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But carrying an empty family-size stack of pinto under my arm all day, until I ceremoniously undo the thing to have it filled at the end of the day -NO, I am not trying to win the 'Amazing Farang Award'.

Excellent! The 'Amazing Farang Award', I can see a whole series of Mr Bean type episodes :o:D:D:D

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Yes and America with 4% of the world's population but causes 25% of the greenhouse gas emission.

Yea, it not greenpeace paradise here...but look at some of the backyard of the 1st world countries and you will find many similarities.

BTW, it doesn't take a lot of effort to say no to straws and plastic bags. Smile and use your hands to wave no to the straws...less than 5 seconds and it works rather well.

Thats what i was going to add well done

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Yes and America with 4% of the world's population but causes 25% of the greenhouse gas emission.

Yea, it not greenpeace paradise here...but look at some of the backyard of the 1st world countries and you will find many similarities.

BTW, it doesn't take a lot of effort to say no to straws and plastic bags.  Smile and use your hands to wave no to the straws...less than 5 seconds and it works rather well.

Thats what i was going to add well done

Scott, you have to realise that these are Farangs we are hearing from, if they had nothing to moan about, their lives would be unbearable.

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Scott, you have to realise that these are Farangs we are hearing from, if they had nothing to moan about, their lives would be unbearable.

Come on Begs, everyone has a whine now and again, it's a release valve. It helps you better appreciate the good things in life :o

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Hearing Americanisms really gets my goat as does the American accent on a Thai woman.

Why can't these young and well travelled Thai's just be proud to be Thai?

If they think that walking and talking like an American is cool or clever then they are still very, very underdeveloped.

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Hearing Americanisms really gets my goat as does the American accent on a Thai woman.

Why can't these young and well travelled Thai's just be proud to be Thai?

If they think that walking and talking like an American is cool or clever then they are still very, very underdeveloped.

You are right.

I am working in Japan and its the same here, somehow it is judged to be cool to dress and walk like a Black guy in Harlem, and the young Japanese smoke American brand cigarettes, which is also more cool than smoking Japanese brand Cigs.

<deleted> knows why.

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Because the US are the greatest country in the world, and everybody wants to be the same, except for some fanatic terroriste.

Please tell me that was meant as a joke, :o

"We all want to be the same as the US" :D

Come on stop it, your hurting me. :D

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Because the US are the greatest country in the world, and everybody wants to be the same, except for some fanatic terroriste.

I've been living in the US for nearly a year before coming to Thailand and while i agree its a great country, it is seriously going downhill. The people i've met, including my some of my best friends there, are very nice, don't get me wrong. But the US lost the title "land of the free" by now. There are many countries which have much more freedom than the US today.

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My pet peeve is with rubbish diposal. If you've ever been on the train from Bangkok to Butterworth, then you have noticed how the stewards gather up all the rubbish from the passengers into big bags and then casually throw it out one of the train car windows right before Padang Basar. If you go into the toilet cubicle on that same train, you'll notice the train tracks passing by as you look down the

$#!% hole of the squat toilet. In other words, the entire length of train track from

Bangkok to Butterworth is covered in human excrement and urine. makes for fabulous fertilizer I'd imagine.

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Because the US are the greatest country in the world, and everybody wants to be the same, except for some fanatic terroriste.

:D:D LOL....It's a nice country with some nice people...

But wanting to be the same??? I am not so sure about that. :o

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Because the US are the greatest country in the world, and everybody wants to be the same, except for some fanatic terroriste.

Look on the brightside of life only about 10% of Americans have passports and even better news is that not all of them use them.

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it certainly isn't Thai people as Thai people don't read sub-titles unless they go to watch the latest movies at the cinema.

Where did you get this little gem of Mis-information from?

Through experience. I have been 'living' with Thais since 1990 and they never watch the English movie channels with Thai subtitles. The titles are so small and flash on and off the screen so quick that they barely get a chance to finish reading them and then lose part of the story.

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Because the US are the greatest country in the world, and everybody wants to be the same, except for some fanatic terroriste.

Look on the brightside of life only about 10% of Americans have passports and even better news is that not all of them use them.

The whole point of travel is to meet 'new' people and see 'new' culture. So this 10% thing is a bonus for me. As for you Brits, God help you, they're crawling out of every orifice in Thailand. Topic of this is 'Annoyances,' eh?

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Because the US are the greatest country in the world, and everybody wants to be the same, except for some fanatic terroriste.

Look on the brightside of life only about 10% of Americans have passports and even better news is that not all of them use them.

The whole point of travel is to meet 'new' people and see 'new' culture. So this 10% thing is a bonus for me. As for you Brits, God help you, they're crawling out of every orifice in Thailand. Topic of this is 'Annoyances,' eh?


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Hearing Americanisms really gets my goat as does the American accent on a Thai woman.

Why can't these young and well travelled Thai's just be proud to be Thai?

If they think that walking and talking like an American is cool or clever then they are still very, very underdeveloped.

I like 'uderdeveloped' Thai girls as long as they are 18 years of age.

