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OLIGOMANNATE tablets in Thailand.


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My sister’s doctor prescribed her OLIGOMANNATE but can it find in my home country. Can I find this medicine in Thailand ? I asked several pharmacy including southeast pharmacy in bkk but no one has it. How can I find this medicine ?


OLIGOMANNATE 150  Name of medicine 


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1 hour ago, Farmerslife said:

Green Valley Pharmaceuticals. 

The information I saw online may well be out of date but it was stated that the drug is not yet available outside of China.



I see. So I think I cannot find it in Thailand as well. 

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No, you will not find it in Thailand.


I don't know its status in China (or Turkey), but in most countries it is still considered experimental. Phase III clinical trials in progress in the US now and will not finish until  2026.

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The article linked to below mentions a "recent FDA approval" of aducanumab, which is the name of the active substance in the product with the brand name Oligamannate, apparently in the USA since Medicare is also mentioned.



I haven't found any information, though, whether this product is already commercially available in the USA or elsewhere outside China.

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7 hours ago, Puccini said:

The article linked to below mentions a "recent FDA approval" of aducanumab, which is the name of the active substance in the product with the brand name Oligamannate, apparently in the USA since Medicare is also mentioned.



I haven't found any information, though, whether this product is already commercially available in the USA or elsewhere outside China.

Oligomannate is a generic name, not a brand name (sodium oligomannate, to be exact).


it is a completely different drug from  aducanumab. And does nto yet have a brand name.


Sodium oligomannate is still in testing phase for US FDA approval (for use in Alzheimers Disease and Parkinsons). It was approved in China in 2019 for use in treating Alzheimers. From what OP says there is also some off-label use for MS.


Aducanumab (brand name Aduhelm) was approved for use in Alzheimers disease by US FDA last year. The approval has generated controversy as the evidence for benefit from  use is limited at best (in fact initial clinical trials showed no benefit, then data was re-analyzed and showed very small benefit in one sub group of patients). Many doctors refuse to prescribe it for this reason.


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