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Data for iPad / Another "What´s the best available plan at the moment" question


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I hesitated to open a new thread but, as you can see, I opened one after all. 


I´ve got an (older) iPad that I started using again the other week and since it has the cellular option, I am thinking about using the cellular function whilst out and about. Yes, I could use my iPhone as a hotspot and actually MIGHT do this depending on what going for a dedicated (e)SIM might actually cost. So, I played around on the websites of True and AIS and was, quite frankly, overwhelmed by the sheer amount of different SIMs and tariffs on offer. I don´t need a tariff incl. minutes for voice and I don´t need those 20GB, 30GB or unlimited tariffs for 600 or 1000 plus Baht a month.


I guess, 3-5 Gig of data to start with would cover me quite nicely whenever I use the tablet outside a wifi area and there might be weeks or even a couple of months, when I don´t use it at all. So, from checking the websites it SEEMS to me that given my desire for a maximum possible flexibility whilst paying the lowest possible price that going for one of the many "prepaid" SIM cards and then adding "extra data packages" whenever I need data on the go seems to be the cheapest way. But is it really? I have been out of this "mobile data market" for too long to really know. Hence, why I would like to ask the members here for any ideas and suggestions as to where I should look. I am pretty sure there are some decent deals and promotions out there if only you know where to look.


Would be grateful for any suggestion. Thank you!



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Was just going to say that many telecoms offer second SIM for data only at a very low add-on cost, if you have a reasonable post-paid package. Obviously not for prepaid. But there, more or less offers are similar, what matters most is how much signal is available from chosen telecom where you actually want to use that iPad.

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What will you use the tablet for? This is probably the most important detail to share.


What is your budget? This is probably the second most important detail to share.


Do you currently have a prepaid or post-paid account with a local provider?







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Thank you all for your feedback so far! I will certainly check with True if I can get a second SIM for my existing post-paid deal I have with them. 


My expected usage pattern is still a bit vague since I hadn´t used the tablet for quite a long time. Hence why I don´t want to stay flexible and not subscribe to a 400 Baht plus deal for 20+ Gig of data. I expect to resume travelling within Thailand over the next few months so having the option to stream video content (plus the standard web browsing and email stuff) would probably come in quite handy. If I used the iPhone as a hotspot for this, my concern would be draining the battery too quickly.


Will contact True this week inquiring about the "second SIM for data".




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Just spoke to True. I cannot get a Multi SIM "deal" because my phone number is bundled with their broadband/TV packages and they don´t offer multi SIM for those "bundles". So I would definitely need another, new SIM deal if I wanted to use it in the iPad. 


Will shop around if something is available for something like 100-150 Baht a month to start with. If I turn into a heavy iPad user on the go, I can still "upgrade" to one of the 300+ Baht packages offering 10+ GB of data, I guess.


Again, thanks for your replies above. Much appreciated!

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17 hours ago, DUS said:

not subscribe to a 400 Baht plus deal for 20+ Gig of data.

While it's great that you can share what it is that you "don't" want to do, perhaps you can tell us what it is that you "do" want to do?


What is your budget? Without this detail it's nearly impossible to make any recommendations?


17 hours ago, DUS said:

so having the option to stream video content

What type of content? 4K Netflix? A 240p TikTok? How many hours per day?


This is important, you have choices of unlimited volume/fixed bandwidth (10 Mbps might work for you, but who knows?) or fixed volume/unlimited bandwidth.



What is your current post-paid package? Volume of data? Unlimited speed?


17 hours ago, DUS said:

If I used the iPhone as a hotspot for this, my concern would be draining the battery too quickly.

I'm not sure this is a reasonable concern?


16 hours ago, DUS said:

Will shop around if something is available for something like 100-150 Baht a month to start with. If I turn into a heavy iPad user on the go, I can still "upgrade" to one of the 300+ Baht packages offering 10+ GB of data, I guess.

So where are you seeing these sorts of plans? Can you provide links? You want prepaid or postpaid for any second SIM?



I'd try the hotspot method for a few months. This assumes you have a decent post-paid package, but again, who really knows besides you?





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24 minutes ago, rhodie said:

Here's a recent topic with some Lazada deals that may interest you.


Yes, these (3-/60/90/1 year) promotions are EXTREMELY cost-effective, but the speed is limited/volume unlimited or speed unlimited/volume limited.


Without any detail it's challenging to know if 10 Mbps will meet the OPs requirements. 


I think there is a DTAC version which offers 20 Mbps?


There are also fixed volume (say 30 GB) and unlimited (well, 300 Mbps) speed options available too.



Gazillions of resellers and options. Many have been discussed here.


The first, most recent reseller I saw on FB just now





Some decent deals


True, 1 year, 60 GB per month at full speed (might be metered at 300 Mbps?) for 1,280, so ~ 110 baht/month.


DTAC 1 year, 100 GB per month, mas speed, 1,750, ~ 150 baht/month.







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