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They Say You Should Never


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Yeah, Alex, that is a hard one.

Some thoughts...........

I think this is important in cases in which one is presented with various choices and is told one has “the freedom to choose whatever one wants.”

I think there are many individuals living their lives under the guise of freedom when all they really have is ‘choice.’

If one were indoctrinated to think in this way(choice=freedom), then for their entire lives they could be thinking they’re ‘free’ when in fact all they have is a label, Big C or Lotus, brown bread or white.

I don’t hope to shift the discussion towards ‘economic freedom’, I’m just trying to follow my thought through. I could express it like this:

Freedom = “I can choose between ‘x’ and 'z‘.

In all reality, there no total freedom, Alex.

Are all those peole in the westen world, 'really' free.

I suggest, there are degrees of freedom, wotya think about that? Alex.

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Hi Zpete,

You are right about giving people the sense of choice and the impression that they are free to choose.

But again I come back to the majority that make a different choice then you.

You should obey by the rules set by the majority.

But what if I do not?

A simple example, I choose not to wear a suit when having a bizz meeting.

Just wear the clothes I feel comfie in (T-shirt and jeans).

The GM of my company comes to me and ask me if I think I am on a holiday.

I ask him if the story I tell will be differently percieved if I was wearing a suit and if so, why?

I ask him why do you want me to wear a necktie, what does wearing a necktie means to you?

And for sure the majority of people at the meeting say you need to wear a suit but have no answer on why.

You are judged on how you look.

And all of that is influenced by the media.

How to be really free?

I guess living on a deserted island with some kind of food supply will do it.

But then there is the Maslow ladder, telling you food is number one, and 2 and 3 are related to interaction with other human beings.

So the question remains, How to be free?

Kind regards,


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Avarice and ursury keep people shackled.

Do away with money.

And all will be free.

Trouble with that, there would be nothing.

If we were totally free, then freedom would become a curse.

Greedy people will always be around to curb ya freedom.

No idea how to assure the world of freedom.

You agree?

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Zpete and readers and repliers to this insane thread,

We are trapped inside a prison that has either been created by ourself, religion, government or the disposable society we live in. It doesn't really matter how, really.

Look at Burma, Darfur, Rwanda and many other "incidents" that are happpening and have happened around the world.

Rigged election's, corruption in all layers of governements and businesses around the world.

And what people do?


I really hope for an event that will wipe out 95% of humans and infra structure so humans can start again as happened in the past.

How ya think about that?

But let's change the subject to a more nice one, OK (Just stick our heads in the sand).

Have you ever tried eating rice with your hands?

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Have you ever tried eating rice with your hands?

My first experience in digital dining was at end of year Sri Lankan Tamil trophy presentation.

My Tamil friend asked me to be the official photographer.

It was a great nite, beer etc flowed abundantly.

The caterers appeared with the most enticing array of dishes.

Pix were taken etc, when I was told to get a feed, great, my mouth was watering in anticipation.

Filling my plate, I went lookinjg for cutlery, none in sight.

Looking around, I was astonished to see everyone scooping up their rice. curry, gravy and all using their fingers.

It looked soooooo grooooooss......yukkky!!!!!!!!!.

A spoon was found for me, and I enjoyed my feed, but total enjoyment was tempered watching the others eating.

I was the only non Tamil person there.

Now when I do all their photographic work, I make sure I have a spoon and fork with me.

Only rice I have eaten with hands would be dry rice bubbles.

I suppose there will be a number of S_Ls and Indians in TV who use fingers as matter of course.

Watching people eat like that took a lot of getting used too.

Are you there?

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I am with you Zpete.

Eating with your hands is disgusting!

And then the funny excuse they have that food taste better when eaten from the hand.

Thai people gathering on the floor for eating when there is a table and chairs available.

No no no, eating should be done on the floor.

I have lost my hope.

How about you?

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Alex, I always say, they think it tastes better cos their fingers slipped wiping ass and never washed their hands.


