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I am mostly a positive and happy person, I don't know how?, but some poster on another thread suggested I was dumb, so I guess thats my secret, the happy idiot :o .

Suits me fine :D .

Kind regards :D

Edited by larvidchr
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All this positivity needs a lightning rod to bring it back to earth.

If there is a problem look for the cause, cure the cause not the symptom, then you don't need to be either positive or negative, just be.

I'm with the klingon.

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Don't be afraid of death. Once you accept that, life becomes a pleasure. All of it. Without the bad, the good wouldn't be good.

After all, it's just a ride in a holographic universe that we have created in order to experience a subjective reality. Don't sweat it.

Sounds like a lot of twoddle - but all I can say is that it works for me.

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Don't be afraid of death. Once you accept that, life becomes a pleasure. All of it. Without the bad, the good wouldn't be good.


I would probably not use the word pleasure... life becomes interesting! (that feels better lol)

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Don't be afraid of death. Once you accept that, life becomes a pleasure. All of it. Without the bad, the good wouldn't be good.

After all, it's just a ride in a holographic universe that we have created in order to experience a subjective reality. Don't sweat it.

Sounds like a lot of twoddle - but all I can say is that it works for me.

I'm not afraid of death.

So long as I'm not there when it happens.

(Groucho Marx, I think)

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how to stay positive despite all the problems we face? everyone has them...some of bigger magnitude than others...some can cope better...but anyhow I think there comes a point when we all feel quite overwhelmed by it all....so having some thoughts to fall back on the help cheer us up is good...

I try to remind myself of those Ive met with bigger problems than me....especially the ones that somehow manage to face it all with an abundance of energy:

...for me the people Ive met /heard from first hand makes things more real.....

- a family with 5 children who have to take turns to go to school, eventhough education is free...simply because they dont have enough shoes for all 5 to wear to school

- a little boy who walks some KMs to school everyday cos his single Mom cannot afford to pay the 5baht equivalent of bus ride to school

- a single Mom who has 2 jobs washing dishes in a restaurant, and cleaning people's houses so she can put food on the table for her 4 children

- another woman with 9 children...yes thats right...9 of them..whose husband ran off to live with another woman...only to come back years later cos the second wife had died....and bringing with him another 9 children for the first wife to raise....and this is NOT a fiction!!

...just to cite some examples...

anyhow....if some of these things dont get me too mad first....I look at them and evaluate my own situation...conclusion --- Im WAY WAY WAY better off....thats a lot to be positive about :o

PS. the other night..i was watching on TV an interview of a thai-american woman who was injured by a bomm in Iraq....shes had both her legs cut off.....but there she was with the most brilliant smile and such positive energy....when asked how she does it...she said...she thinks back to the day she got injured.....couldnt move...yet a fellow soldier risked his life to come back save her. so she thinks if the guy did that to save her under such risks.....she MUST now continue to save herself :D her words really inspired me....what a brave woman

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thats a very easy question mate and i have the top answer,

become an emergency services worker and see what horrid cercumstanses people get themselves into, and you will never complain about your own lot. :D

also just to reinforce things, you only have to read some of the nay sayers on this forum and you stay positive so you can have a bleeding good laugh at them. :o

thank you very much,

and cheer up a bit some of you sad fellas. :D

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