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As the next mision will be in SA, I need a specimen that is familiar with that environment and can blend in.

By that, I presume you mean, the Starship Andromeda.

Which galaxy you off to. Alex.

Reckon ya mite find the force that created the big bang there?

Ya betta be careful, hope ya not gunna get into a "black hole".... hahaha, or are you?

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As the next mision will be in SA, I need a specimen that is familiar with that environment and can blend in.

By that, I presume you mean, the Starship Andromeda.

Which galaxy you off to. Alex.

Reckon ya mite find the force that created the big bang there?

Ya betta be careful, hope ya not gunna get into a "black hole".... hahaha, or are you?

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Was hoping for you to tell us, Alex.

We bow to your wide ranging experience "in" these things.

That is the "w_hole pont of asking.

You disappoint us saying that.

Surely you are kidding, rite?

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I am not kidding,

I only see this Fred moving lower and lower.

People do not want to hear the thruth, they just wanna keep on going and live their dream.

The dream that is projected to them in the form of advertisements, movies, soapies and all other sh1t.

Yes, you have to marry, have a house , car, baby, dog and so on.

My next post will show it all for those that are open minded.

The world is not what it seems to be.

Have you ever seen the movie called: The Matrix?

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The truth, ya really believen there is truth out there.

The truth, the whole truth, nuffin but the truth....

So help please the Force.

What is a matrix, a group of mattresses?...... :o

Edited by Zpete
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And for those of you that still don't get it, here is some other proof that the world is not what you think it is.





An alien captured by villagers in Thailand.

What you think?

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Absolutely amazing pictures Alex , what is it ?

My wife just looked over my shoulder and said that they( those people ) worship

something like this , thinking it's got magical powers or something .

It definitely looks amazing , half bodied something , where did you get it ?

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Absolutely amazing pictures Alex , what is it ?

My wife just looked over my shoulder and said that they( those people ) worship

something like this , thinking it's got magical powers or something .

It definitely looks amazing , half bodied something , where did you get it ?

I have always wondered whether "ET" returned.

Thank you , Alex, now I know.

Who killed him?

Tijn, I am sorry but I cannot tell where this picture was taken.

Who killed"it"

This is a very complicated question and it would be better if you ask: " What killed it"

The reason I posted this pic is that I need to probe you all.

Do you think life exist outside our planet?

If you think so, it must shatter your believes in a God.

You all understand this would cause big problems once we reveal this info to the general public?

I am awaiting your answers.

I can show you some very high Top Secret Clasified documents.

Are you willing to believe?


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Alex, I showed your alien pics to one of my middle East associates, Hassen Bin Sober, he claims it is a Mexican pinata washed up on shore. I'm not completely on board with this explanation. I believe it is Britney Spears' sisters' unwanted love child. Abandoned in the night in a BKK soi, only to be found by some food vendor, and sold to superstitious villagers for 500 baht.

What do you think Pete...?? :o

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Not a bad theory, Gamps.

Possibly being poor, the may onsell it to hawkers.

Hawkers may make ET soup, Exra Tasty

If it is not E.T., it could be........

T.E., Thai Extraterestial.

Mite be an idea to send it to Friendship Beach BBQ.

Let members decide, even BBQ it.

Are you going?

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Dear all,

I see many speculation of what these pictures show, but let me first show you something else.

As you all know I have many many many many many many many many, secret classified info to share (these pic's are just one of them).

Are you willing and openminded enough to have a peak into the future?

(If so, please look at this:



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Yes I did, after eating the flesh of God I became 200 years wiser (sorry for my English spelling mistakes).

If you do not know what that is (Flesh of God), just Google it.

To you non believers, followers of MSM, have you ever tried thinking outside your grey sheeple box?

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Magic mushrooms are the flavour of the month.

The Aztecs called them Teonanacatl, "The Flesh of God".

I tried them once.

I have to say, if they really are The Flesh of God, then I prefer The Flesh of Cows - or steak at least - in taste,

Magic mushrooms are now illegal here, but who cares.

Alex, do you like that brand of flesh?

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Magic mushrooms are the flavour of the month.

The Aztecs called them Teonanacatl, "The Flesh of God".

I tried them once.

I have to say, if they really are The Flesh of God, then I prefer The Flesh of Cows - or steak at least - in taste,

Magic mushrooms are now illegal here, but who cares.

Alex, do you like that brand of flesh?

What flesh?

The taste of a dead cow or the musshies?

In taste for sure a dead cow will win.

But what about the other flesh?

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I must admit to having a taste for the shrooms back in the 70's-80's. And that flesh will do what no steak I've ever had will... :D

I'm pretty sure that I saw those Aztecs that Pete talked about. :D

But were they REAL?? :o

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I'm pretty sure that I saw those Aztecs that Pete talked about. :D

But were they REAL?? :o

Dems real mushies, they gives yo helloozinashuns, guess ya saw dem fer real, Gamps.

Reckon Ping could do with a feed of them fleshies.

Then he would stop thinking my eye ticks.

Wotya reckon peeps?

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And for those of you that still don't get it, here is some other proof that the world is not what you think it is.





An alien captured by villagers in Thailand.

What you think?

I think I spotted KEITH HARRIS in the background and who covered poor ORVILLE in Bacofilm

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