Yeah, I was invited into a Thia household after a tour.

The family were all sitting on the floor eating.

I was invited to join in, I politely declined, exusing myself as a diabetic, having to be careful what I ate.

Hey, I love hawker foods in Bangers and Honkers, not against the foods, just eating on the floor with soi dogs roaming around, NOOO WAAAAAY, BIG WAY.

I f I joined them, my only hope would be a proper dunny close by, and heapsa paper, or bidet..........LOLpost-46648-1211332916_thumb.jpg Poor Aston, wonder how he was caught like this?

Imagine having the "trots" on a squat.........

How would you feel?

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Am I the conspiracy lunatic or not?

Go here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...25&start=25

Or is this all true?

Who knows the answer on that?

Are we being misguided by the people we have chosen to be our leaders?

For how long this has been going on?

And the most important question:

What are you going to do about it?


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Well, being president of the procrastinators society.

I will be, when I get elected.

Mind you I must get around to joining the society first.

Alex are you a member and passing the buck?

Seems THEY could be members too.

Maybe if you join like me, things may come to pass that will clear the air.

What do you think of that?

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Zpete and all other dear members of this great virtual community,

It is time to reflect and understand the basics of human behaviour.

What we think and what we try to be are totally different for some, maybe most.

But the continues brain washing attempt's by religion, government and MSM, in fact are very effective.

Ask anyone if they think there is an active program in place to control birth.

They (The majority) will laugh at ya.

I then ask, how about condoms, 1 child policy, anti birth pills, abortion?

No this is not birth control, it is about preventing STD's has been the usual reply.

I am telling you all!

Prepare yourself how to survive.

Some major event will happen in the coming months.

It will be in South America.

Watch my words.

You have any question?

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The catholic church has much to answer for in Sth America.

Many other states too.

Contraception should be available freely.

Blotty jealous priests etc, should shut their collective traps.

It is the same in most religions, find a way to scare the bejeebers out of the populace.

Nobody knows about the so called afterlife.

Go to hel_l, if ya do not do as we say..........<deleted>.

UN should start a , "Ban Religion" action world wide.

I feel I am a rationalist, like to be logical.

NO religion is based on logic.

Waddya think about that.?

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Dear Zpete and all other very well respected members/readers/contribitors of/to this magnificant thread.

Untill people that study some kind of religion realise that religion as such is a paradox we will not be able to create a peacefull society.

Every religion tells you have to respect other people and all living creatures around you, take care the planet and not destroy it.

But instead what they do?

They tell and try to convince you that their god is the only one.

I told this to Christians, Muslims, and even had this discussion with the father of a friend of mine that was a preacher in a church.

He could not give me an answer.

Is there anybody here that can give me "The Answer"

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Hi Alex.

As mentioned.................

To me it is simple logic.

There is a God, but oviously we /the others, are NOT keeping him happy.

He is punishing those nations and religions who are not being good world citizens.

Earthquakes, using the weather, seems to be his methodology.

Over the last few years, most serious quakes and floods, have been in muslim countries.

I am awaiting news of China's Three Gorges Dam.

An Environmental Catastrophe, a disasterawaiting to happen, awaiting THE mother of all earthquakes.

The destruction from that, unimaginable loss of life.

What does that tell you?

The recent China event.

Unfortuntely, the innocent suffer most.

The chinese kids in schools shoddily built, by hip pocket filling, local government officials.

There is an uprising germinating in China.

In the US, which is almost as bad, tornadoes, floods, the cycle of serious weather based events is on the increase.

The tsunami that almost wiped out a muslim country, Aceh, including the sinful areas of Thailand.

Which nation will be next?

Do you agree?

If not, why?

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Dear Zpete,


Over the last few years, most serious quakes and floods, have been in muslim countries.

There is a God.

Please provide a link to your source.

The fact that you do not spell muslim as Muslim tells me a bit about you, unless it was a mistake.

Remember we should not judge people on what they believe or what they wear, whatever.

