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My Idea Of Heaven..does Such A Place Exist In Thailand?

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I have a feeling i'll get flamed for this..but before you slate me, dont be mean, it is a dream after all!!

7 months ago I came to Thailand and basically pitched myself in Chiang Mai, and havent explored much else. More of a nomad than a traveller I like to live a place for some time before moving onto somewhere new. I may end up moving back to CM, because i love it..but for now i need a change. Anyway, i have itchy feet, and itching for some kind of beach.

Blissful qualities im hoping for:

A small, but self contained beach side house, with veranda, and INTERNET ACCESS (a must for my income).

Safe and secure area.

Peaceful, but as i dont drive not sooo remote that its impossible to get around.

Far enough away from mass tourism, and views of pink flesh shaded under umbrellas.

Somewhere near wildlife/animals, but not so close as to trample me or try eat me 24/7. :o

I want to wake up to a view, without the noise of construction work or traffic, sit and work on my computer on the veranda.

I realise if this place exists it comes at a cost, but hopefully not a fortune. At present I pay a nice cheap 4-5k (total rent and utilities), but able to pay around 15k if ness. Of course..id rather rent cheaply! Frugal (not stingy!)Scot that I am :D

So cmon guys and gals..can you help me find a version of my mini utopia?


Why the need for pink flesh? why not brown?

I hope you find it

funny how things can be perceived differently. I read this as he did not want to see the pink flesh and umbrellas.


Oh no.."far enough away from.." ^^ I ment i would rather not have a view of tourists sunbathing (pink being the shade most turn into first :o ).

I hope i find it too. ty.

edit: Reason i put "safe and secure" is also because im solo female. I know everyone wants safe and secure, but thought maybe worth noting that point.

Why the need for pink flesh? why not brown?

I hope you find it

funny how things can be perceived differently. I read this as he did not want to see the pink flesh and umbrellas.

I'm starting to agree with you now :o

Edit: just got that! my bad

I have a feeling i'll get flamed for this..but before you slate me, dont be mean, it is a dream after all!!

7 months ago I came to Thailand and basically pitched myself in Chiang Mai, and havent explored much else. More of a nomad than a traveller I like to live a place for some time before moving onto somewhere new. I may end up moving back to CM, because i love it..but for now i need a change. Anyway, i have itchy feet, and itching for some kind of beach.

Blissful qualities im hoping for:

A small, but self contained beach side house, with veranda, and INTERNET ACCESS (a must for my income).

Safe and secure area.

Peaceful, but as i dont drive not sooo remote that its impossible to get around.

Far enough away from mass tourism, and views of pink flesh shaded under umbrellas.

Somewhere near wildlife/animals, but not so close as to trample me or try eat me 24/7. :o

I want to wake up to a view, without the noise of construction work or traffic, sit and work on my computer on the veranda.

I realise if this place exists it comes at a cost, but hopefully not a fortune. At present I pay a nice cheap 4-5k (total rent and utilities), but able to pay around 15k if ness. Of course..id rather rent cheaply! Frugal (not stingy!)Scot that I am :D

So cmon guys and gals..can you help me find a version of my mini utopia?


Most of Australian beaches are like that. Even 34 beaches in and around Sydney.

(Don't mention the price).



Ive been hunting online for something akin to this aspiration of mine, but its not easy.. :o

If say, i find a small place to rent..how difficult is setting up internet access?



Ive been hunting online for something akin to this aspiration of mine, but its not easy.. :o

If say, i find a small place to rent..how difficult is setting up internet access?


if you are far from the madding crowd yes the internet will be a nightmare :D


Anyone have ANY advice or suggestions of where somewhere like this could be found? :o


ummmm does the OP need ADSL/FAST internet or is slower ok?

If slower is ok then you can have internet anywhere in Thailand using gprs (anywhere that gets a mobile phone signal that is)

If the OP needs FAST/ADSL etc ... then the answer to the post is NO it does not exist in Thailand.


I would suggest Samui, the lower south of the island is still fairly untouched by tourists as the beach is not so great but there are wonderful views of some surrounding islands & there will be access to internet, although I am not sure if it is any good.

Any where between Hua Thanon through to Lipa Noi or even Nathon would be my suggestion to look & you should be able to find a good place in your price range too.

Why not take a couple of weeks off & scout around a few places.

The old saying, one mans meat is another mans poison, I find to be true when it comes to poeple giving advice on good places in LOS, for example, I personally wouldn't like Phuket as it is too big but others would hate Samui. :o

I would suggest Samui, the lower south of the island is still fairly untouched by tourists as the beach is not so great but there are wonderful views of some surrounding islands & there will be access to internet, although I am not sure if it is any good.

Any where between Hua Thanon through to Lipa Noi or even Nathon would be my suggestion to look & you should be able to find a good place in your price range too.

Why not take a couple of weeks off & scout around a few places.

The old saying, one mans meat is another mans poison, I find to be true when it comes to poeple giving advice on good places in LOS, for example, I personally wouldn't like Phuket as it is too big but others would hate Samui. :o

I agree with the personal likes dislikes statement! There are amazing places to be had around ... I love Phuket but MOST of the beach towns are just too much for me! Being sheltered in valley areas they build up pretty fast! However, there are places like Kamala and around Surin that haven't gone crazy YET. They will! Kamala is starting to get a building spurt! I really enjoyed my year down here and will be sad to leave to live in the big mango again ... but the next time I shift out of BKK it will probably be near NST or Chumphon (or up in Nakhon Nayok to get some projects there done)


Great stuff to help with my search, ty. Appreciate the link Robski, Chumphon looks interesting and looking into it more.

