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They Say You Should Never


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You better be carefull what you say.

I might gonna force feed PlaRa to you and put so many lek prik ki nu in it, that the next time you go to the toilet and your a55 is on fire, you would wish to be sitting in hel_l as that would be like sitting in the icebar.

Here what's waiting for you.

3 cup papaya (paw-paw) julienned.

500 gr. of prik ki nu daeng (red birdseye or dynamite chilis). These are normally de-stalked, cut in four length-wise then in half cross-wise.

20 cloves of garlic, chopped coarsely,

1 cup of prik chi fa daeng (red Thai jalapeños)

1 cup of long beans cut into 1 inch pieces (Thai long beans if possible)

pinch of salt

4 teaspoons of fish sauce

¼ cup of tamarind juice

1 big glass of juice from of pickled mud-fish.


Looking forward?



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Something definately wrong with your internal memory Tijnebijn.

Daq Zpete, will be in BKK somewhere next week.

And you already said you could not make it.

Have you tried a full reset?


And he only wants to see Zpete.

Why is that?

Handsome, good looking STRAIGHT guy.....

Who wooden wanna meet him???????

Back in Chalong tonite, 9th, for at least 4 nites.

Bangers 14th - 15th - 16th for sure.

Left me gal in Manila..... snifffffff.

She gave me permission to go to Soi Cowboy, well I read it that way........ hehehe

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That's it!!!!


You will be force fed with half a kilo Som Tam Pla Ra a day.

And if you think you can escape, please have a look at my profile and personal picture.

You Thithi, are now considered a TT (Thai(visa) Terrorist). :D

Tell your family and friends you are going for a litlle holiday soon.

No worries, I have reserved a nice chair for you. :D


Are we close to the 25 th post aready?


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Well I can congratulate you with your biggest achievement in live then.


Sorry sorry, :D I just could not resist.


Ooops end with a question, uuurrrrrrrrr.

I wonder why Zpete writed straight in big capital letters...............

Anybody can answer that question?

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you are defo. wrong, fish head.

It's not the biggest achievement but it is smth that could halp me a lil for beatin yr ass.

of i have to call a ghostbuster if it doesnt work

do you think it's gonna work?

Edited by thithi
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Perhaps Pete still considers the possibility you were gay Alex ....

Or at least that he is straight , so no mistakes .....

Not that it matters aint ?

Anyway thinking what Pete is thinking at Soi Cowboy at his age ,

why are people so attracted to a place with a average IQ of a PLARA ? :o

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Well in the three years I have been living here I can honestly tell you that I have been there exactly 2 times.

I do not even know which Soi it is in, but my two of my friends that live in SG love it there.

Ah, Pete thought I was gay so he does not like gay people and why is that?

I think each and everyone is human first.

And to reassure him,. no I am not gay.

I am lesbian :D

Anyways I will see if I can catch up with him next week and have a small TV pissup, ha ha.


And Thithi, you are very funny person, I was rolling on the floor from some of ur replies :o

You didn't take it all too personally did you?


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You can check out if Pete has been there ,

the smell of plara sticks for ages :o

Don't think Pete cares about someone being gay or not ,

but you know those Kiwis and Aussies are a bit

rougher then us West Europeans aren't they ?

And sorry comparing a Kiwi with an Aussie .......

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Tijnebijn, are you trying to tell us that fish are Muslim as they can have more than one partner?


I dunno about that Tweety Thithi, I do not have animal planet here.

Normally for TV and movies I go here: http://www.free-tv-video-online.info/internet/

I am almost sure you did not have this link.

Did you?


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No i dnt. thanks for sharin

but you should watch yourself in the youtube, mr fish head.

ok now be nice with me. I'm sick and couldnt get to sleep unless i stop laughing

Cant you just shut you plara mouth up, Plarex?

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I dunno what you are seeing on your probebly highly virus infected PC, but here is a screendump when I go to that site.


I dunno if you use anti virus/spyware software but I would advise you to install a firewall that also provides safe surfing.

I use this one and so far it is one of the best and free.


Install this freeware first to clean up your system:


Easy one button clean up do this everytime when you finished surfing.

Make sure you have pop up blocker enabled in IE (Click tools tab on the right hand upper corner)

If you wanna be 100% safe go here and download: http://www.surfright.nl/nl/hitmanpro

It is a program that downloads free anti spyware and when you run once a week you should be fine.

I am sure you have some kind of spy/malware on your system as I had that kind of things before as well.

Last year a sales guy gave a presentation to my (then) team and everytime those xxx pop ups appeared, his head was red like a tomato, ha ha.

So i dunno how expert you are with safety on the net but just like to let you know the above as it will help you and anyone else that is on the net.

So how about you being sick, what you have, fever, stomache problem?

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ughhhh againnnnn.....



longggggggggggggggggg post

no what i meant is ...... adult website pop-up. u know .. i'm underage


oh i just caught a cold. it was raining yesterday after having a cake fix at Central World.

me vulnerable yeh?

thanks for askin.

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