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How Much Do Give Your Wive $


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I give my wife between 75,000 and 80,000 baht per month. She saves religiously, she doesn't loan money. I have been doing that for a year now. I think it was the smartest move I ever made. We have a nice home, business, and new pick up. We also have a nice chunk of money in the bank. I do have other accounts though. I don't put all my proverbial eggs in one basket...

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the US did try and invade Canada. It was the Canadians that burnt down what was to become the White House. Called that now as it was painted white to hide the scorch marks.

On July 12, 1812, forces under General Hull crossed into Canada at Sandwich. The invasion was quickly stopped, and American forces were forced to withdraw. By August 16, Hull surrendered Detroit.

Most historians consider the war of 1812 "inconclusive", in other words, a draw.

Oh...and just to keep it on topic, 35,000 Bt / Month.

Sir Burr-head-in-ass,

These great "historians" you speak of wouldn't be the same genius "historians" who think england won WWI, WWII, Gulf War I & II all by themselves?

Still dreaming of the empire? The empire America took after WWII without even one shot. You great english soldiers gave up your empire without even a fight. I thougt the spoils of war went to the victor.

Now what are the great english up to? Begging at America's table for scaps. Hiding behind America like a scared child hurling insults like you, drunk whiner at the pub all day then trolling the internet forums.

Sad. You're pathetic.

The British fought harder than anyone to keep the Nazis from crossing the Ocean to our shores. The real crime is that we didn't send troops sooner. You're lack of historical knowledge is a clear demostration of what we Americans are of accused of, thanks for proving them right. Disgraceful. :o

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I STRONGLY recommend giving the Mrs. a lump upfront and sprinkle her monthly.

Agreed, I've been trying to give my missus a lump upfront for some time now. I sprinkle her every night but no sign of any lump yet.

Maybe I'm firing blanks? :o

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Just keep plugging away. I think the plugging will be more effective than the sprinkling. :o

I STRONGLY recommend giving the Mrs. a lump upfront and sprinkle her monthly.

Agreed, I've been trying to give my missus a lump upfront for some time now. I sprinkle her every night but no sign of any lump yet.

Maybe I'm firing blanks? :D

Edited by Gary A
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It can take up to 2 years even if you are both fertile.

Age is no barrier either though it may slow things down a little.

Keep "changing the oil" and listen to all those old wives tales.They don't do abit of good but can spice up the event.

If you are really concerned get a sperm count done.

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CTM - Not worthy of a response.

Yet still you respond in the typical condescending smartazz english way.

Yes, I'm the azzhole :o not the bitter english pissheads who turn 75% of the threads on this board into bashing America and Americans.

You are so sad and pathetic. I really do feel bad for you that even in Thailand you can't be anything but bitter pissheads.

Jeff1 - I purposely used the term english, not British. Don't show your ignorance by using the two terms interchangeably.

thaibebop - Please show me where I injected my "lack of historical knowledge". Last I checked the British Empire was gone in any meaningful form and America was the only world superpower. If this is wrong, please correct me. I await your bar stool brilliance.

I feel really sorry that so many Americans feel being "international" or "multicultural" means bashing America and all things American. Maybe someday you can see the good and bad in all places.

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These great "historians" you speak of wouldn't be the same genius "historians" who think england won WWI, WWII, Gulf War I & II all by themselves? There was one Gulf War and it was America's war and not the UK's.

Still dreaming of the empire? The empire America took after WWII without even one shot. What land did America take away from the British after WWII? I really can't think of one thing. I can't understand why we would take anything from our aliies either. We tried to take the place of the French in Vietnam. I think you are confused. You great english soldiers gave up your empire without even a fight. The UK is still alive and well and they fought tooth and nail during WWII to keep it that way. I am sure even you have heard of the nightly bombings London had to face. I thougt the spoils of war went to the victor. Britian was the victor as was the rest of the allies, last time I checked. :D

Now what are the great english up to? Begging at America's table for scaps. Hiding behind America like a scared child hurling insults like you, drunk whiner at the pub all day then trolling the internet forums.

Sad. You're pathetic.

The British fought harder than anyone to keep the Nazis from crossing the Ocean to our shores. The real crime is that we didn't send troops sooner. You're lack of historical knowledge is a clear demostration of what we Americans are of accused of, thanks for proving them right. Disgraceful. :o

Jeff1 - I purposely used the term english, not British. Don't show your ignorance by using the two terms interchangeably. Why don't you explain the difference between them. :D

thaibebop - Please show me where I injected my "lack of historical knowledge". Last I checked the British Empire was gone in any meaningful form and America was the only world superpower. If this is wrong, please correct me. I await your bar stool brilliance.

Check the highlighted areas. Also, please stop saying you are American, you are not doing us any favors. :D

I feel really sorry that so many Americans feel being "international" or "multicultural" means bashing America and all things American. Maybe someday you can see the good and bad in all places.

No one is even thinking this, so please get off the soap box. What we are thinking is that you are an undereducated jacka$$ and your manners are more the question of the day rather then anything to do with America. Straight up and fly right, bub.

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Trying to work out a set budget for the wive while I am at work as I work 35 days on and 35 off. my wives parents also live with us and I have a 4 month old daugter. How much do you guys give your wives per month including power, water, UBC


Rigger just wonedering why you need to set limit or system for your wife? I mean i have been married now around 8yrs and me and my wife have bank account what we both can use if and when needed, you should able to trust your own wife and her judgement of money?

regarding our monthly budget while im not home, is one 3rd while im home so my wife actually spend less money while im not home to compare while im home..

We have, if you count elec.(1700),water(150),UBC(1700),cell phones(30000), home tel lines(1000) and fuel for car(4000\Mth)=38550Thb(while im home)

We actually have our own house and family live in they own house other side of the street, like normal European style, where marriged cpl do not live with they parent's...

Hope that you can solve your issue some how...

all the best


Fcking hel_l 30,000 baht a month for mobile calls, are you serious!!! Where the hel_l does she call? Timbuktoo!

Edited by JimsKnight
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