Exactly what is told in the Bible and Koran and all other religions.

I have many many friends that are either Christians, Muslims, Budhist or any other religion.

They are good people and live together in peace.

I, for instance have no problems at all with people that believe in something.

As long as they do not try to bother me with what they believe, I am fine.

You try to blame it all on religion while the fact is that you could blame it all on corrupt leaders and people involved.

The people that where elected by the majority, influenced /brainwashed of sheeple by MSM.

Those are the people that watch TV news and papers and never do any research themselves in order to find the truth.

Are you one of those Zpete?


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Hi Alex,

I guess, deep down we all have a belief that there is a superior force, which is in control.

How anyone is able to believe, "God loves us."......

<deleted>, if he did we would all be living a life of love, where evrything is good and no sickness, crime, no disasters etc.

I think somewhere along the way, I mentioned......

Religion can be very satisfying for many people.

Religion taught as intended by Mahammed, Jesus, whoever, by the persons responsible can be the best help many people will get in their lives.


They want to impose THEIR version of how to interpret the relevant books, the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud, whatever it may be.


Life after death is most common.

They say things to frighten the bejeebers out of their followers.

Do you disagree?

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Dear Zpete,

I just disagree about the part where you mention that all of us deep inside know there is a superior force active. and in control.

If there was a superior force, that force would stop us humans to start wars and destroy this planet.

That "Force" that people are looking for, is hidden inside yourself.

But nobody looks there.

All those religious people feel there is something outside, looking at them.

I found this "Force" hide inside me and I discovered it!

It is so amazing dear all, to find the truth inside yourself.

You never ever looked there did you?

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Alex, suppose I must agree with you to a certain extent.

My force within, is called "Freewill", which we all have.

Some of us are able to use our freewill, but many due to other controlling factors, have it, suppressed.

Muslims, and Chinese are prime examples, of religious and state control, no freewill..

In many so called, Catholic countries, people are controlled by the church, no freewill if you are a devout follower.

Look at the poverty and suffering in Sth American states.

The Catholic church, many other chistian faiths are responsible for so much suffering around the world.

Our inner force can only push us to rebel, which many do.

No, there is a much BIGGER force of some sort out there.

You must agree.

If not, how/where did the universe start, come from?

Don't come back with the "Big Bang" theory.

Who caused the Big Bang?

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Pete, I think the 'big bang' you refer to is but a snapshot in a breathing organism that always has been and always will be. It is too much for the human mind to grasp the times and distances involved here. The universe expands until gravity has more power than acceleration, then it falls back in on itself and repeats the process. No, I'm not Carl Sagan's bastard love child, but that is the theory that makes more sense to me than any.

I know I've been away for awhile, but what happened to Alex's concubines? And how did we get on this???? :o

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Sorry to step in, but shouldn't this thread be more, um, "entertaining?" Though it is somewhat entertaining in its way... :o

LOL, Alex and I seem to be the only posters.

Myself, it is all tongue in cheek, but serious too.

Lotsa times writing these posts, I am laffin to meself.

Add a page, have some fun, but keep to the thread.

All posts, MUST finish with a question.

'Ijustwannateach' Are you game?

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Holy crab, Zpete,

You bring up some very cu*to versial questions and comments here.

Very entertaining I must say.

Zpete, with Big Bang you mean who gives the biggest bang for the bucks right?


And Gampaan the concubines you refer to have all suddenly vanished into the digital batlle field, just looking for some new ones.

I do have some new candidates but a litlle problem on who to choose.

As the next mision will be in SA, I need a specimen that is familiar with that environment and can blend in.

On a side note, has anyone of you have an idea to start a very controversial topic here on TV ( within the rules) just to divert the attention to this Fred?

Alie Ben Hassin el Haqsa,

Inshallah! (If/when God wishes).


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Oops, I thought the post had to *start* with a question- will you forgive me?

No problem friend, we all make cock-ups.

Do you like a co*k up?

Where did the phrase cock-up originate?

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