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The Most Evil Thing You Did As A Kid..


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At about 6/7 I had a little girl friend. After school we both attended a play group. One warm summer day, we were outside playing in the playground. One of the 'toys' was a big red plastic barrel - I think we were supposed to climb through it. Anyway, upright it was taller than me, and on its side it cam up to by cheast. On this day, I lend the barrel against a post and climbed and stood on top of the barrel (on its side). I then called by grilfriend and convinced her to try. When eventually she got on top of the barrel, standing next to the post, I kicked the barrel away and laughed. My girlfreind fell and broke her arm. She latter hit me with the plaster cast (real plaster in them days).

At 15 I convinced my best friend that you could get high spraying breath freshner (aerosol) up your nose. It took about thirty minutes of hard work to convince him. I then watched as he sprayed menthol breath-fresh up his nostril. His eyes bulged and started streaming and he was choking for ages. It hurt like ######.

While camping I sewed up a friends sleeping bag after filling it with 2 packets opf digestives - smashed up. It took him so long to get in to bed, that he didn't notice the bisuits. They were gluey to his body in the morning.

Just before games at school (again at 15), I arranged for another 'best' mate to be 'hoistered'. A large group of guys grabbed him and ripped his underpants off by grabbing the back off them down his trousers and pulling up until his bum and tackle won the battle against the tensile strength of his undies (I think they call this a 'Wedgie' in the US/Oz - ?). He then had to change in to PE gear with no underwear on - at the time the changing rooms were being refurbished and we were changing in a classroom. As a mate, I held up a towel while he stripped off. I did a 50% good job. I walked off with the towel when he was in the noddy.

At 10 I, and few others, were put up a year. There was a girl (11 Y/O) who I had a crush on in the new class. After she spurned my advances, I made up nasty rymes about her. They soon become school songs, and gave her a reputation she did not diserve. I got thumped by our form teacher for that one.

Me and a friend used to have three 'activity' games we used to love:

1.) Garden knocking: The aim of this was to pick a road and run across the front garden of every house on your alloted side of the road. Any walls, hedges or fences between properties HAD to be compromised by climbing or smashing through. Bonus points were achieved by uprooting rose bushes and small trees on route - had to have them at the end. Knocked over a whole wall doing this once.

2.) Knock-Down-Ginger: The aim is close to Garden-Knocking except you have to ring the doorbell on the way.

3.) Letting-Tyres-Down: We would take a box of matches and wedge two or three matches in the air-valves all four tyres of a choice vehicle (bigger the better). The matched would hold the pin in, and all the tyres would go down.

Now I'm all grown up I have tempered a little. So far this year at work:

I asked security for a replacement desk key (for my colleages desk) while he was on holiday. I then proceeded to open the desk and remove the lock - simple single screw once open. Then swapped the lock with a spare, empty desk. WHen he came back his key did not fit, but he knew it was his desk because of markings that were on it.

While I was there I took the battery from his laptop (in the desk) and covered the electrodes in the laptop with clear tape and replces it. He requested a new battery, which did not work either. I let him know at that point.

I plastered 'no smoking' stickers over every available surface of a smoking colleagues desk, chair, monitor, laptop, phone and even pens. It tookl 5 sheets of stickers!

I put clear tape over the floppy port of another colleagues desktop with a non-system floppy inserted. So when he booted up it said there was a non-system disk in the drivem, but he could not seem to eject it.

I taped the ball in another colleagues mouse so it would not move, but was there when they inverted it.

I carefully tied the curly wire on a colleagues phone top to bottom. The curls hid it. They I phoned him. In his haste to answer it, he threw the phone across the room (the shoirt wire meant he picked up the the whole unit with the receiver).

I like to swap over mouse and keyboard cables - especially on docking stations.

With a little fiddling it is often possible to lock docking stations while the laptop is absent - it great fun watching oeple try and dock their laptops then.

Enough for now I suppose. I'm a nice guy really :o

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the additional 'evil' stuff i did to my friend (once again) is:-

when i was in Por 3 (grade3)

while we were playing during the lunch break,

i grabbed one of my friend's hand and suddenly the 'evil' inside of my thoughts came from nowhere, i then blew my nose on her hand!

ummm and i saw after that the hand was full of snot.


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At about 6/7 I had a little girl friend. After school we both attended a play group. One warm summer day, we were outside playing in the playground. One of the 'toys' was a big red plastic barrel - I think we were supposed to climb through it. Anyway, upright it was taller than me, and on its side it cam up to by cheast. On this day, I lend the barrel against a post and climbed and stood on top of the barrel (on its side). I then called by grilfriend and convinced her to try. When eventually she got on top of the barrel, standing next to the post, I kicked the barrel away and laughed. My girlfreind fell and broke her arm. She latter hit me with the plaster cast (real plaster in them days).

At 15 I convinced my best friend that you could get high spraying breath freshner (aerosol) up your nose. It took about thirty minutes of hard work to convince him. I then watched as he sprayed menthol breath-fresh up his nostril. His eyes bulged and started streaming and he was choking for ages. It hurt like ######.

While camping I sewed up a friends sleeping bag after filling it with 2 packets opf digestives - smashed up. It took him so long to get in to bed, that he didn't notice the bisuits. They were gluey to his body in the morning.

Just before games at school (again at 15), I arranged for another 'best' mate to be 'hoistered'. A large group of guys grabbed him and ripped his underpants off by grabbing the back off them down his trousers and pulling up until his bum and tackle won the battle against the tensile strength of his undies (I think they call this a 'Wedgie' in the US/Oz - ?). He then had to change in to PE gear with no underwear on - at the time the changing rooms were being refurbished and we were changing in a classroom. As a mate, I held up a towel while he stripped off. I did a 50% good job. I walked off with the towel when he was in the noddy.