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it certainly isn't Thai people as Thai people don't read sub-titles unless they go to watch the latest movies at the cinema.

Where did you get this little gem of Mis-information from?

Through experience. I have been 'living' with Thais since 1990 and they never watch the English movie channels with Thai subtitles. The titles are so small and flash on and off the screen so quick that they barely get a chance to finish reading them and then lose part of the story.

So when my missus is watching a movie with sub-titles, she isn't really watching a movie with sub-titles, ok i will inform her, cos she can't be watching it and reading sub-titles cos you say that Thais don't.

Thanks for that information. Wot a tosser.

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BTW, it doesn't take a lot of effort to say no to straws and plastic bags.  Smile and use your hands to wave no to the straws...less than 5 seconds and it works rather well.

I am absolutely amazed how things as trivial as 7/11s giving out straws and plastic bags to customers would be regarded as annoyances. And

pointless little square reciept
which I have to seperate from my change before I can put it back in my pocket.
Oh my God! It's the end of the world! Just imagine all the stress and time it is going to take!

But if those so-called pointless little square reciept are not being given, I bet a lot of farangs are going to complain about being scammed. Thais just can't do anything right! :o

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BTW, it doesn't take a lot of effort to say no to straws and plastic bags.  Smile and use your hands to wave no to the straws...less than 5 seconds and it works rather well.

I am absolutely amazed how things as trivial as 7/11s giving out straws and plastic bags to customers would be regarded as annoyances. And

pointless little square reciept
which I have to seperate from my change before I can put it back in my pocket.
Oh my God! It's the end of the world! Just imagine all the stress and time it is going to take!

But if those so-called pointless little square reciept are not being given, I bet a lot of farangs are going to complain about being scammed. Thais just can't do anything right! :D

Yeah yeah *snore* Oh I'm so sick of all these farangs moaning about how much they hate Thailand. Why don't they go home if it's so bad, why do they stay here if they hate it so much... *yawn* Oh you people, do you have nothing better to do than moan etc... etc... I love it here and I don't complain about anything because I'm a model farang.

Another boring bastard.

Come on, this is a post entitled 'Annoyances' - NOT; I hate Thailand and wish I was back home.

I love my brother very much but he doesn't half piss me off sometimes, do you get what I'm saying?

Now pull off your halo and join in... Slag off mosquitoes or crap taxis or SOMETHING, otherwise don't post if all you're going to do is moan about petty things. :o

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That is exactly what I was posting. Annoyance!

Seeing farangs getting angry, faces getting hot and red so easily in Thailand with very trivial stuff. Just why do they get angry so easily?

BTW, how interesting a bastard are you?

And I think "boring" is quite a popular word in England. Hear it all the time.

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Hearing Americanisms really gets my goat as does the American accent on a Thai woman.

Why can't these young and well travelled Thai's just be proud to be Thai?

If they think that walking and talking like an American is cool or clever then they are still very, very underdeveloped.

Reading a Thai forum thread on annoyances that is used as yet another excuse to post some more anti-American B** S***.


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We Americans don't mind it too much if people hate us; we're almost as bad as the ultimate self loathers, the British. Oh, really I am terribly sorry, terribly sorry!

With your last comment I find it very hard to believe you have ever been to the U.K. and only know what you have seen in movies such as National Lampoons European Vacation etc... or anything with Hugh Grant in it playing, as he almost always does, an apologetic, bumbling English fop.

We are not self loathing but we do admit to being a shit, messed up country - something you people simply can't do, you are always blowing your own trumpet, saying how you're the land of the free and the land of oppertunity, yet you have never had a president who was black, female or gay, and I think you and I both know it's unlikely you ever would.

Read p1p's long posting that is a response to the complaints regarding 'America bashing'.

From what I could gather, P1P is himself an American, and one of the monority who's views I respect as they are not insular and he has actually stepped out of the ring and is open minded and smart enough to see things from the perspectives of others.

It is your ATTITUDE to your country and to other countries which pisses people off, and this is what creates so much hate, enough hate to plan a terrorist attack such as 9/11 - something you STILL haven't learned from or understood because you were too busy saying, "We are the united States of America - how dare you attack us, we are the most powerful country in the world, revenge revenge etc..."

-Cue banners and sympathy and celebrities and tribute concerts... Now don't for a minute think I condone the attacks, but I do understand them because I, and even some of your fellow Americans are open minded enough and intelligent enough to understand WHY that day happened.

Now I feel I have been fair this time and not just trying to wind you guys up, but LEARN to take criticism on the chin - us Brits can for crying out loud, why can't you?

I hope this posting doesn't get me trouble with the mods, but I wouldn't be surprised if we are referred to the Bear Pit for future discussions, but you won't find me in there cause there's no point in discussing this because you're never going to hold your hands up and say, "I suppose I do see your point, it's not a great time to be an American and I'm not proud of what my country has done to the world but please don't judge me on the faults of my country as a whole, we're not all the same". Some Americans do and they get respect for it and people then listen to them and give them a chance, but most don't because you guys can't admit any sort of defeat, faliure, fault or shortcoming.

And that is one heck of an annoyance.

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