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“Preah Thong Neang Neak” statue, which symbolises the birth of Khmer land, culture, traditions and civilisation, was officially inaugurated this morning. The inauguration ceremony was held under the presidency of Prime Minister Hun Sen and his spouse Bun Rany Hun Sen. “Preah Thong Neang Neak” statue of 21 metres tall on a pedestal 6.34 metres high is the largest copper statue in Cambodia.


Located at the Preah Thong Neang Neak roundabout in Koki Village, Bit Trang Commune, Prey Nup District, Preah Sihanouk, the giant statue weighs in total 60 tonnes and faces Ream Beach.


“Preah Thong Neang Neak” statue is among the four icons of Preah Sihanouk provinces. The other three are Golden Lions at the city centre, Preah Uma-Mahesor statue at the Preah Uma-Mahesor roundabout in Thmar Thom village, Ream commune, Prey Nup district; and three-faced Siha Reach statue in Sihanoukville’s commune 1.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501058587/cambodias-largest-copper-statue-preah-thong-neang-neak-inaugurated/



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