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Rare crocodiles released into wild in Cambodia raises hope for reptile conservation

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The largest ever release of critically endangered Siamese crocodiles into Cambodia’s wild last month has raised hope for the long-term reptile conservation and survival, conservationists said on Wednesday. Siamese Crocodile, or Crocodylus siamensis, is listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List as critically endangered, with roughly 250 individuals estimated to be surviving in the rivers of Cambodia.


Pablo Sinovas, flagship species manager with Fauna & Flora International (FFI)’s Cambodia program, said conservationists from the FFI and its partners in Cambodia freed 25 Siamese crocodiles at the Chhay Reap area in the Sre Ambel River in southwestern Cambodia’s Koh Kong province earlier in March.


“Three crocodiles have been fitted with satellite tags and all 25 were fitted with acoustic transmitters, the first time the species has been tracked in this way, allowing conservationists to collect vital data about the species’ range and behavior,” he told Xinhua.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501054167/rare-crocodiles-released-into-wild-in-cambodia-raises-hope-for-reptile-conservation/




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