Totally agree with personal likes and dislikes, but its so hard to know where to start, so collecting others thoughts and advice is most helpful. As I mentioned, im not such a great fan of "travelling", but i love experiencing new places for periods of time, so doing island hopping and living out of a backpack isnt really my thing.

I will definately take 1-2 weeks out to stay in an area that i think hits the bill, but its finding the place thats the problem.

Looking for somewhere quiet for 4-6 months (more if i love it, less if i dont). No big bar scene etc. Im not really into hanging out in pubs or bars..and for now a bit sick of party life. Just want to chill away from it all. No tourist touts etc.


Then the areas in Samui I mentioned will be perfect, there is no tourist touts on these beaches & as they are off the main ring road are a lot quieter than other parts of the island but still accessable to the main towns & Tesco etc.

They also have no lady bars or clubs & the height of the social scene is a local eatery on the beach :o


Hi ! A friend owns these little beachhouses with wireless LAN ... very remote and direct on the beach, on Mainland opposite of Samui in Khanom.... you wanted something diffrent....




Ask for Markus, he is swiss, tell him you got the link from Peter ....

talk with him about the price, he will give you a lot cheaper than mentioned in the internet page... Try it ! Its quite nice!


You can take a little vacation/scouting trip and start in Phetchaburi heading south along the coast. Skip Cha-Am and Hua Hin and you can start again in Pranburi, then Prachuap Khiri Khan (my personal favorite) and even further south. Bang Saphan Yai and Noi are both nice, then try even smaller towns further down. I have a friend that is in a small town just south of Bang Saphan Noi that is very happy down there and he definitely has internet capabilities, just not sure how fast. Keep in mind that these places are also along the train line and if you need to get back up to BKK or CNX you can do so quite easily. They all have bus stations too.

Even if you don't find exactly what you are looking for you will have a nice time looking.


I have a feeling i'll get flamed for this..but before you slate me, dont be mean, it is a dream after all!!

7 months ago I came to Thailand and basically pitched myself in Chiang Mai, and havent explored much else. More of a nomad than a traveller I like to live a place for some time before moving onto somewhere new. I may end up moving back to CM, because i love it..but for now i need a change. Anyway, i have itchy feet, and itching for some kind of beach.

Blissful qualities im hoping for:

A small, but self contained beach side house, with veranda, and INTERNET ACCESS (a must for my income).

Safe and secure area.

Peaceful, but as i dont drive not sooo remote that its impossible to get around.

Far enough away from mass tourism, and views of pink flesh shaded under umbrellas.

Somewhere near wildlife/animals, but not so close as to trample me or try eat me 24/7. :o

I want to wake up to a view, without the noise of construction work or traffic, sit and work on my computer on the veranda.

I realise if this place exists it comes at a cost, but hopefully not a fortune. At present I pay a nice cheap 4-5k (total rent and utilities), but able to pay around 15k if ness. Of course..id rather rent cheaply! Frugal (not stingy!)Scot that I am :D

So cmon guys and gals..can you help me find a version of my mini utopia?


I think your 'package' is unrealistic.

Let me preface that comment with the fact that I have driven the entire gulf coastline and most of the Andaman. I ventured down every track that my 4 Wheel SUV would negotiate.

I found beautiful beaches with no people. I found lovely beachside communities with no / few farang services .. and no houses to rent. I found small communities where the beach was absolutely filthy.

South of NST, for about 100 - 150 km, the beach is 'disturbed' by the pumps, piping, etc for the large prawn farms. Much of the accessible beach had a road and little else.

When you find a 'paradisical' beach, you realize that someone found it 10 years ago and built bungalows and condos and resorts .. some that were left unfinished for the vegetation to hide .. testimony to the '97 crash.

Some 'resorts' built 5 years ago were constructed so poorly that the roofs are crumbling.

When you find a Moo Ban with reasonable houses, you have no way to control your neighbor. While some detest the sounds of construction, I detest the incessant barking of dogs and the noise enhanced motorbikes roaring past.

When you go looking for this place, you had better have someone helping you (preferably a local) who can speak Thai. Most people who live in the small seaside Moo Bans will not speak english.

As to where to look .. the area between Puktien (Petchaburi) and Thung Wualen (North of Chumphon) has some very nice beaches. Problem, some of it is getting quite pricey.

One tip finding good beaches. Hire a local fisherman's longtail and scout the coastline .. take good notes and then go try to find the places.

One of the nicest beaches I have ever seen on the mainland was accessed through a temple grounds. However, no houses, no water, no electricity :D

Anyhow, good luck.


my vote would be for Chumphon. Private houses for rent around 3k and up. Internet dial-up, hope that is not a problem, and some nice beaches with nice sun and moon rises.

Had Sairee is a good place to start looking. North and south of that are nice places too.

Hi ! A friend owns these little beachhouses with wireless LAN ... very remote and direct on the beach, on Mainland opposite of Samui in Khanom.... you wanted something diffrent....




Ask for Markus, he is swiss, tell him you got the link from Peter ....

talk with him about the price, he will give you a lot cheaper than mentioned in the internet page... Try it ! Its quite nice!

Khanom. A lovely quiet place. :o:D

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