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I know it is hard to believe, but let me tell you there are more things happening then you know.

It is OK, step by step you will understand, just follow this thread.

If you have any questions, please ask.

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Dear well respected members of this board Ping and Tijnebijn,

I feel you are very cruel........and I will report this :o

Don't worry, there is more insanity to come ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa!


Oh and don't worry.

Police have been given the go-ahead to use Taser stun guns against children.

The relaxing of restrictions on the use of the weapons comes despite warnings that they could trigger a heart attack in youngsters.

They can now be used against all potential offenders even if they are unarmed.

Have a good day, I hope you feel safer now.....

Edited by AlexLah
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Hmmmmmm, tasers against children.

There is a hidden sumfin in there.

Anagram of taser is "stare"

So now ya gunna hypnotise lil kids by staring at them.

Meaningful looks brigade on rampage.

Possibly just filthy looks to scare'em, that it? Alex.

Wot ya think, guys?

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Another fly catcher you said you need, not sure what it is exactly what you mean but by reading between the lines I

assume you wanna have a bit of fun with 'The Shoe Lady'?


By the way her name is: цыпленок and during our time together we discussed some simple equations like:

That's my sister's name also !

Alex, you are truly a twisted genius. I wanna party with you dude.

What are you doing this September..??? :o

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Her day job's a nun, gampaan. Hope that doesn't put the shrink-wrap on your snag. She looks like a bricky's labourer with that body, though, and probably as rough as one. Does absolutely nothing for me...ugh! Are you sure 'she' is not a 'he'?

I think Pete's onto something though. Any of these horrid little perishers get out of order, stare them down. That'll keep them in line - for enough time to get the taser out, anyway.

Alex, can you come up with a better mozzie repellent - of the type that only uses radio waves?

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a better mozzie repellent - of the type that only uses radio waves

Urrrrrr I might have one of those still in the back of my garage.....


It's a bit old fashioned tech stuff but easy to locate those litlle basterd5 and then send them to the eternal bloodbanks with a rolled up newspaper.

Zpete by the way you got one of the hidded message correct, amazing!

And now that is it legal to taser those what we call "Shortnecks" that indeed is excellent news, right?


Was indeed planning to scare them by staring at them but normally they already start running when they see me, ha ha.

Some other news that hit the headlines today and is closely related to the facility I visited as shown in previous post.



I think I pushed the right buttom......

Some of you will be delighted to hear that pretty soon I am going on another mission.

When everything goes as I planned, it will be all over the news.....

No worries I am prepared and will bring one of those.


Sex pistols, please destroy all you have of it , it reminds me of one of my GF that liked playing it when doing some bedroom olympics.

That relation ended quickly I can tell you.

Oh and Ping, you prefer those bag of bones FHM children that are posted in another fred instead of a bit more meatier ones like цыпленок?

Peace to ya all!

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Alex, I like the mozzie zapper. It wouldn't be called the 'Mickey Mozzie Zapper', perchance. Imagine if you strolled into the pub with those ears on! I'm sure that with your expertise, Alex, and all the inroads into miniaturisation that have been made over the past three or four decades, you can come up with a far smaller pair of mozzie zapper ears than those!

Lucky that is Christ the Redeemer being struck and not Mo... you know who! 'nuff said (you know, forum rules, and all that sort of thing...)

The electronic spud gun though - who will you be firing at with that? Careful they don't shoot back (to steal your potato supply).

No can do with the Sex Pistols records. I have a general loathing for punk 'music' but the Sex Pistols are one of those rare exceptions - arguably the founders of the genre and therefore bona fide pioneers. There are those infrequent times when I actually enjoy most of their music to this day... usually after having emptied several buckets of grog down a parched throat.

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Ping, I agree, punk, stunk, still does.

But then that may be wot skeeterz dun like.



I reckon I have found out where ALEX has bin tripping off to.


An image from Mars taken by NASA's Sprint Rover shows an image that resembles a figure walking among the planet's rocks


Watch the video.


Pretty spooky.

Ping, does it look like Alex?

:o ............. :D ......... :D

Edited by Zpete
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Her day job's a nun, gampaan. Hope that doesn't put the shrink-wrap on your snag. She looks like a bricky's labourer with that body, though, and probably as rough as one. Does absolutely nothing for me...ugh! Are you sure 'she' is not a 'he'?

If that's true about the Nun, that's even better. :D

I speculated as to it's natural born sex in another post. But some nights I doubt if I'd care, hurt me baby..do your worst.... :D

Pete, just looks like every other Bigfoot pic I've ever seen. I guess now we know where they are comming from.... :o

Edited by gampaan
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Well I reckon it's her - red stockings, in the snap on Mars. Top bit of research there, by the way Pete. No way known these scientific-type folk are going to convince me that it's just another peculiar shadow. Sure, they will show another snap from another angle that purports to put the kybosh on any mystical theories, bit I believe that the facts are as follow:

1. There was once intelligent life on Mars (just as there was once intelligent life in New Zealand)

2. Due to some cataclysmic event - we may never know the reason - the atmosphere from the planet was lost

3. In consequnce of the loss of atmosphere, water was not retained upon the surface of the planet

3. Over the millenia, the signs of past life have been eroded by cosmic winds, asteroid strikes, etc

4. The 'face' on Mars, the pyramid and the statue are all that remain to our present knowledge - sole geographical survivors from the above destructive forces due to pure luck

