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The Most Evil Thing You Did As A Kid..


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here's a new thread. post the most evil thing you did as a kid. if you shot your teacher and went to jail for 10 years, don't post. that doesn't count. :o i think mine was in kindergarten when we were on a trip through a railway/airplane/car museum and we were all supposed to walk one behind another. well, we walked past this little pond, about 2-3 feet deep and i was the last kid in the marching ducks line, so i pushed the guy in front of me into the pond. nobody noticed, i pushed the next one in. then the teacher caught me. i think if he didn't caught me, i would have pushed the entire class in there one after another :D

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"Been there, done that" is the greatest oneself's experiences that when the time passes, you look back and laugh with tears!!!!!

My 'evil' one that came across to my memory just now is,

once back in my old-skool period of Por 5 (grade 5) I did force my (best) muslim girl-friend to eat pork.

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:o well its been about 16 yrs , so i guess i can fess up

my parents used to rent out one of our farm houses,

most of the people who rented them i got along with...but

there was one young couple i didn't like , not sure why ?

anyhoo, when they eventually moved out ,

i went up to the house to see if they had left anything behind...they had !

the lady had left behind some stuff, it was wrapped in newspaper

but i knew it was glass from the sound it made when it hit the floor !

i dont know how many i broke, but i remember hearing them come home

i ran pretty fast out the back door...

a bart simpson from wayback...i guess

chock dee

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My second and first worst things are tied together.

I think I was 6yrs old, and me and my two older (11& 12) 1/2 brothers received pellet guns for Christmas. :D

We went (Christmas Day) to a near by house which was vacant, and open. My oldest brother said what we were doing was okay, as nobody owned the house, in retrospect, think the house was either being sold, or already sold. Anyways, we went in and pretty much gave that house a thrashing with our new guns. The house was quite nice when we went in, but would be surprised if any glass was in tact when we left.

If that wasn't bad enough, we went outside where we began to shoot out the electric meter. On one of my shots, it ricochet (sp?) and hit my oldest brother in the eye. No damage done, but he was pissed. This little boy was about to cr@p my pants, when he turned and blamed my older (middle) brother. I didn't say anything :D , and watched my oldest brother kick the cr@p out of my older brother, who was crying and denying the whole time. :D

Never said anything to anyone, not to this day.

That's my second to, and worst thing I did as a child. :o

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Me and a mate crushed up some ford pills and put it in our teachers orange drink after two trips two toilet in 10min she started crying and run out the class room never to be seen again

This one I love. It stopped her cough as well. She wasn't brave enough to cough :o

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Hmm .. it's a toss up.

* hitting frogs across the street with a tennis racquet - taught to me by the Preacher's son, my best friend in high school!

* intentionally ramming the boat in front of us on a ride at Disneyland so that the people on it were launched into another trip around the lake! (I still laugh about that .. they looked so shocked!)

* tying up my friend from Junion High when we were on a Boy Scout camping trip -- He kept saying he could get out of any ropes. Well, I had just leaned square knots and taut-line hitches!

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Well since I am not one of gods favorites, I could make a long list here. :D

but will just stick to one story that happend when I was about 5 or 6 years old.

Me and my older brother was wrestling with each other just for fun, when my brother being 2 years older and 2 years bigger than me I did not have much of a chance. untill that day when he got me in a hold with my head just besides he dick.. you can guess for yourself what happend next................. :o

lets just say that my brother has never wanted to wrestle with me again since

cheers...................... :D

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Only did it a couple of times but it was a real giggle.

Dropped a packet of Durex in an old biddies shopping cart when she wasn't looking and then watched as she went through the checkout.

Maybe she thought that she was gonna get lucky. :o

And that probably wasn't the worst thing I ever did either.

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here's a new thread. post the most evil thing you did as a kid. if you shot your teacher and went to jail for 10 years, don't post. that doesn't count. :o i think mine was in kindergarten when we were on a trip through a railway/airplane/car museum and we were all supposed to walk one behind another. well, we walked past this little pond, about 2-3 feet deep and i was the last kid in the marching ducks line, so i pushed the guy in front of me into the pond. nobody noticed, i pushed the next one in. then the teacher caught me. i think if he didn't caught me, i would have pushed the entire class in there one after another :D

Why does it not count???

