implement-demerit-point-system-full-swing-to-curb-accidents/



ThaiVisa, c'est aussi en français

ThaiVisa, it's also in French


Yawn...  didn’t they try this last year and a few years before that ? it never took off and of course it won’t the police system is corrupt but fortunately they are also extremely lazy. 


Imagine giving them discretion to issue ‘desert points’...   there will of course be negotiations to drop the points, for a fee of course.  Then we have the issue of ‘who cares anyway’ so many people drive without a licence and whats the penalty for that ?


Until serious measures are put in place... i.e. until cars and motorcycles are confiscated nothing will change... Then, which policeman is going to confiscate a Merc or a BMW ?.. everyone is connected in Thailand, everyone has a ‘phone a friend option’...   the police are powerless, which is why they are lazy, whats the point when all that happens is Khun Ying in her merc calls up the boss and tells the police offer to let her go on her way...  



As normal, only the poor of unconnected will face any of these penalties, which, is a step in the right direct but there are far more obvious things to deal with first. 

Fine ANYONE on the spot without a helmet - If they can’t pay the fine, confiscate the bike. 

Fine ANYONE on the spot without licence 10,000 baht - If they can’t pay the fine, confiscate the bike or car. 

Make drunk driving charges stick - the issue again is if a DUI driver loses their licence, they don’t care - they drive anyway because the penalty for driving  / riding with no licence is so pathetic. 


The whole system enables abuse of the system.


This of course only works IF the police themselves are not lazy and corrupt and the police are lazy and corrupt because they are allowed it be by a society in which corruption is so endemic its simply normalised. 



Nothing will change until there is a cultural shift - Even the Dr. who was killed on the pedestrian crossing  has since been forgotten and people are tearing through crossings once again without a care or consideration in the world.


It is what is is... and hopefully improvements will be made, but I haven't seen any at all in 25 years here.

A whole societal / Cultural shift is required...   the only impact I have seen is social media and dash-cams, but that only stops a few people...   






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