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PM seeks Public Cooperation To Address Road Safety


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1 hour ago, Humpy said:

It might help if the police were to do their job. Police road check points in our area begin after school kids are in class. They pack up before the students leave school........ I wonder why ?

From a school near me. No helmets on anyone.a.jpg.6dca13093a4478b48da9a9f3acee373f.jpg


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Take that useless submarine money and put up cameras and speed detectors like they do in UK and many other countries. Pay up when fined ( big) or confiscate. Same with bikes. Make the driving test a proper one.  All solved. Then there’ll be cooperation. 

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If you want results, do something about it.


Imagine if Thai power holders approach towards traffic safety would be equally harsh and effective as what they do to keep democracy at arms length, and overall  protection of the elite and their system. Even minor offence in that area gets actioned with severe punishment. And education from young age about how people need to behave in that respect.


Just imagine if traffic would get priority even close to that. But no. Things are as they want them to be. 



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49 Awards in which categories. Maybe in award categories like these;


1. Best Head On Collision award

2. Most deaths in a pick up award

3. Best brake failure excuse award

4. Most bus passengers maimed in a single vehicle accident award

5. Best scooter accident without a helmet award

6. Highest alcohol blood test award


And on and on.....


There will be no reduction in the road toll without education and proper licence training, cooperation of the populous and a willingness of the police to enforce road safety. 


Also, how about counting the deaths that occur post accident instead of only counting those dead at the scene. The death rate is definitely well under reported. It should be "Disgraceful Thailand" when it comes to driving and driver consideration of other road users.


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I've always avoided driving peak hour in the big Northern city I live but unfortunately as of a week ago need to take the kids in the city to school everyday. I knew things on the road were bad here but just not how much! Like 15 near misses every trip. Just every man for himself. Food vendors on the side if the road in several areas one of the biggest roads in the city. 2 lanes taken up by the vendors and the other by people double and triple parked. You go around them to get past and that's when they decide to either pull out on top of you or open their door. Or you run the gambit passing in the oncoming lane and head on with someone. Then there are the swarms of motor cyclists just going wherever they want. Nothing to indicate turn right and 3 idiots pass you on the right as you are turning right. Need 5 sets of eyes and while you are watching both sides and the rear you are not looking ahead. Just see absolute brainless acts of suicide everyday. Then there is the school! School crossing completely ignored and these are 6-12yo students. One of the most shocking things I have seen here is when you step out on the road to cross, kid on each hand and someone is actually speeding up to try and "win". Sadly 98% of the time it is women who you would have more empathy for a father walking across the road with 2 very young kids. At best they wont reduce speed and just swerve around you. Then there is the school itself. You can't walk on the pavement leading to the school as it is chok a block with vendors selling candy and toys, trying to get kids lunch money I suspect. So everyone including kids on their own need to walk on the side of the road. The entrance to the school is completely blocked with motorcycles. I mean not 6" between them and there are no clearways to get to the entrance. Burnt my leg twice on bike exhausts already. No supervision at the gates or crossing either. the crossing is just completely ignored. Then there is the trip home. Always bless myself when I get back home safely. Never seen anything like it, a complete clusterferk. Total disregard for the safety or well being of the kids 

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Well This is Thailand, with the mai pen rai attitude, so what ever the PM thinks is

not going to change anything. Darwin principle is still very much in effect for

some Thai drivers. I guess this is what wishful thinking looks like.

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2 hours ago, Road Warrior said:

and there is road cop there !!!!! what's is his duty to ENFORCE THE LAW /????

Well that was my point, all he does is stop the traffic for the kids to cross, a cop doing the job of a lollypop lady. ????


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On 5/26/2022 at 12:50 PM, HaoleBoy said:

Most accidents in Thailand involve motorcycles with riders often neglecting to wear helmets  ...


An easy place to start would be at schools.  Do not allow any student to leave on a scooter without a helmet (whether a driver or a passenger).  Ensure all students leaving on a scooter has a valid DL too.


Next do data analysis of accidents.  Different areas have different needs I'm sure.   Simple data analysis would show what areas to focus on for that area.  In some areas it may be road conditions which should be easy to fix ... other areas need more enforcement ... 


It isn't just motorcyclists that are the cause of accidents.  

  • people driving the wrong way - car, motorcyclists, trucks
  • people driving with no lights at or after dusk - cars, trucks, motorcyclists
  • people with no DL - cars, trucks motorcyclist
  • ...

Next look at the laws pertaining to motorcyclists.  In BKK a scooter or big bike must drive in the left lane where busses are cutting people off all the time.  It is the most dangerous place to drive.

But most wear a face mask. Doesnt that protect them?

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On 5/26/2022 at 12:28 PM, 2long said:

'A benefit of bad traffic is that you're less able to drive fast enough to be killed in an accident.'

His words, not mine. ????????

Unless your a young off duty policeman tearing across a pedestrian crossing to the ultimate disadvantage of anyone actually using the crossing as it was intended.

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Road safety starts at home..................and is based on common sense. If Ma & Pa don't wear a helmet the kids will never do so. 

What you can get away with in the village does not work so well in the bigger cities - the bad habits being too well established.

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What makes me laugh is at our town they only pull cars over as people go speeding past no helmets 3or 4 on a motorcycle but they are all waring masks it's a joke but nothing will change unless something is done at the top but I wouldn't hold my breath

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