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It's difficult to make a choice from the long list, I shot my brother with a pellet gun on his ass from 25 meters distance, told him it wouldn't hurt from that far but he didn't talk to me for one week after it. I shot the front window out of the neighbours house from our attic, their family was sitting inside and boooooooom the window came crashing down. I've never seen our neighbour run so fast out of the house so see who did it. I did that one with my brother together by the way

My best; maybe this, I always used to drive bikes and learned at highschool how to open locks that were protected with a number code. In the breaks I opened locks from bikes and put them on other bikes and bicycles, we had 1800 students in highschool. That was real fun when they wanted to go home.

My English teacher was very religious and went to Israel one day where he bought some kind of seeds. He had a plant in his classroom and was very proud of it, he told all classes about this historty of those seeds. One day when we were already in the class he came later, just as he came in I pulled his plant out of the pot and showed it around as a trophy. He hit me right in the face and said: "You can go to the director and complain about that right now!" Which I strangely enough didn't do, I'll never forget that experience. He was my favorite teacher by the way..

Gee I miss those times...

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I threw quite a big stone into a wasp nest and started running as fast as I could.

"Forgetting" that my young sister was standing next to the nest.

Fortunately, the wasps were not too aggressive and she was too young to remember the story today.

But I remember it.

My father made sure I would remember it,... :o

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This is bad.

We had this girl in our class who was a bit slow or 'Cornish' as we say in Cornwall, one lunch break it was absolutely teeming down with rain and I was doing skids down a grassy bank, ruining my shoes as all good schoolboys do and I noticed that there was loads of earth worms coming out of the ground, these were the big fat, dare I say juicy worms.

At this juncture I noticed the Cornish girl walking along the path next to my grassy bank, I don't know to this day what possesed me but I gathered a handful of those worms, skidded down the bank right in front of her and smashed my hand on her head, mushing the worms into her hair, she had lots of hair :o

I know that some people in the more upmarket spa's in Phuket would pay alot of money for that but at 8 years old I'd yet to realise that people will pay money to have stupid things done to them, the poor girl reacted like Carrie, she just stood there and screamed and screamed and screamed

The logistics involved in removing those fat worms from her tangled and blood matted hair must have involved at least two teachers, a dinner lady and 30 minutes stood over a junior washbasin but the mental scarring would certainly last her a lifetime, I know I myself can't watch Carrie, and by association all Stephen King adapted movies without thinking of the worm incident

I'd like to apologise to any other victim of worm/boy abuse and point out that my dad really kicked my asss about ruining another pair of shoes

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These posts are quite funny, I hope I can add something.....

This is not for Cat Lovers:

I have two, I don't know which is worse. When I was 10, a friend of mine stole some ether from his fathers surgery. It sat around for months until one day we decided to perform an operation on the neighbour's cat. What made matters worse was the operation was performed in a toilet at theback of the neighbours arage. Well he chickened out and threw up in the toulet just after the cat passed out, lifting the lid the cat fell off and got its head wedged for a while between the seat and the cistern. After that was fixed and the operation properly started, I couldn't work out how to get all the parts back into the cat. As usual at that age a fight broke out deciding what cat parts went back and how. After there were bits of cat everywhere and well, the operation could not be called a success. Now with the solemn choice of what to do, our collective "Pea sized" brains decisions were made when we heard the neighbours car come up the drive-way. After grabbing what remained of the ether and the b-b-q equipment we scarpered over the fence. Making it to my back-shed and freedom. We washed up and well things were normal until the neighbour came knocking a few hours later. After being quizzed I said I had no idea, but I did head a dog. My sister (being regarded as responsible being 13) who hated the cat and the neighbour and by this stage knew what happened said she thought she saw a medium sized black and brown dog she had never seen before. Sadly enough some new people had moved in a week before a few doors further up the street and then they ended up having to mussle their black labrodor for 6 months......

The second one I got really angry with someone when I was about 13 and broke off their car radio antenna. Thinking this was weak I then wrote the word F#C& on the Bonnet or Hood of their car......

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These posts are quite funny, I hope I can add something.....