5. Terran authorities believe that this realisation of other intelligent life within our own solar system would cause economic chaos, and so have run a masterful conspiracy to conceal the truth by 'photoshopping' the images to alter their appearance from different aspects... so that they appear 'natural'

6. There could be intelligent survivors of the cataclysm sheltering far below Mars' surface. However, it is unlikely, since the cataclysm is likely to have been unforseen and instantaneous (perhaps weapons research gone wrong or a devastating asteroid strike)

7. In common with their terrestrial counterparts, Martians probably constructed buildings with basements and underground military complexes. These could contain technological innovations that would provide terran discoverers with a significant military and technical advantage over the rest of the World. Hence, USA's extraordinary financial investment in exploration of the planet

8. According to one leaked piece of information from NASA, a bridge structure has been found over one of the Martian canals, and it is for sale

Anyone want to buy a bridge?

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LOL, Ping.

Information overload, what I would expect from Alex.

I think he is getting into you......... :o

All the theory about pre historic martian sivillyiashun, is fascinating, desite being held together with rubber bands.

Betta return to a sane country, like, OUTER ROA.

Did Alex lend you one of his mind bending, washing hemets?

(Wunda where Ping Googled all dat data from.........LOL)

Edited by Zpete
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Well I reckon it's her - red stockings, in the snap on Mars. Top bit of research there, by the way Pete. No way known these scientific-type folk are going to convince me that it's just another peculiar shadow. Sure, they will show another snap from another angle that purports to put the kybosh on any mystical theories, bit I believe that the facts are as follow:

1. There was once intelligent life on Mars (just as there was once intelligent life in New Zealand)

2. Due to some cataclysmic event - we may never know the reason - the atmosphere from the planet was lost

3. In consequnce of the loss of atmosphere, water was not retained upon the surface of the planet

3. Over the millenia, the signs of past life have been eroded by cosmic winds, asteroid strikes, etc

4. The 'face' on Mars, the pyramid and the statue are all that remain to our present knowledge - sole geographical survivors from the above destructive forces due to pure luck

5. Terran authorities believe that this realisation of other intelligent life within our own solar system would cause economic chaos, and so have run a masterful conspiracy to conceal the truth by 'photoshopping' the images to alter their appearance from different aspects... so that they appear 'natural'

6. There could be intelligent survivors of the cataclysm sheltering far below Mars' surface. However, it is unlikely, since the cataclysm is likely to have been unforseen and instantaneous (perhaps weapons research gone wrong or a devastating asteroid strike)

7. In common with their terrestrial counterparts, Martians probably constructed buildings with basements and underground military complexes. These could contain technological innovations that would provide terran discoverers with a significant military and technical advantage over the rest of the World. Hence, USA's extraordinary financial investment in exploration of the planet

8. According to one leaked piece of information from NASA, a bridge structure has been found over one of the Martian canals, and it is for sale

Anyone want to buy a bridge?

Whaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

And you guys think I am the conspiracy lunatic, ha ha haaaaaaaaa.

Do you have any evidence to back up your claims dear Ping?

If so, please post, I am open minded.

Are you one of those that think it is all about oil why the US invaded Iraak?

It is all far more sinister, sorry I cannot tell. You would not believe it.

Anyway, I am busy in India/Pakistan right now, just wait for the headlines.

Do you want me to bring some gift for you?

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Ping, if I decided to purchase........

Yer'd call me a complete Martian Mooglewally.

Akshully, I think it would come in handy up MacKay way. (Spellin,,,????)

All the deluge and deluvian problems there.

Bound to be sum poor little rich banana bender, farmer who could use it.

Alex mite sell it on commission to Ally Kydah, or the Telly Bands.

Alex, bring a banana bending machine back from yer Injun mates for Ping to sell in OZ

Can ya do that?

Edited by Zpete
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Yes, can you arrange to get me one of those celestial bibles - Martian language edition? I have a (not-so-secret) mission of my own - I am still trying to sell a certain bridge to Pete!

And look what I found.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shall I grab a few?

(Still working on the banana bender)

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Hi Alex,

Are they written in Martian scrip?

Ping would need to get them translated, if not.

The Martian Language

Actually there were two Martian Languages.

The two centers of civilization on Mars, the Western at Trivium Charontis, and the Eastern at Isfenferath, each had its own language.

Which are your finds written in?

:o //////////// :D ............... :D

Should I be laffin, or serious?

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Iraq war about oil???? Does anybody still believe that shiite ? At $3+ a gallon, I only wish it was about oil at this point. We got as much oil here as Saudi. The Chinese can drill the Gulf of Mexico but we can't ? W W What ?? Why don't the tree huggers want us to go for it ??? Hmmmm :o

Can you say Red Square ??

Edited by gampaan
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When Alex returns from Mars, we must ask him if oil is cheap there.

Buy oil from Martians.

It could be cheaper than being screwed by Saudis etc.

How big would an interplanetary hyperpowered tanker cost?

(3 bucks a gallon, where is gas that cheap?)

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Sorry Alex, I have changed my mind about the celestical bibles. If you have room in your bag, please pack me a punkawaller - it's been warm the past few days here and my aircon has broken down. No chance of it getting repaired until winter, in all probability. Is that okay?

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