At 10 I, and few others, were put up a year. There was a girl (11 Y/O) who I had a crush on in the new class. After she spurned my advances, I made up nasty rymes about her. They soon become school songs, and gave her a reputation she did not diserve. I got thumped by our form teacher for that one.

Me and a friend used to have three 'activity' games we used to love:

1.) Garden knocking: The aim of this was to pick a road and run across the front garden of every house on your alloted side of the road. Any walls, hedges or fences between properties HAD to be compromised by climbing or smashing through. Bonus points were achieved by uprooting rose bushes and small trees on route - had to have them at the end. Knocked over a whole wall doing this once.

2.) Knock-Down-Ginger: The aim is close to Garden-Knocking except you have to ring the doorbell on the way.

3.) Letting-Tyres-Down: We would take a box of matches and wedge two or three matches in the air-valves all four tyres of a choice vehicle (bigger the better). The matched would hold the pin in, and all the tyres would go down.

Now I'm all grown up I have tempered a little. So far this year at work:

I asked security for a replacement desk key (for my colleages desk) while he was on holiday. I then proceeded to open the desk and remove the lock - simple single screw once open. Then swapped the lock with a spare, empty desk. WHen he came back his key did not fit, but he knew it was his desk because of markings that were on it.

While I was there I took the battery from his laptop (in the desk) and covered the electrodes in the laptop with clear tape and replces it. He requested a new battery, which did not work either. I let him know at that point.

I plastered 'no smoking' stickers over every available surface of a smoking colleagues desk, chair, monitor, laptop, phone and even pens. It tookl 5 sheets of stickers!

I put clear tape over the floppy port of another colleagues desktop with a non-system floppy inserted. So when he booted up it said there was a non-system disk in the drivem, but he could not seem to eject it.

I taped the ball in another colleagues mouse so it would not move, but was there when they inverted it.

I carefully tied the curly wire on a colleagues phone top to bottom. The curls hid it. They I phoned him. In his haste to answer it, he threw the phone across the room (the shoirt wire meant he picked up the the whole unit with the receiver).

I like to swap over mouse and keyboard cables - especially on docking stations.

With a little fiddling it is often possible to lock docking stations while the laptop is absent - it great fun watching oeple try and dock their laptops then.

Enough for now I suppose. I'm a nice guy really  :o



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When I was in metal shop in high school I was prepareing a mold to pour. There is this white powder called parting compound. It is used to keep the 2 halves of the mold from sticking together. Anyhow I sprinkled some on the table and cut it up like it was a line of cocaine. I then called this guy who was a freqent drug user over and told him it was coke and that he could have it. He snorted the whole thing in one snort . He told us that was some good sh1t. After that day I never saw him again and nobody in school new where he was. It was like he just vanished. I have always been afraid to look in to it because all my friends use to tease me and said that I probably killed him with that stuff.

how long is the statue of limitations? :o

I kinda stopped doing pranks after that.

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We had some mouldy old buds that had been stashed away to long. So we decided to make some dope cookies. We made 10 cookies with 12 ounces of buds it sounded like a good idea at the time. After eating one our selves and 1/2 hour later decided that they weren,t real strong feed one to my girlfriends dog

Well I guess we should of waited a little long as I was starting to feel a slight disorientated so we whent and found the dog it was laying on the ground stiff as cardboard. Thought we had kill it for sure we try to get it to walk but it just kept falling over my girlfriend returned to find us trying to teach her dog how to walk. She grabed the dog and left shouting all sorts of abuse that night when the the dog regained consciosness it run around her house like a feral cat bouncing of walls and spraying green shit all over her house. But I did learn a good lesson never waste good drugs on a animal

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That post would have been a lot worse if the cat had woken up in the toilet with it's intestines and liver all over the place... Did it? Actually I don't want to know.

Sorry, I must apologise, Having no Medical or Vetinary training some things were neglected suck as a Heart Rate Monitor (What is a Normal Cat's Heart Rate anyway?) Blood Pressure Monitor, one of those anasthetic things etc etc. So I would be unable to reoprt as to the cats exact state when the "operation" Took place.

I did find out later the amount of ether would have tranquilized a large horse or a Buffalo so I don't think "Sooty" suffered. :o

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That post would have been a lot worse if the cat had woken up in the toilet with it's intestines and liver all over the place... Did it? Actually I don't want to know.

Sorry, I must apologise, Having no Medical or Vetinary training some things were neglected suck as a Heart Rate Monitor (What is a Normal Cat's Heart Rate anyway?) Blood Pressure Monitor, one of those anasthetic things etc etc. So I would be unable to reoprt as to the cats exact state when the "operation" Took place.

I did find out later the amount of ether would have tranquilized a large horse or a Buffalo so I don't think "Sooty" suffered. :D

They should put you for 24 hours in a dark room with Dr. Patpong, for what you did are no excuses... :o

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its in the Gallery here: Wolf's Gallery :o

Nice pics Wolf, nice kids, beautiful wife. You look like a pretty normal guy but you've got a great imagination. Keep up the good works and keep us informed about your latest tricks!



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When I was a kid ( yeah I know what a memory) when my mates and I went fishing we used to buy gentles( maggots) buckets of them.

Just to make a change from drowning them we used to go up to the west end of London an in the upmarket butchers and fishmongers run in and throw handfuls of these delightful creatures all over the produce on display.

Ah happy days.

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we used to go up to the west end of London an in the upmarket butchers and fishmongers run in and throw handfuls of these delightful creatures all over the produce on display.

Oh Yes !!!! Thats the spirit.

You get my vote. :o

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