This is not for Cat Lovers:

I have two, I don't know which is worse. When I was 10, a friend of mine stole some ether from his fathers surgery. It sat around for months until one day we decided to perform an operation on the neighbour's cat. What made matters worse was the operation was performed in a toilet at theback of the neighbours arage. Well he chickened out and threw up in the toulet just after the cat passed out, lifting the lid the cat fell off and got its head wedged for a while between the seat and the cistern. After that was fixed and the operation properly started, I couldn't work out how to get all the parts back into the cat. As usual at that age a fight broke out deciding what cat parts went back and how. After there were bits of cat everywhere and well, the operation could not be called a success. Now with the solemn choice of what to do, our collective "Pea sized" brains decisions were made when we heard the neighbours car come up the drive-way. After grabbing what remained of the ether and the b-b-q equipment we scarpered over the fence. Making it to my back-shed and freedom. We washed up and well things were normal until the neighbour came knocking a few hours later. After being quizzed I said I had no idea, but I did head a dog. My sister (being regarded as responsible being 13) who hated the cat and the neighbour and by this stage knew what happened said she thought she saw a medium sized black and brown dog she had never seen before. Sadly enough some new people had moved in a week before a few doors further up the street and then they ended up having to mussle their black labrodor for 6 months......

The second one I got really angry with someone when I was about 13 and broke off their car radio antenna. Thinking this was weak I then wrote the word F#C& on the Bonnet or Hood of their car......

your very very right sir.......that was NOT for cat lovers. :o

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That post would have been a lot worse if the cat had woken up in the toilet with it's intestines and liver all over the place... Did it? Actually I don't want to know.

I am a cat lover and the worst thing I ever did to my cat as a kid was to put him in the pond to see if he could swim - he could.

As for cruel stuff well I too used to hit frogs over our house with a tennis racket like the bloke in the earlier post.

I also doused a wasps nest in petrol and ignited it and I used to watch flies 'breakdancing' after spraying them with fly killer.

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I did'nt have to do anything very bad as a kid because my big brother was a complete maniac. One time our parents gave him a 'laboratory set' for xmas. You could make rottenegg gas with it and a hostof other terrible things, one of which was called 'Touch Powder" .........George Bush would love this one..........you make up a l;iquid somehow by mixing some of the chemicals in this set (yes they marketed this for children) and then you paint the liquid onto a surface........it dried invisible. But when you touched it there was a small explosion ...."bang".........so my brother decides to paint every surface of the laundry room with thsi stuff and then toss our cat in there ........ the rest is history ! Later my parents denied it !!

Another thing my brother did......well ok I went a long this time......but he led me astray really......we broke into the school and stole some stuff fromthe science rooms.......I forget what it was called but it was a metal.......looked like a small cork but whencut witha knife it looked like steel inside......it was kept ina tin full of some sort ot liquid. Anyway, when yo ucut a samll piece and put it in water it would fizz and eventually explode........my brother loved explosions....... so we would go around to peoples house and fill the garbage cans with water and toss in a whole piece of the stuff ....not a small cut piece a whole piece.......thenwhack the lid back on the garbage can........then run and hide behind a tree or whatever....gees it was a laugh. Actually on the topic of explosions......my brother used to make up bombs from firecrackers.....back then yo ucould buy huge ones we called Bungers......he would tie four of them together and twist the wicks together.......then put the wicks through a hole ina cigarette.......the cigarette would burn down and light the fuses......and bang !!! One night he put one in the letter box of the deputy school principle..........it went off with such a bang that it knocked the brick post off it's base........it was connected with the whole fence and other posts by steel piping.........have yo uheard of concertina eefect !!! Or dominoes...yes.......the whole fence went over !!! I could go on forever !! Might write a book.

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My friend Colin, and I were the leaders of this cute bicycle gang and one time I was dared to get a cat, clime up a tree, and after swingin' it over my head by it's tail, throw it! Well, when you're young and hang out with a bunch of little ruffians like I did, you don't mind. It just so happens that I ended up getting to the top of the tree, and right when I was going to release this very dangerous cat, the branch broke! I fell, broke my arm, twisted my ankle, and then we all had to ride like crazy from this manic hellcat, oh the good ol' days! :o

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